View Full Version : Man sues Japan TV station for 'too many foreign words'

27th June 2013, 11:04
konnichiwa :biggrin:

A pensioner is suing Japan's national broadcaster for emotional distress, claiming the overuse of foreign loanwords has rendered many of its programmes unintelligible, his lawyer said on Thursday.

read more here .. http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/world/17773175/man-sues-japan-tv-station-for-too-many-foreign-words/#

27th June 2013, 11:18
Can we do this in the Philippines too??? :cwm25:


27th June 2013, 11:43
That sucks. :thumbsdown:

28th June 2013, 09:45
As the article indicates, there's lots of 'borrowed' non-Japanese words used.
Usually it's simply because there's no Japanese version.

Obviously this guy eventually got a bee-in-his-bonnet :icon_lol:
Hope he wins.

I still can't figure out why English sentences suddenly get thrown into Tagalog :Erm: What's that all about? :biggrin:

28th June 2013, 10:03
As the article indicates, there's lots of 'borrowed' non-Japanese words used.
Usually it's simply because there's no Japanese version.

Obviously this guy eventually got a bee-in-his-bonnet :icon_lol:
Hope he wins.

I still can't figure out why English sentences suddenly get thrown into Tagalog :Erm: What's that all about? :biggrin:

This for the conio (or conio wannabe) people in the Philippines..to make them look more "sosyal" :icon_lol: My friends and I used to laugh at them so much coz the wannabes are really trying hard to be conio.

In the Philippines, the word "conio" is used to describe spoiled rich kids who often mix their English and Tagalog, resulting in sentences like: "Oh my naman! I have to make aral so i can make pasa the exam bukas!"

28th June 2013, 14:51
This for the conio (or conio wannabe) people in the Philippines..to make them look more "sosyal" :icon_lol: My friends and I used to laugh at them so much coz the wannabes are really trying hard to be conio.

In the Philippines, the word "conio" is used to describe spoiled rich kids who often mix their English and Tagalog, resulting in sentences like: "Oh my naman! I have to make aral so i can make pasa the exam bukas!"

Hahaha.....nice explanation Rayna :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'll use that word next time it happens and see the look on my wife's face. :icon_lol:

28th June 2013, 14:55
Hahaha.....nice explanation Rayna :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'll use that word next time it happens and see the look on my wife's face. :icon_lol:

Oh I just got that explanation from the urban dictionary website. I can't really explain it better than what they did. :icon_lol:

I remember, one instance my friends and I were in a shopping mall, and we heard two girls asking directions from a shop's security guard. They were both speaking the conio language. To their surprise, the guard copied the way they talk while giving the directions and the people around them started laughing! ​:laugher:

28th June 2013, 15:31
I still can't figure out why English sentences suddenly get thrown into Tagalog :Erm:

I blame Kris TV every morning at 8am :smile:
Sobrang Yabang :biggrin:
Sorry Peter i know you like her!

28th June 2013, 17:30
I blame Kris TV every morning at 8am :smile:
Sobrang Yabang :biggrin:
Sorry Peter i know you like her!

I've always liked her, but I really don't like Kris TV when she just sits there talking nonsense to a few 'celebs' and 'celebs-in-waiting' arrggghh.

I really do enjoy her Kriss TV travel shows though. Great.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I know she's often OTT etc but her direct questions and commentary are funny and refreshing.

29th June 2013, 06:42
I know she's often OTT etc but her direct questions and commentary are funny and refreshing.

That's what my wife says :Cuckoo:

A couple of weeks ago she had a chef on the show. After 2mins she was telling him how to cook :doh. During one segment she mentioned Knorr products 15 times! No wonder the advertisers love her :icon_lol: