View Full Version : Returning home

21st June 2013, 14:43
well it looks like i,ve got to come home ,I,ve got something wrong with my bowel and can,t afford to get treatment here in the phils .I,m gutted about having to leave my gf behind I fear this might screw up my settlement visa application that I was planning .although ive done the living together 2 year part ,I don,t know how long i,m going to be in the u.k for depending on what i,ve got and how long treatment may take .I have had the craps for 2 months lost weight and feel sick when I eat anything so it sounds serious but i,ll just have to wait and see the outcome of tests .The moral of this story folks is make sure you got plenty of money to cover medical situations before you come out here .I took the risk and now I have to pay the hard way and be seperated from my misus not good

21st June 2013, 14:49
.I,m gutted

:yikes: Damn I hope it's not that bad and you still have a sense of humour :wink:

On a serious note, I hope it's something minor that can be sorted quickly so you can get back.

21st June 2013, 14:56
well hope so but when you,ve got google as a tool you kinda start self diagnosing yourself and I just hope its not what I think it is or i,m doomed .I don,t think its the water as ive always drank bottled water ,but still drink soft drinks with ice at the resto,s but I don,t think it would,ve lasted this long if it was just the water bugs .

21st June 2013, 15:23
I wish you the best of luck and hope you get your treatment and resolution quickly so you can be back together again as soon as possible. I hear that self diagnosis on Google is probably the worst thing you can do to scare yourself, so don't rely on that and wait to see your doctor at home. My best wishes follow you Tiger.

21st June 2013, 15:48
Listen!! Don't leave us in the dark huh!! When you return to the UK and get diagnosed correctly let us know how things are!
As Steve says..Dont Google too much for diagnosis..It'll drive you mad before you get back home..
You have made the right decision to return which will probably allow you to live far longer than I have a right too!!

21st June 2013, 17:39
sorry to hear the news brian,let us know when you are over here and all being well may try to meet up, like the others have said dont look to much on the internet, my daughter does that all the time and i tell her wait and see

Arthur Little
21st June 2013, 17:47
when you,ve got google as a tool you kinda start self diagnosing yourself and I just hope its not what I think it is or i,m doomed .I don,t think its the water as ive always drank bottled water ,but still drink soft drinks with ice at the resto,s but I don,t think it would,ve lasted this long if it was just the water bugs .

Like the others, I'm really sorry to read that you've been feeling unwell recently.

Like you, I've also been guilty of falling into the trap of resorting to Google in order to self diagnose ... especially when symptoms have lasted for more than a few days. Not altogether advisable, I admit ... :anerikke: ... but all too easy when the tools for doing this are so readily available at our fingertips.

Like those of your fellow forumites, my thoughts & prayers will be with you in the coming weeks as you undergo whatever tests your doctor in the UK recommends. Hopefully, it won't be long before you're back again with your Mahal - and 'Thomas the Tank' - in the Philippines. God Bless. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st June 2013, 18:07
What an awful situation to be in. I wish you the best of luck.

While you're waiting for the test results, may I suggest that unless you've already done so, take some intestinal worm tablets ?

I know it sounds daft, but there are lots of grubby things and unhygienic practices over there.

21st June 2013, 19:50
Always remember that is you are a foreigner, never drink the water from the faucet or anywhere as it will surely upset your stomach. just drink Wilkins distilled drinking water or other distilled water. My grandma who was born in the Philippines but migrated in Los Angeles when my mum was 8 years old. So when she comes home and even my other relatives from America, they see to it that they just drink the distilled water.
Never, ever just drink anywhere especially in the remote areas. :nono-1-1:
As a rule of thumb, always look after yourself when you are in a foreign land.

21st June 2013, 20:49
well it looks like i,ve got to come home ,I,ve got something wrong with my bowel and can,t afford to get treatment here in the phils .I,m gutted about having to leave my gf behind I fear this might screw up my settlement visa application that I was planning .although ive done the living together 2 year part ,I don,t know how long i,m going to be in the u.k for depending on what i,ve got and how long treatment may take .I have had the craps for 2 months lost weight and feel sick when I eat anything so it sounds serious but i,ll just have to wait and see the outcome of tests .The moral of this story folks is make sure you got plenty of money to cover medical situations before you come out here .I took the risk and now I have to pay the hard way and be seperated from my misus not good

So sorry to read this Brian.

I do hope all will be well. Have you seen a Doctor over there? Done any tests etc?

How long have you been away from the UK ? Just be very careful if you get asked any question about where you live, how long you've been away and what your future intentions are.
You need to avoid getting trapped into paying for the NHS treatments.

Good luck mate :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2013, 03:12
So sorry to read this Brian.

I do hope all will be well. Have you seen a Doctor over there? Done any tests etc?

How long have you been away from the UK ? Just be very careful if you get asked any question about where you live, how long you've been away and what your future intentions are.
You need to avoid getting trapped into paying for the NHS treatments.

Good luck mate :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thanks terpe yes i know what to say to the nhs hopefully i,ll have been worried about nothing but we all know our own body and you can tell when something aint quite right .it could be irritable bowel syndrome or crohins disease both I could live with I guess ,at least I won,t die from but your right about google it starts to send you mad thinking WHAT IF .still i,ll feel safer back in U.k

22nd June 2013, 03:18
thanks for all the best wishes I think i,m gonna need them somehow ,I,ll keep ya up to date i,m aiming for july 17th return check this out .A single ticket back with cathay is 775 dollars but a return is 880 so I,ll just as well get a return .

22nd June 2013, 08:49
sorry to hear your ill, google is better used once you know what it is and not before,to understand your diagnosed illness ,
i have had bowel problems so i can understand the problems it brings,in the meantime be careful what you eat, try not eat anything spicy, fatty,or foods that are hard to digest,
i hope its not too serious , good luck for a simple outcome

22nd June 2013, 08:59
Sorry to hear that.

Have you been to see a doctor in Bacolod and sent for tests?
There are some excellent doctors in the Philippines who may be able to help you without having to go back to the UK. Might not cost as much as you think.

Whatever you decide all the best.

22nd June 2013, 09:18
Sorry to hear that.

Have you been to see a doctor in Bacolod and sent for tests?
There are some excellent doctors in the Philippines who may be able to help you without having to go back to the UK. Might not cost as much as you think.

Whatever you decide all the best.

yes jake there are good doctors here but i prefer to be in the hands of a system that don,t look at money they can earn before they treat you ,its just the way i feel about the system here no money you die .