View Full Version : Financial Requirement for spouse visa

19th June 2013, 21:13
Hello everyone,

I just want to ask about the financial requirement for the spouse visa. I am living alone in France now and my husband just recently moved to Scotland to find a job.. If all goes well and he manage to find a job there how long i need to wait before i can join him? i'm really confuse on this financial requirement.. Do i need to wait that at least 6 months before i start to process my paper here? because they need the 6 months payslip or i can show his revenue from his previous job before? does it count for the financial requirement? He had a job here in France for 2 years. Hope you all can help give me advice on this. thanks in advance:smile:

19th June 2013, 22:00
Welcome here to the Forum,where in the Philippines are you from,i am sure you receive all the help here from educated members,Welcome :Wave:

20th June 2013, 15:26
Hello everyone,

I just want to ask about the financial requirement for the spouse visa. I am living alone in France now and my husband just recently moved to Scotland to find a job.. If all goes well and he manage to find a job there how long i need to wait before i can join him? i'm really confuse on this financial requirement.. Do i need to wait that at least 6 months before i start to process my paper here? because they need the 6 months payslip or i can show his revenue from his previous job before? does it count for the financial requirement? He had a job here in France for 2 years. Hope you all can help give me advice on this. thanks in advance:smile:

Hello Janseym, welcome here to the forum :welcomex:

You'll need to explain your story a little more, but it's likely that you'll not be subject to UK immigration rules and could have quite easily travelled to Scotland with your husband and applied for a 5 year resident card under EU regulations.

Is your husband a UK citizen?
Are you a Philippine passport holder?
How long have you and your husband been living and working France?
Do you have a French issued Residence Card?

If so then you could have joined your husband.
Many folks will strictly follow the UKBA suggested rule and apply for a Family Permit, although this is not strictly necessary.

Firstly, you and your husband would need to provide sufficient evidence of actually residing in France as a married couple.
Secondly your husband will need evidence of being either employed or self-employed in France.

Looking forward to your reply

21st June 2013, 19:06
thank you ..

I'm from Taguig City..:Wave:

21st June 2013, 19:26
Hello Terpe

Thank you for your reply. This forum is really a big help for us..

Yes my husband is a french british citizen, he has a british passport.

ye i am a Philippine passport holder. I came here in France year 2010. So i am staying here for almost 2 years and 7 months now. I just recently renew my resident remit but i am still waiting for my card.. for the moment they gave me 3 months receipt while i'm waiting for my card.

I went on the website of UKBA but it says there that all non european passport holder still need to get a visa..

I have all the necessary evidence that we are residing in France as a married couple and he was employed here before...I hope this is possible for me to join him asap and i don't need to wait for six months if he finds a job there.

21st June 2013, 21:18
Hello Terpe

Thank you for your reply. This forum is really a big help for us..

Yes my husband is a french british citizen, he has a british passport.

ye i am a Philippine passport holder. I came here in France year 2010. So i am staying here for almost 2 years and 7 months now. I just recently renew my resident remit but i am still waiting for my card.. for the moment they gave me 3 months receipt while i'm waiting for my card.

I went on the website of UKBA but it says there that all non european passport holder still need to get a visa..

I have all the necessary evidence that we are residing in France as a married couple and he was employed here before...I hope this is possible for me to join him asap and i don't need to wait for six months if he finds a job there.

Hi there,

OK, you can come to UK without compliance with immigration rules and without meeting any financial requirements.

As a first step please review the UKBA webpage here called - EEA family permits (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/eucitizens/eea-family-permit/)

EU Directive 2004/38/EC defines the free movement rights of EEA nationals and their family members.

The European Court of Justice ruled in the case of Surinder Singh (Case C-370/90), that Member States are required to
recognise the free movement and residence rights of family members of a national of their home State where:-

a) the national is residing in an EEA state as a worker or self-employed person or was so residing before returning to the United Kingdom
b) if you, as the family member of the UK national is his spouse and you were living together in that State before the UK national returned to the United Kingdom.

If you meet the above conditions, then you can benefit from the EEA Regulations.
Under Regulation 11 , the family member of an EEA national must be admitted to the UK if he or she produces on arrival a valid passport and an EEA family permit, a UK issued residence card or permanent residence card, or if he or she is able to prove the family relationship by other means.
It is therefore not compulsory for you as a family member of an EEA national to obtain an EEA family permit before travelling to the UK, and UK Border Agency officers will consider any evidence presented by you both when arriving at the UK border to ensure you are entitled to be admitted as a family member of an EEA national in accordance with
regulation 11 (4).
Personally though may I kindly suggest that properly obtain an EEA Family Permit before travelling
This will certainly make things a whole lot smoother and minimise risks and delays.

Once you've reviewed the UKBA webpages please don't be shy to ask any questions if you still need clarifications

21st June 2013, 21:55
Hello Terpe,

Thank you very much for your help,its good to know that! i will definitely review the UKBA pages. I'll get back to you when i have questions.

thanks a lot :Wave:

21st June 2013, 22:21
Hello Terpe,

I have read the UKBA webpage about the EEA family permit..I just want to ask few clarifications :smile:

Is the EEA permit is the same as visa? can i used that as well to apply for citizenship or indefinite to stay...? if that pemit will allow me to stay in uk, that's for how long?

and as far as i understood, we don't need any financial requirement...which is a great relieve for me... can i already apply for it when he's situation in uk is already stable like him getting a job and place to live for us? He doesn't need to show 6 months payslip?

thank you again and i appreciate your answers :Wave: