View Full Version : Demise of the Jeepney?

30th July 2013, 20:33
Interesting article about the possible demise of the jeepney:

Hopefully the jeepney will never die. It's one of the most recognisable images of the Philippines! Conversion to electric power would be a good way forward though. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2013, 20:45
Interesting report :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Nice find Jamesey

I hope the jeepney doesn't vanish completely, but electric versions would, as you say, be a forward thinking plan.

To be totally honest, I avoid jeepney travel whenever possible :icon_sorry:

30th July 2013, 20:54
Modernising the jeepneys would be great. :xxgrinning--00xx3: But like you Terpe, I avoid riding jeepneys unless it'll just be a 10-15 minute ride or if there's really no choice. I regularly rode an FX or taxi going to and from work (especially that I was working on night shifts) or wherever I go. It's more convenient for me.

30th July 2013, 23:31
I'm sure people don't ride the jeeps for the crack :NoNo: The electric versions will lead to multiple deaths..there's enough Jay walking over there as it is

30th July 2013, 23:36
Too many 'traditional' Jeepney-owning and driving voters at present. :smile:

31st July 2013, 06:46
Not yet:wink:

Agree with Graham that there are still thousands of families reliant on the traditional jeepney who are voters. No politician in their right mind would do away with them.

The electric jeepney may work in Manila but cant imagine one of these climbing up some mountain road carrying 5 tons of vegetables. :Erm:

A few local manufacturers have started exporting their jeepneys to Africa and Papau New Guinea. Instead of importing surplus we could start to export it :smile:

Preserve the jeepney its an endangered species :cwm25:

Michael Parnham
31st July 2013, 07:55
Jeepneys would be great if they were maintained to a very high standard and become eco friendly!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st July 2013, 12:46
I don't think they can completely vanish the good old jeepneys:NoNo:

I drive my car in the Philippines but Jeepney has a special place in my heart , I learned how to drive using one of my Uncle's owner type Jeepney:biggrin:..miss it a lot!!