View Full Version : Khat to be made a Class C drug

4th July 2013, 12:34
The Home Secretary announced on Wednesday (3 July) that she will ban khat by making it a Class C drug.

As a Class C drug, anyone caught trafficking or supplying khat will face up to 14 years in prison and an unlimited fine.


Good news other than it's link with refugee Somali gangsters the dirty sods chewing it make a public health hazard and filthy mess of the streets with their spitting. Some streets in London Boroughs of Brent, Hayes etc are an absolute disgrace.

4th July 2013, 16:45
Oh, first I've heard about that stuff. I must lead a sheltered life. Is it like Betel nut leaves ? :Erm:

Anyway, if the law is enforced as seriously as the Cannabis one is, it will be a total waste of time ...plus the 'racism' card will be played. :icon_rolleyes:

Personally I'd fine anyone and EVERYONE in possession of any amount of banned drugs a minimum of £500.

Either it's against the law or it isn't !

4th July 2013, 18:08
Here's a bit more



4th July 2013, 18:54
I see...usual softly-softly approach.

God forbid we upset any asylum seekers who wish to continue to live in the stone-age, as they did back home.

What next...nomads driving herds of cattle across the public parks and housing estates ? :NoNo:

5th July 2013, 07:43
Chewing this stuff is very common among Somalis. Also Kenyans, Yemenis and Ethiopians.

I read somewhere that over 2500 tonnes of the stuff was imported here last year worth around £14 mill almost exclusively from Kenya.
You can bet that the Kenyan farmers will find ways to maintain their incomes. Since this stuff gets taxed by our government
you can bet the Exchequer will also be miffed at the loss of income.