View Full Version : Moors Murderer, Ian Brady Wants To Do It 'His Way'

Arthur Little
20th June 2013, 13:45
Unlike his partner in crime, Myra Hindley - who never gave up her hopes of freedom - Ian Brady is, APPARENTLY, resigned to dying
in incarceration.

Accordingly ... Brady has appealed to a Mental Health Tribunal for transfer from a Secure Unit at Ashworth Psychiatric Hospital on Merseyside, to an ordinary prison - where he feels he can choose to end his own life without staff intervention aborting his frequent efforts to do so.

Currently, the 75-yr-old is being kept alive at Ashworth by being force-fed through tubes ... in spite of his repeated attempts to go on hunger strike.

Let's hope and :pray: that, should his plea be successful, he keeps his promise and finally manages to "top" :Hammer: himself ...

... in WHATEVER manner he decides.

20th June 2013, 14:39
As for me, I prefer for him to continue where he is. Just a personal opinion.

20th June 2013, 14:58
He deserves to stay wherever he is now..that's not even an enough price to pay for all the things he did. :xxaction-smiley-047

20th June 2013, 15:05
He should be put on a normal wing of a max security prison, no segregation thereby allowing the other convicts to beat him to death

20th June 2013, 15:28
I am really evil :biggrin: I would half bury him on the Moors and just do enough to keep him alive :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th June 2013, 15:52
Should have just hung him in the first place and saved all this nonsense and public expense. :NoNo:

Arthur Little
20th June 2013, 16:00
As for me, I prefer for him to continue where he is. Just a personal opinion.

He deserves to stay wherever he is now..that's not even an enough price to pay for all the things he did. :xxaction-smiley-047

But WHY, folks? I mean ... :anerikke: ... what's the point of medics being compelled to administer "life support" to an individual who, by ALL accounts, OUGHT to've been strung~up almost half a century ago.

:yeahthat:'s surely a soft option compared to the normal prison regime where far more opportunities undoubtedly exist for his "death wish" being granted ... either at his own hands OR, as a consequence of staff "turning a blind eye" to the many inmates only too willing to oblige. :biggrin:

20th June 2013, 17:01
But WHY, folks? I mean ... :anerikke: ... what's the point of medics being compelled to administer "life support" to an individual who, by ALL accounts, OUGHT to've been strung~up almost half a century ago.

For my part Arthur, I just want his torment to continue. He considers the end of his life as a release and I don't want to allow him that.

20th June 2013, 17:40
For my part Arthur, I just want his torment to continue. He considers the end of his life as a release and I don't want to allow him that.


20th June 2013, 18:42
he should have been kept in Solitary confinement and the 17min tape of Lesley Ann Downey's pleading to be let go, should have been played continuously. until he was dead :NoNo:


Michael Parnham
20th June 2013, 22:10
Should have just hung him in the first place and saved all this nonsense and public expense. :NoNo:

Bring back capital punishment :xxgrinning--00xx3: