View Full Version : I'm back,apology guys:-( :-)

15th August 2013, 12:59
Hello guys its been so long now since the last time I able to online here,I just miss this forum suddenly:grouphug: and I felt guilty to not have any chanced to get in touch again few months ago as I feel I owe with you guys coz of being very helpful to me and my husband.Sorry guys,just been busy since I arrived here in UK 7 months ago...been some few trips,meeting husbands family,relatives and friends,attending special events,doing households stuffs,etc.,already got some residence permits,NI's stuff few months ago...As of now been looking and applying for jobs(since I arrived):-(,not heard any yet,still hoping to have soon in this little yet peaceful town of ours....

Miss reading member's experiences on this forum,hopefully I still able to give some helpful info which I would loved to...

Weather not been so good here this week as it's been :raining:,but able to experienced still the 3 seasons already,:-D,,snowy day and white surroundings welcomed me at the Manchester airport last January,amazed by the colorful beauty of nature during spring,and enjoying some few weeks with Mr sunny at least this summer season,can't wait for the autumn to come to see the falling golden leaves that mesmerize individual's eyes:BouncyHappy: still adjusting the cold weather:biggrin:...

Have a blessed thursday everyone....

Apology for wrong grammars sometimes.hehe:biggrin:

15th August 2013, 13:35
Glad to hear that your enjoying your UK experience :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th August 2013, 13:38
Nice to see you back again, and actually good to see that you've been so busy (not bored) doing so many things....also that you've enjoyed experiencing the varying climate and scenery here in the UK. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th August 2013, 13:52
Glad to hear that your enjoying your UK experience :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Sir Terpe,yes I am,able to met some kababayan here as well,fortunately few filipinos living in our small town as well,so when i miss talking in our own language they're just in a corner,hehe:biggrin:

15th August 2013, 14:00
Nice to see you back again, and actually good to see that you've been so busy (not bored) doing so many things....also that you've enjoyed experiencing the varying climate and scenery here in the UK. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks as well Graham,so far I can say that I am enjoying the surrounding and the people here,for now been busy taking all the opportunity to look for any job here in our town,since its just a small town not like big cities so lesser employment as well,still as they said yes big cities big queues of competitions,so differences are not really that distant,just patience and perseverance soon i can find...:smile:

15th August 2013, 17:21
Hey..Best of of luck with job interviews etc.. You know what.. My Mrs had many,many interviews before being hired in the UK..After that she was sought after!!cannot reiterate that enough.Its really up to you.

17th August 2013, 10:21
Glad to hear that you have settled in nicely, Cheildave! Our summer weather has been unusually hot this year, not sure what Autumn will bring but it is normally windy. I hope that you continue to acclimatise in readiness for another winter :xxgrinning--00xx3: