View Full Version : Home Office bottles it over Go Home Vans

13th August 2013, 10:41
The Home Office has agreed to consult with local communities in future following the fall out over its ‘Go Home’ campaign aimed at illegal immigrants. The campaign, which drew around 60 complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority last week, was threatened with court action by clients of the Refugee and Migrant Forum of East London.

Read more at http://www.thedrum.com/news/2013/08/13/home-office-be-more-consultative-ahead-future-campaigns-following-legal-threat-over#5pEoFk2qsqo8F0dV.99

Gutless taking notice of Vince Cable and a few publicly funded rabble rousers

I hope they boot more doors down with renewed vigour in East London - these slugs are all hiding in sheds in the so called "vibrant" immigrant communities

13th August 2013, 11:00
:icon_lol:we need a gov with :football3:, cameron hasn't got any :NoNo:

13th August 2013, 11:15
60 complaints out of the 60 million living here ?

Democracy at work. :NoNo:

14th August 2013, 20:22
i wonder who the 60 was

15th August 2013, 10:52
i wonder who the 60 was

? 60 legal aid funded solicitors :cwm25:

15th August 2013, 11:35
A mix of pressure groups/handwringers, non-Brits and the usual claims lawyer parasites, no doubt.

In other words, the misguided, the selfish, and the bloodsuckers....achieving their goals in this country, as per usual, while the majority are just passengers on the runaway train. :NoNo: