View Full Version : Council spends £24,000 on spy plane with thermal imaging cameras to catch immigrants living illegall

23rd June 2013, 13:04
A council is using thermal spy cameras mounted on an aircraft to catch thousands of immigrants living illegally in garden sheds, it emerged today.

Slough borough council believes that up to 3,000 people are being housed in the unsafe and primitive 'sheds with beds', which often lack heating or running water.

In a bid to track them down, it has spent £24,000 on flights to build up a precise 3D map of every building in the Berkshire town.

The plane, mounted with thermal-imaging equipment, was tasked with picking up any heat emitted from outbuildings, a sign that people could be living in them illegally.

read more here .. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2346759/Council-uses-spy-plane-thermal-imaging-cameras-catch-immigrants-living-illegally-garden-sheds.html

23rd June 2013, 15:56
Money well spent.

Not bothered about their lack of comforts, more bothered about them being removed from the country. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
23rd June 2013, 17:13
Good idea. I'm sure some light will be shed in due course. No doubt the tools responsible for 'housing' these immigrants are raking it in by charging the earth.

23rd June 2013, 18:09
They need to share this info with the Home Office so they can kick the shed doors in and deport the illegals

Ako Si Jamie
23rd June 2013, 19:33
And if that fails.....


24th June 2013, 15:58
Sensible solution Jamie. I'm sure Slough Council could get a good bulk buy discount on Hellfire missiles

There's been an update - analysis of "part" of the flypasts has revealed 210 new dwellings

An analysis of a small part of the two-hour flyover identified 210 suspected illegal dwellings.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2346759/Council-uses-spy-plane-thermal-imaging-cameras-catch-immigrants-living-illegally-garden-sheds.html#ixzz2X96IAbs2

Investigations of the illegal occupation of sheds in Slough by migrant workers has led to 210 new outbuildings being identified by a thermal-imaging plane.
