View Full Version : Killing time...

16th September 2007, 21:47
Here I am, sitting at my desk, a "small" large "Vecchia Romagna" Brandy and a double espresso, smoking a Hamlet cigar, but strangely no Bach's "Air on the G string" music in the background.

Reading old and new posts, looking if I can be of help, because my main quest is over.
And if I can share my experiences with the "newbies", all the better.

We have got the Visa, the CFO sticker, the one-way ticket.

Just waiting for Jet to get on that blessed plane and come over once and for all.

Every day, is one day less to wait.
Every day brings new fears, tho...
Every day is a new experience.
Every day I wonder if she is going to like it here in the UK.

I tried to make the pad as welcoming as possible, worked and sweated like pit pony, until the wee hours to dust and clean, lay the new carpets, fix this and that, put some flat-pack furniture together, paint a few walls and ceilings, wallpaper some other walls.

Tonight I am getting p****d for the first time in years.

Jet will arrive at 6 pm, on Thursday evening and all of sudden I feel excitedly scared....

I lived alone for over 9 years, more or less like a hermit.

Now I have a wife, again, that depends fully on me.

Will I be able to abandon the bad habits collected and nurtured over the years...?

I Know i can. Just give me some time.

I love this woman.

16th September 2007, 21:59
Good luck, I hope you have a fantastic life together.:REDancedancer08:

16th September 2007, 22:58
I guess due to the fact i was so busy on the run up to the visa application and then for two weeks was with the wife i had no time to really think about this.

Like you say your be fine and from what i read on here the effort and love you show for Jet on here she is a lucky lady.

16th September 2007, 23:59
hi Rom, I was touched by ur post and I am sure u will have a happy and succesful life together with Jet..soon Jet will be there and she's realy lucky to have u as her husband..God Bless!:)

17th September 2007, 03:24
Ahh love stories:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry: they always make me emotional.

17th September 2007, 09:40
Will I be able to abandon the bad habits collected and nurtured over the years...?

I Know i can. Just give me some time.

I love this woman.

good luck dom! you and jet are very lucky to have each other.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th September 2007, 13:36
:xxgrinning--00xx3: aromulus

only problem you've got use to living alone, you could go out when you wanted. where you want, but now, me wife is always under my feet, putting dead meat in the fridge :cwm24:, spending what little money i've got :bigcry:, cannot watch what i want on tv :doh, bullies me dog :bigcry:, leaves everythnig on, lights, tv, dvd player, i love my wife to, but how i miss my care free days :rolleyes:

17th September 2007, 13:51
Joe - just tell her that work dictates that you have to go on a course every day.

(Just don't tell her it's a golf course!!:D)


Pepe n Pilar
17th September 2007, 14:28
What a love story..... Wish you will have a happy and successful life together.....Good Luck!!!!

18th September 2007, 15:04
Still moping around, trying to keep busy and not to think too much.
A little blessing in disguise is that I have to work, so with great difficulty I manage to prise myself from thinking about thursday and Jet's impending arrival...

kind of going insane, but in a nice way....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Didn't have a chance to chat with her this morning, she was busy getting another x-ray done, as the first one of last week was taken wrong.

Missed her quite a lot.
But looking ahead, it is only a couple more sleepless nights on my own.
So far... so good...:BouncyHappy:

18th September 2007, 15:06
Have you polished the helmet? :yikes:

18th September 2007, 15:12
Have you polished the helmet? :yikes:

I have also taken the cobwebs off...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

A tidy helmet is a happy helmet......:rolleyes: :omg: