View Full Version : Female grub has short changed me 4 times in a row.

Ako Si Jamie
26th July 2013, 19:14
She works in a well known high street food outlet and comes across as a respectable young lady but she's short changed me on four separate occasions now.

First time was about a month ago and I put this down to a mistake.

Second time was about a fortnight and it got me thinking.

Third time was yesterday. Yup, she's on the take for sure I thought.

Went into today. Surely she wasn't going to try it on again seeing I pulled her up the day before. Wrong. She did it again. Always the same amount too (£1).

The total bill was £13.22 and I gave her a tenner and a fiver and all I got back was 78p. And guess where the £1 was? In her grubby mit, no doubt about to sneaked into her pocket as I went out the door.

The shop is very busy so I would imagine she serves a few hundred customers per day. Taking £1 off each person even if the odd customer like myself realised would make her a nice little wage every week. :mad:

Do you check your change? I have to admit I don't always but it's made me more thorough now.

26th July 2013, 19:41
Not sure I want to admit it, but I ALWAYS check my change :ReadIt:

26th July 2013, 20:29
You ought to report her Jamie they might put a camera on her till and engage some mystery shoppers. Thieving scum

26th July 2013, 21:18
She must also be fiddling the till then, as it wouldn't balance at close of business.

As Dedworth suggested....hidden cam is best, and so easily done these days.

Ako Si Jamie
26th July 2013, 22:30
She must also be fiddling the till then, as it wouldn't balance at close of business.

As Dedworth suggested....hidden cam is best, and so easily done these days.She's not fiddling the till just the customer. Looks like she's targeting people who are due change of over £1 and keeping the pound and giving back the rest. The £1 she returned to me last time was not from the till.

26th July 2013, 22:36
Sorry....yes, see what you mean now. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
26th July 2013, 22:47
Elaborate way of stealing and keeping the till sweet by preying on those who don't check their change. :NoNo:

27th July 2013, 02:14
I had the same problem in 7/11 on Burgos Street Makati
When you point it out that you have been short changed they become very apologetic and rectify the mistake fast
Once is a mistake but 3 times in a row is not
This is a very busy store with many kanu's popping in between bar hopping
A perfect place to carry out this kind of con

27th July 2013, 05:39
I have a petrol garage 200 yards from my door. I used to fill up every time there and visit the shop part at least 5 times a week for around ten years, so it's fair to say they knew me.

Despite this they always short changed me despite me picking them up on it on numerous occasions. But in the end I decided enough was enough and have not been there for about 4 years now preferring to drive a little further out to a tesco petrol station.

Michael Parnham
27th July 2013, 07:09
I always check my change Jamie, you must report this woman because there are lots of pensioners who can't afford to be short changed! :thumbsdown:

Ako Si Jamie
2nd August 2013, 20:36
I think someone already has Michael. I've been in twice this week and she's not been there plus a new girl has started on the till.

Arthur Little
3rd August 2013, 14:23
I think someone already has Michael. I've been in twice this week and she's not been there plus a new girl has started on the till.

:cwm24: ... maybe she's used the proceeds of her ill~gotten gains to enjoy some :sunshine: abroad! :icon_rolleyes:

Ako Si Jamie
3rd August 2013, 14:57
:cwm24: ... maybe she's used the proceeds of her ill~gotten gains to enjoy some :sunshine: abroad! :icon_rolleyes:Well she could be on holiday I suppose although the appearance of a new face in the shop might prove otherwise. Fingers crossed.

3rd August 2013, 15:46
short change up front--dont give quite enough money--see what she says lol