View Full Version : New Man In Town!

14th September 2007, 16:16

I've joined your forum in part because I am very keen to find a filipino lady friend for a long term relationship. I was previously married to a woman from Thailand, but that fell apart. It hasn't put me off though, as I love the far east, even though I haven't been to the Philippines yet. However I do have some filipino friends in my home town - but all are married!

I hope you do not think its cheeky to join your forum to learn more about filipino people and culture. Incidentally I live in Surrey if anoyne is nearby.

Nice to meet you all,


Pepe n Pilar
14th September 2007, 16:21
Hi IanB.... welcome to this friendly forum...

14th September 2007, 16:44
Hello IanB!!!!

Welcome to your new home...and welcome to the club!:Hellooo:

Time will come and you will finally find "Ms. Right"
Just relax and enjoy the view....:xxparty-smiley-004:

14th September 2007, 17:18
:Hellooo: Hi Ian Welcome to the forum, hope you find what you're looking for :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th September 2007, 17:32
Hi Ian, welcome to the forum and have a nice time here :)

Mrs Daddy
14th September 2007, 17:34
welcome here ian...:)

14th September 2007, 17:39
Welcome, Ian!!!!


14th September 2007, 17:41
:Hellooo: Hi Ian Welcome to the forum, hope you find what you're looking for :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Another rival here, Zef...:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Better put your best foot forward............:Bolt: IanB might do some overtaking here...: transam-front-ramai :D

14th September 2007, 17:49
Another rival here, Zef...:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Better put your best foot forward............:Bolt: IanB might do some overtaking here...: transam-front-ramai :D

:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo: Mommy I turn my back for two minutes and your flirting with a new man :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th September 2007, 17:51
Yes, go zef!

14th September 2007, 18:21
:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo: Mommy I turn my back for two minutes and your flirting with a new man :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Excuse Me!!! I'm not flirting here Zef..Just saying that there's another guy here looking for "Ms. Right" incidentally i'm the Ms. Wrong here..

14th September 2007, 18:29
Oooops :Bolt:

14th September 2007, 18:36
Hi ya and welcome. You may find we are (some of us anyway) ever so slightly mad :Erm::Cuckoo::ARsurrender:
but its all good fun.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th September 2007, 20:10
Hi Ian, Welcome, another southerner :xxgrinning--00xx3: Surrey also :)

14th September 2007, 23:38
Wow what a friendly bunch! Strange, but friendly!



14th September 2007, 23:45
Ian, I know some nice filipno girls who you may be interested in meeting :)

14th September 2007, 23:47
Wow what a friendly bunch! Strange, but friendly!



You ain't seen "strange" yet...:rolleyes:

Welcome aboard.......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th September 2007, 23:59
Ian, I know some nice filipno girls who you may be interested in meeting :)

Hi Tom...

You still haven't offloaded them yet...??? :D

15th September 2007, 00:06
there seems to be a surplus of beautiful intelligent kind caring and considerate young ladies in my portfolio! lol

15th September 2007, 01:17
welcome Ian, im sure u will find ur Filipina match soon..

well Tom, u prove already how beautiful intelligent kind caring and considerate a filipina are..he he he :)

15th September 2007, 01:47
Enjoy Ian!

Mich yah still available?

15th September 2007, 02:31
Hello Ian. Welcome to the forum.

15th September 2007, 02:44
Mich yah still available?

Mich is available. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th September 2007, 03:27
Enjoy Ian!

Mich yah still available?

Yes, I'm available (single) but I'm not looking. :NoNo:

Welcome to the Forum. :Hellooo:

15th September 2007, 07:03
Yes, I'm available (single) but I'm not looking. :NoNo:

Welcome to the Forum. :Hellooo:


that's when you'll find your MR RIGHT, when your guard is down and your not lookiing :doh

15th September 2007, 09:56
hello IanB :Hellooo:

15th September 2007, 10:12
Yes, I'm available (single) but I'm not looking. :NoNo:

...but they are stalking you :omg:

15th September 2007, 10:51
"there seems to be a surplus of beautiful intelligent kind caring and considerate young ladies in my portfolio! lol"

I think thats just showing off!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

And hello Mach. :BouncyHappy:


15th September 2007, 10:57
:Hellooo:I'm taking this opportunity to Welcome you Ian! Stay and learn and join the fun--

15th September 2007, 11:58
"there seems to be a surplus of beautiful intelligent kind caring and considerate young ladies in my portfolio! lol"

I think thats just showing off!:xxgrinning--00xx3:


i don't think u fully understand that aforementioned "of beautiful intelligent kind caring and considerate young ladies" could include one that u like and get on with .. . which is how we got here to this topic in the first place

15th September 2007, 15:16
Its not just a case of who is `single and available` - i am! ... err lets not go there again.
Ian, - if you are just looking for a mail-order-bride this is not the place. we are like a community (sometimes disfunctional i know:doh). and you have to take some suggestions and posts with a pinch`o`salt.
It just so happens that Tom is a Leaprachaun stud-muffin! - or so he thinks,(lets keep it a secret eh?)

:doh sorry Tom i didnt see you lurkin behind the Guiness there:ARsurrender:

15th September 2007, 20:32
"Ian, - if you are just looking for a mail-order-bride this is not the place."

Thanks for that. I lived and worked in Thailand from 1988 to 1990. From 1990 to 2002 I was married to a Thai lady and my subsequent relationship with another Thai has recently irrevocably broken up. I speak reasonable Thai and am an addict of Thai food and culture. While married I helped my wife to get a good job, learn English, learn to drive, and I now pay her a fortune in maintenance. I spent many a happy week in her rice farming village, and I'm proud of what she has become. Similarly, my second partner now has a very good job and a good life here (not to mention another boyfriend . . . ). Thats 19 years of living and breathing Thai culture. . . . so I'm a bit beyond the mail order bride stage now!

Which begs the question: why am I particularly thinking of a filipino lady. A question I have thought long and hard about. The fact is that after so many years, I like Asian women. I like their looks and I like their sparkle and vigour. I have no stupid misconceptions about them being meek or compliant - I prefer feisty. I'm 47. I've been on dating websites for 6 months and met plenty of nice ladies I would happily be mates with, but none that had that spark. Maybe I'm addicted, or too long gone? A Thai lady might also fit the bill, and I like the anglo Thai community. But, as I've said, I've got filipino friends and I happen to like them.

Sorry if this is boringly open, and I kind of expected the question so no offence taken!


15th September 2007, 20:35
. . so I'm a bit beyond the mail order bride stage now!

Just use the catalogue I sent as loo paper then :cwm24: :rolleyes:

15th September 2007, 20:40
Cheers Ian:)

16th September 2007, 03:01
Welcome to the forum!

16th September 2007, 10:06
Thanks again for the warm welcome.

By the way, is there a way of sending private messages out to members or letting people know my email address?


Pepe n Pilar
16th September 2007, 14:11
Hi IanB... yes you can send private messages to the members and as long as you have indicated your email address on your profile they can send you one.
HOpe you will meet your dream filipina here soon....

22nd September 2007, 14:21
i am also new here,wish u luck of searching the "MISS RIGHT" be patient im sure the right one will come along without any notice....god bless you..


22nd September 2007, 14:23
Thanks again for the warm welcome.

By the way, is there a way of sending private messages out to members or letting people know my email address?


I think you have to make so many posts before its enabled and become a respected member.

22nd September 2007, 19:00
this is the forum for you. lots of nice and friendly people here. Just keep reading the topics you'll meet the one for you one day.

23rd September 2007, 13:07
HI theresa nice to see you....

23rd September 2007, 13:11
Hi Ian..goodluck:Hellooo::Hellooo:

23rd September 2007, 21:47
Thanks for the good wishes and nice thoughts.


24th September 2007, 21:35
Firstly: how long do I have to remain a newbie? :bigcry:

Secondly: Blimey. I know this is quick but three weeks ago I got in contact with a lady in the Philippines. We are getting on extremely well and exchanging emails every day, as well as phone calls and webcam chats. I won't go into more, but I have a good feeling about her. Lets see what happens!:xxgrinning--00xx3:


25th September 2007, 01:06
hi IanB,

its nice to hear that u have had exchange emails and phone calls with a filipina..I hope everything will be ok for both of u..


25th September 2007, 12:31
Hi Ian

Welcome...I just joined too...last night in fact. Seems were both searching. Rather than competition maybe we can give each other advice...good luck mate...I live in Leicester.

BTW...has anyone heard of Jaminintroductions.com uluckily there are no filipino women on their database. baically, it's an intro agency where ladies are alredy in UK....anybody heard...mind you if this is filipino forum maybe I am asking silly question?


25th September 2007, 12:36
hi Rob, Im sure u will find ur filipina partner too soon..:)

28th September 2007, 16:41
Well, I didn't mean for this to happen so soon, but a few weeks ago I met Mae over the internet. Since then we have spent an hour or two chatting every day. You all know the story. :cwm38:

She has given me something to be happy about, and I certainly hope to go out to see her soon. We will take our time, but I have a good feeling about her and we certainly seem to have hit it off.

Thanks for all of your kind wishes, I will keep you informed of progress.


PS I'm not a newbie any more! I can PM and all sorts of things! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th September 2007, 17:03
Take your time guys...

Don't mention the love or marriage words just yet, wait for when you actually take the plunge and give your credit cards a bit of exercising with flight tickets and suchlike....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Meet the ladies in question, the families, etc..
Don't be too eager to jump into bed, respect goes a long way
Don't get put off if they already have a child, give them a fair chance.
If you don't want to take the kids on... Then you have no business in starting a relationship with the mother.
If you are destined to be together that first meeting will tell you everything.
Be ready for a long distance relationship, the hardships that it brings, the heartache, the various expenses associated with communication of any sort, the misunderstandings between each other.
I could go on forever....

But above all, be specific and above board, they love sincerity, don't lead them up the garden path....:NoNo:

Pinays are a breed apart, the warmest, friendliest, and trusting of all females of the species and also the most beautiful and alluring... They are for life.

I ain't finished yet, but Jet is looking over my shoulders....:D :doh

29th September 2007, 10:12
Thanks, all good advice. When I married my first wife, who was Thai, she was terrified of telling me that she had a daughter, even though it was obvious to me. After 6 months or so she flet freer to tell me and the daughter came to live with us in Bangkok, and eventually to England 17 years ago. She now has her own little daughter and is to all intents and purposes fully settled here. But she always remembers she is Thai, and we are all proud of that.

Strangely, I found out after I left Thailand that another youngster who my wife said was her sister was actually her daughter! By the time I found out she was too old to come to the UK, and I always felt very sad and bitter on her behalf.

When I divorced my wife I took my responsibilities seriously and I am still paying her a huge amount of maintenance every week. I brought her here and I have no intention of abandoning her.

So, hopefully you can see I am not the sort of guy to lead anyone up the garden path. As for the love word - your advice is well received but too late!
