View Full Version : World Refugee Day 20/6/2013

20th June 2013, 09:52
What a load of nonsense :mad:

I'm off to do some business at Heathrow this morning so I hope a large number of illegals, ,"asylum seekers", foreign criminals and other rubbish are being shipped out today.

Arthur Little
20th June 2013, 17:44
What a load of nonsense :mad:

I'm off to "do some business" at Heathrow this *morning

:cwm24: ... like flushing :action-smiley-082: out the usual turds and hastening the *early departure of "grub"(s) & assorted "fly by nights". :biggrin:

20th June 2013, 17:50
You're not going to put your £2 a month into the appeal fund then Dedworth ? :icon_lol:

20th June 2013, 18:29
I hope a large number of illegals, ,"asylum seekers", foreign criminals and other rubbish are being shipped out today.

As do I .... in general.

But World Refugee Day principles represent something slightly different in my view.

....Show me the famine, show me the frail
Eyes with no future that show how we failed
And I'll show you the children with so many reasons why
There but for fortune, go you or I.
Show me the country where bombs had to fall,
Show me the ruins of buildings once so tall,
And I'll show you a young land with so many reasons why
There but for fortune, go you or go I

I hope some will at least take a look at this link - World Refugee Day June 20, 2013 (http://unhcr.org/1family/)

There's real misery in this world and we all owe it to ourselves to acknowledge that and do something.

Arthur Little
20th June 2013, 18:52
:cwm24: ... like flushing :action-smiley-082: out the usual turds and hastening the *early departure of "grub"(s) & assorted "fly by nights". :biggrin:

Or :icon_rolleyes: ... perhaps, greeting the 1st batch of Romanians camped on the site earmarked for the resultantly~planned concourse of the future Terminal 6? :omg:

20th June 2013, 18:58
There's real misery in this world and we all owe it to ourselves to acknowledge that and do something.


20th June 2013, 19:26
You're not going to put your £2 a month into the appeal fund then Dedworth ? :icon_lol:

Certainly not - that's nearly two thirds of the way towards a pint for me on Friday night :66:

This whole refugee thing has got out of kilter, for 40 odd years half of europe was living under communist dictatorships yet we weren't inundated with them. To my mind it's all gone badly wrong in the last 15/20 years with economic migrants/would be benefit claimants flooding into the UK under the guise of being a refugee - and en route crossing untold other countries where they could claim "sanctuary". A lot of these grubs are from nations that have never had any ties or connection with the UK......... Somalia, Chad, China, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Ethiopa etc the list is endless

Sling 'em out :cwm23:

20th June 2013, 21:14
Create a vacuum (naive/idiotic government) and it will be filled. :NoNo:

20th June 2013, 22:33
Create a vacuum (naive/idiotic government) and it will be filled. :NoNo:

Not only do our idiotic governments put our troops into these toilet states - Kosovo, former Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Afghan etc they then bizarrely say we have an obligation to take their citizens in.

Many of the Kosovan/Albanian pimps and gangsters operating here now were let in by Blair in the late 90's. Here's what the fool said in 1999 :-

"Prime Minister Tony Blair has said the UK is "ready and willing" to take refugees from Kosovo, but the aim must be to allow them to return home eventually.
The UK is among several countries preparing to take more than 100,000 people away from the over-burdened border areas around Kosovo.

The prime minister said Britain would "do whatever is necessary" to help the floods of Kosovo Albanians expelled from their homes."

Arthur Little
20th June 2013, 23:43
Many of the Kosovan/Albanian pimps and gangsters operating here now were let in by Blair in the late 90's. Here's what the fool said in 1999 :-

"Prime Minister Tony Blair has said the UK is "ready and willing" to take refugees from Kosovo, but the aim must be to allow them to return home eventually.
The UK is among several countries preparing to take more than 100,000 people away from the over-burdened border areas around Kosovo.

:cwm24: ... Kosovan error by the government of the day?

20th June 2013, 23:53
Bliar and his fellow crooks can AFFORD to abandon the monster they created through their misguided 'save the world' lunacy.

They have achieved what they set out to do in life ...find fame and fortune and f:censored: anyone who gets in the way. :mad:

Arthur Little
21st June 2013, 00:32
Bliar and his fellow crooks can AFFORD to abandon the monster they created through their misguided 'save the world' lunacy.

They have achieved what they set out to do in life ...find fame and fortune and f:censored: anyone who gets in the way. :mad:

:yeahthat: ... but there again ... :anerikke: ... others might conceivably argue that :Britain: has, historically, felt a moral obligation to come to the aid of international causes on humanitarian grounds in times of turmoil and civil unrest.

Seems to be the "nature of the beast"!

21st June 2013, 00:50
I agree, historically we have been the biggest mugs in the world....from that point of view. :NoNo:

21st June 2013, 17:37
Today's "refugee" report :cwm23:

Asylum seeker from Eritrea imprisoned and raped a woman EIGHT YEARS after he dodged charges for similar sex attack due to lack of evidence

Ybrah Haylemaryam, 26, grabbed student off the street and raped her in his flat in 2004
Victim reported attack to police but prosecutors decided not to charge him
Eight years later he carried out similar attack on young mother in Hull
Jailed for 20 years today at Hull Crown Court
Judge says he is likely to be deported to South Africa after his sentence

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2345946/Asylum-seeker-Eritrea-imprisoned-raped-woman-EIGHT-YEARS-dodged-charges-similar-sex-attack-lack-evidence.html#ixzz2WrxwkqLw

21st June 2013, 20:57
As do I .... in general.

But World Refugee Day principles represent something slightly different in my view.

I hope some will at least take a look at this link - World Refugee Day June 20, 2013 (http://unhcr.org/1family/)

There's real misery in this world and we all owe it to ourselves to acknowledge that and do something.

Good post, Terpe. That's exactly what World Refugee Day is all about. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's a shame that some on here have tried to hijack it in order to spout the usual immigration stuff. :NoNo:

21st June 2013, 21:09
Good post, Terpe. That's exactly what World Refugee Day is all about. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's a shame that some on here have tried to hijack it in order to spout the usual immigration stuff. :NoNo:

Are you not unduly fussed about dangerous pieces of filth like #14 being in the back of untold trucks coming into the country ?

21st June 2013, 22:13
Are you not unduly fussed about dangerous pieces of filth like #14 being in the back of untold trucks coming into the country ?

Yes, I am. But I am much, much, much more fussed about the huge refugee crisis in Syria. Raising awareness about this is what World Refugee Day is about.

It's a shame that the Daily Mail don't give as much coverage to this humanitarian crisis.

22nd June 2013, 00:41
Yes, I am. But I am much, much, much more fussed about the huge refugee crisis in Syria. Raising awareness about this is what World Refugee Day is about.

It's a shame that the Daily Mail don't give as much coverage to this humanitarian crisis.

There are numerous charity boxes you can utilise to salve your conscience. As far as I'm concerned this country has done more than its fair share for refugees from today's so called "asylum seekers" aka economic migrants going back to the Huguenots, enough is enough.

I'll scour tomorrows Guardian for blanket coverage of germ #14 above, if we're lucky they might even have a pull out supplement on the benefits uncontrolled immigration has brought to the UK.