View Full Version : facebook chat

mick foreman
26th August 2013, 19:50
Does anyone on here know a quick way of searching through older messages on the chat . Have been trying all day to go back to near the beginning 2 and a half years ago , to do screen prints for visa application . Only another 127889 messages to go the way I am doing it !!!!! Must be an easier way ,

Any one else I would advise doing screen prints as you go , don't leave it like I have done .


26th August 2013, 20:18
we have same problems i have 130,867 mgs to my fb and i need to find the
beginning to screen prints for my visa :mad: anyway i think no need to prints all??

26th August 2013, 20:21
the only advice i can give is dont send too much, we think you have to give each month but you dont, start middle and end will do

26th August 2013, 21:37
Some of our chats do not need to be seen by a third party :grosyeux:

By the way you can download all your facebook data which includes messages.

Go to the wheel icon thing in the top right hand corner of facebook and click it

Go to account settings

Then you should see a link that says "download a copy of your facebook data"

Click on it and follow the instructions.....

Hope this helps?

27th August 2013, 02:23
what i did before to take some chats on fb is that i search for keywords in our message box like (i love you) and it will flash all the i love yous and i screen print them and print ... ofcorse i just choose what are good ones ... we even have some discussions of our wedding on fb so i did the same (wedding) word and it flash all the conversation with wedding words..

in skype just press Ctrl and F together to do the same ...

27th August 2013, 04:42
:xxgrinning--00xx3: thanks for the tips

mick foreman
27th August 2013, 22:47
Thx for the advice spent another 4 hours tonight going back just got to march this year that's around 12 hours now to get to there !!!!!!

28th August 2013, 02:55
sigh! sorting chats are hardwork heheh ...