View Full Version : Nursing School in Phils

5th July 2013, 21:19
Hi my friends,

I am planning to move to Phils at a later date to be with my girlfriend of three years. We plan to set up a life together.

I am retired and will be living off my Irish pensions which I hope will be enough to get by on.

My dream is to live near the sea or in an area where there is plenty of activity without living in the middle of a big city. Hopefully with a few ex-pats around.

My lovely girlfriend is much younger than me and her ambition is to achieve a nursing degree. I support this for her own benefit so that she has a skill.

We have yet to agree on how we will arrange our lives around both ambitions. I don't want to be a home alone retiree. I have that **** here in Ireland and I hate it. Retired and living alone. Especially with Irish weather.

However my question is.

1. Is there anyone here who could recommend good Nursing colleges with high pass rates and where are they located.
2. How much does it cost per annum for the college
3. Is Nursing school full time per day for 7 days a week. Or is the day broken into different classes and free weekends
4 Is there holiday periods where the college year closes and how is that normally
5, Is 4 years the usual length of a degree course
6. Would my girlfriend have to live in as a student

Again any advice would be extremely welcome.

This is a great site.


5th July 2013, 21:49
I don't know where your fiancee is located in the Philippines. But you can check this site. http://www.finduniversity.ph/nursing-schools/national-capital-region/ (http://www.finduniversity.ph/nursing-schools/national-capital-region/). The one I posted are universities in Manila. You can do a research for your fiancee's place.

6th July 2013, 05:19
Some forum members should be able to help you as their partners qualified as nurses here in the Philippines.

Why nursing?

A large percentage of qualified nurses are finding it hard to find a job. I know this from personal experience as we helped someone to study nursing and she has struggled to find a job here or abroad.

Have a look at this article.


6th July 2013, 06:12
We also have a friend who is a qualified nurse who struggles to find work in Phils. She ended up doing voluntary work.

6th July 2013, 06:44
We also have a friend who is a qualified nurse who struggles to find work in Phils. She ended up doing voluntary work.

Must be hard putting so much time, effort and money it something to end up doing voluntary work.

If Pat one day plans to go back to Ireland with his partner then i would say that qualifying as a nurse might be worthwhile.

6th July 2013, 10:56
My brother is a registered nurse in the Philippines. And he had a hard time looking for a work as a nurse in hospitals. After he passed the board exams, he did 2 years of voluntary work in different hospitals in Manila. Most hospitals in the Philippines now prefer volunteer nurses because the way it works there, volunteers work as much (if not more than) as the regular nurses in the hospitals without being paid (that's usually my brother's complaint). Most new nurses are agreeing to that eventhough they didn't want to because they are after the experience and also think that these hospitals can hire them eventually. These frustrate the new nurses because it's being called as training experience and yet a lot of times, they do more work than the employees and they are left to handle work like a regular employee should.

My brother once had a voluntary work in a hospital near our house. All the doctors that he worked for wanted him to be an employee nurse there but they can't hire him because the hospital isn't hiring one and only accepts volunteers. He was really gutted with that. He applied to a lot of hospitals in Manila and yet they all asked volunteers only. He's working for 2 years now as a company nurse for one of the health care or health maintenance organisations (HMO's) in the Philippines (Intellicare). His ex-gf got a job in Dubai as a clinic nurse and some of their friends are working as a call center agent or in other fields of work and not as a nurse.

6th July 2013, 12:14
I don't know where your fiancee is located in the Philippines. But you can check this site. http://www.finduniversity.ph/nursing-schools/national-capital-region/ (http://www.finduniversity.ph/nursing-schools/national-capital-region/). The one I posted are universities in Manila. You can do a research for your fiancee's place.
Thanks a lot for that information.

6th July 2013, 17:07
If not Nursing what other courses would anyone recommend that would most likely lead to possible employment. We plan on staying in Phils.

6th July 2013, 17:37
It is hard to find nursing job in the Philippines but she can find one easily in UK.

6th July 2013, 18:34
If not Nursing what other courses would anyone recommend that would most likely lead to possible employment. We plan on staying in Phils.

Why not try IT or something related to that..

7th July 2013, 07:29
If not Nursing what other courses would anyone recommend that would most likely lead to possible employment. We plan on staying in Phils.

As Rayna said IT. You could also look at business management, marketing.

If she does decide to study it will take up a lot of her time.

Some forum members who studied in the Philippines will be able to tell you how many hours per week they attended classes and studied at home. You may be surprised!