View Full Version : whatz next......?

21st September 2007, 20:41
hello again!!!
again i want to thank every one for all the information you shared....
but i have one more question...
i got my visa...
then i got my cfo sticker and certificate...
then my air ticket...
whats next...
do i still need to get a medical examination and xray?:Erm:

take care all of you and keep on smiling:icon_lol:

21st September 2007, 21:51
If you have webcam we can give you a free medical :xxparty-smiley-004:

21st September 2007, 21:53
If you have webcam we can give you a free medical :xxparty-smiley-004:

I'll second that, I can give web cam examinations also, Annie will not mind? and anyway the Tampo will give my ears a rest :)

21st September 2007, 22:28
Remeber to stock up on your favourite soap the missus uses that papya soap nearly fainted when she saw how much it cost here.

Don't forget to set your mobile sim to roaming and load up so your friends and family can text you cheaply when you first here.

Suitcase is always handy

Medical exam and xray not strictly needed and depending on the airport you enter you may not be expected to have a tb xray test when you arrive.

22nd September 2007, 08:39
Medical exam and xray not strictly needed and depending on the airport you enter you may not be expected to have a tb xray test when you arrive.

This is part of the UK's safety lockdown policy......we let anyone in with a disease......:doh.....welcome to Sussex....land of Foot 'n' Mouth & Ebola...:NoNo:

22nd September 2007, 10:36
what is CFO sticker and where do you get it

22nd September 2007, 11:01
what is CFO sticker and where do you get it

From the CFO sticker shop... :D

Where else...???:doh

22nd September 2007, 13:08
u need the CFO sticker on ur passport or else u will be hold by the Phil. Immigration..

u can visit the CFO website for more information..

22nd September 2007, 13:09
From the CFO sticker shop... :D

Where else...???:doh

In a Book Store can be?:Rasp::Rasp:

22nd September 2007, 13:20
If you have webcam we can give you a free medical :xxparty-smiley-004:


22nd September 2007, 13:58
This is part of the UK's safety lockdown policy......we let anyone in with a disease......:doh.....welcome to Sussex....land of Foot 'n' Mouth & Ebola...:NoNo:

Well Heathrows in the Foot n mouth safety area at the moment unless they lifted it recently.

22nd September 2007, 17:01
hello again!!!
again i want to thank every one for all the information you shared....
but i have one more question...
i got my visa...
then i got my cfo sticker and certificate...
then my air ticket...
whats next...
do i still need to get a medical examination and xray?:Erm:
take care all of you and keep on smiling:icon_lol:

:Hellooo: Welcome to UK :BouncyHappy:

22nd September 2007, 18:34

22nd September 2007, 20:22
Hi Allyn , when do you intend flying to uk

23rd September 2007, 07:10
Hi Allyn , when do you intend flying to uk

first, thanks people for all the message and info....:Hellooo:

ill be flying to uk this coming octobe....:cwm24:

23rd September 2007, 10:18
best of good wishes for the future

23rd September 2007, 11:25
hello again!!!
whats next...
do i still need to get a medical examination and xray?:Erm:

When I arrived here in the UK for the first time, I had a medical exam in Heathrow airport, it doesn't take long just 15 to 20 minutes depends how many people are queuing there.

23rd September 2007, 11:32
From the CFO sticker shop... :D

Where else...???:doh


23rd September 2007, 12:43
When I arrived here in the UK for the first time, I had a medical exam in Heathrow airport, it doesn't take long just 15 to 20 minutes depends how many people are queuing there.

That wasn't a medical examiner :doh Probably Garry Glitter......:icon_lol: silly me....you're way too old for him :omg:

23rd September 2007, 15:56
When my wife came first came over here (a year ago this week) she was waiting nearly 2 hours for the medical at Heathrow.
Came over at the same time as a group of students who all required medicals before being allowed into the country. :bigcry:

23rd September 2007, 17:03
do you have to pay for that medical exam in heathrow . How much?

23rd September 2007, 17:49
do you have to pay for that medical exam in heathrow . How much?

All gropes are FREE in this country :rolleyes: ...about the only thing that is.

23rd September 2007, 18:46
Jet, flew into Manchester a few days ago, without any problems.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Although she was carrying her x-ray in her luggage, she was not asked to be examined.
At immigration she was only asked to show the officer the marriage certificate.
And when quizzed about my whereabouts:Erm:, she coolly replied that I was waiting outside for her.:xxgrinning--00xx3::D


23rd September 2007, 22:03
more chance of you been asked for a medical in the london airports than any where else :D

been to manchester airport many times, never had my luggage searched b4 leaving :yikes: , must be scouser immigration officers, too early in the morning for them to be up :NEW5: