View Full Version : Ban All Womens Flesh From View.....

29th July 2013, 13:26
....Co-op wants the lads mags to cover up :crazy:

Will they next be asking women in bikinis on the beach to wear a bin bag? :doh .... and to cap it all, the Daily Star has a full page front cover of a woman in a bikini :laugher:

So that's computer porn being hidden... now magazines... we're going back to the stone age ermmm

For years we have been trying to get Arab women to stop covering up, and now people are trying to get women to cover up :anerikke: :Erm:

29th July 2013, 13:40
I salute the CO-OPs PR department because I didn't know they still existed.
I think they've been on every news bulletin today.
Do they still do Dividend stamps :biggrin:

Arthur Little
29th July 2013, 13:49
... we're going back to the stone age ermmm

and now people are trying to get women to cover up :anerikke: :Erm:

:cwm24: ... worse ..."Ice maidens" ... :omg:!

29th July 2013, 14:19
Blimey what's the problem - is it the usual minority pressure groups as usual (same ones that ban kids playing conkers etc) :NoNo:

29th July 2013, 15:11
Blimey what's the problem-is it the usual minority pressure groups as usual (same ones that ban kids playing conkers etc):NoNo: Yep.... we must bow to the minority :action-smiley-081:

29th July 2013, 16:19
and so they should cover up, all that flesh showing, its a disgrace ,

its not healthy for men, causes eye strain , heart palputations,wet dreams,wicked thoughts, and a tightening in the crotch area of jeans,
and a slap off the missus :biggrin:

29th July 2013, 16:21
I agree.

Disgusting having to look at such smut...especially on the top shelf behind the spare stock. :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
29th July 2013, 17:12
Blimey what's the problem-is it the usual minority pressure groups as usual (same ones that ban kids playing conkers etc):NoNo:

I never knew that playing conkers was banned, Why?:crazy:

29th July 2013, 17:22
I never knew that playing conkers was banned, Why?:crazy:

Elf and safety and legal fears Michael :cwm25:


29th July 2013, 17:28
i agree with the health and safety aspect, having in the past walked into a lamp post and banged my head due to looking at women in mini skirts,plus the emmbarresment when my work colleague laughed out very loud attracting attention,

on another occasion,while eying up the mini skirted legs at the bus stop, i didnt notice the traffic lights turn to red, which caused me to get my lambretta front wheel wedged under the rear bumper of the car infront of me :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
29th July 2013, 17:48
i agree with the health and safety aspect, having in the past walked into a lamp post and banged my head due to looking at women in mini skirts,plus the emmbarresment when my work college laughed out very loud attracting attention,

on another occasion,while eying up the mini skirted legs at the bus stop, i didnt notice the traffic lights turn to red, which caused me to get my lambretta front wheel wedged under the rear bumper of the car infront of me :biggrin:

Reminds me of when I was a kid, I turned to look at a fire engine and bumped into a lamp post, boy it did hurt:doh So I suppose they should ban fire engines for health and safety reasons!:Erm:

29th July 2013, 17:59
Reminds me of when I was a kid, I turned to look at a fire engine and bumped into a lamp post, boy it did hurt:doh So I suppose they should ban fire engines for health and safety reasons!:Erm:


Arthur Little
29th July 2013, 18:07
I never knew that playing conkers was banned, :crazy:

Neither did I! :nono-1-1: ... now, one could "see the point" > :icon_tonguew: ... if a guy was caught playing with his "conkers"!! :sexy_146:

29th July 2013, 18:07
women with clothes on , disgusting :yikes:
