View Full Version : New immigration rules attacked at public meeting in Hackney

3rd July 2013, 10:57
A public meeting was held last Wednesday to support the Divided Families campaign, which wants to repeal rules making it harder for British citizens and people settled here to bring in non-British partners.


3rd July 2013, 15:30
Its a nice try but they wont get anywhere. A negative answer i agree. But a logical one.

3rd July 2013, 16:20
I feel that the Hackney Refugee and Migrant Support Group Dalston have other motives and wouldn't be that conerned about Forumites issues and worries (thanks to Arthur for a great word to describe Forum members)

Hackney Refugee and Migrant Support Group (HRMSG):

* campaigns against detention, deportation and destitution
* campaigns for the rights of migrants

although I can think of one member who might support their aims (but he doesn't donate financially to causes for "refugees" already in the UK)