View Full Version : I hope this turns out to be good news

17th July 2013, 16:35
Tough judge with little patience for immigration lawyers beats Lord Justice Leveson to post of judiciary chief

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2366367/Tough-judge-little-patience-immigration-lawyers-beats-Lord-Justice-Leveson-post-judiciary-chief.html#ixzz2ZJju7yPv

17th July 2013, 21:11
We certainly need someone with backbone...and who has the interests of the taxpayers and voters as the priority. :smile:

17th July 2013, 21:52
We certainly need someone with backbone...and who has the interests of the taxpayers and voters as the priority. :smile:

"Sir John was also one of the judges who presided over the final hearings last year that sent terror suspect Abu Hamza for trial in the US."

17th July 2013, 22:00
:xxgrinning--00xx3: let's hope he's got some common sense and doesn't put up with :censored:

17th July 2013, 22:16
Fingers crossed that he doesn't turn out to be a right John Thomas :icon_tonguew:

Arthur Little
17th July 2013, 22:56
Fingers crossed that he doesn't turn out to be a right *John Thomas :icon_tonguew:

:gp: ... :yeahthat:! Legs crossed also, (his) ... to guarantee there's no chance he'll be the cause of any undue "cock~ups", with a "handle" like *that.