View Full Version : Farcebook in trouble with Sky + Marks & 'Spensive

28th June 2013, 18:28
Facebook is in urgent talks to try to appease two of Britain's major advertisers after they suspended all or part of their spending with the site.

Marks and Spencer and BSkyB told Facebook they had serious concerns about their advertising appearing next to "inappropriate" content.

A member of the public raised the issue with the companies about a Sky advert promoting an M&S voucher.

The advert was placed on a Facebook page called "cute and gay boys".



28th June 2013, 18:50
i suppose it depends which way they swing,
i find it funny but is it not sexist for them to object:Erm::laugher::laugher:

28th June 2013, 19:47
I'm no prude, but Facebook needs a serious clean-up. All sorts of trash on there. :NoNo:

youtube is no better.

28th June 2013, 23:26
I'm no prude, but Facebook needs a serious clean-up. All sorts of trash on there. :NoNo:

youtube is no better.

I agree :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I love Youtube but since it's been taken over the amount of ads appearing is annoying.:cwm23:

28th June 2013, 23:38
Yes, plus all the disgusting stuff freely available for kids to look at. :NoNo: