View Full Version : Returning member

5th July 2013, 23:20
Hi Guys Its been a while since i was on here :Wave: i first came on here when i met and was arranging to marry Jasmine whom i married in 2006 as some may remember my mahal died just after our son was born ...he is 5 and a half now

we have had the good fortune to get to know a wonderful young lady called Sharon ...things are moving on nicely and we are planning to marry next year, we would be getting wed in Burauen, Leyte the various bits of paperwork for the wedding is no problem but i am wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to get the spouse visa applied for with the intention that she can return to the uk with me after the wedding or do they need a copy of the marriage cert. with the application

6th July 2013, 06:24
Welcome back Dave :Wave:

Unless things have changed you will need a copy of the wedding certificate in the application.

Mick. :smile:

6th July 2013, 10:01
Welcome back Dave, and best of luck with your new lady. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th July 2013, 14:18
.....i am wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to get the spouse visa applied for with the intention that she can return to the uk with me after the wedding or do they need a copy of the marriage cert. with the application

You may only apply for a spouse visa when you are actually married.

In case you want to review the current immigration rules and spouse visa requirements please review this forum thread -
All New Guide - How to apply for a Spouse/Partner Visa (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/39740-All-New-Guide-How-to-apply-for-a-Spouse-Partner-Visa)

6th July 2013, 21:34
Hi guys thanks for the replies i had hoped the rules might have changed ...oh well just have to apply for the visa after the wedding

6th July 2013, 21:58
Good luck with your plans we were married in Bay Bay City Leyte,we are now here in Cornwall, :Wave:

Arthur Little
9th July 2013, 00:15
Dave ... much has changed since you last visited the forum - not least the Rules for Settlement - but if you follow the link compiled by my good friend and fellow Mod, the revised procedure ought to become a great deal clearer. :smile:

:welcomex: back to the fold and all the best with your budding new relationship. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th July 2013, 09:21
Hi Dave :Hellooo:. Good to see you have found love in your life again.