View Full Version : Over 1,000 tons of Fukushima water dumped after typhoon

17th September 2013, 13:10
A TEPCO worker pumping rainwater around the contamination water tank at TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant at Okuma town in Fukushima prefecture


17th September 2013, 13:22
It's very lucky for us and our planet that Tokyo Electric Power Co is so very ethical and trustworthy. NOT :censored:

The Japan Times (http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/09/16/national/tepco-discharges-tainted-rainwater-from-storage-tank-areas/#.UjfBQT-nkqQ) states this:-

The utility said the rainwater was discharged from barriers at seven locations and contained strontium 90, which can cause bone cancer if ingested. The beta radiation given off by the strontium did not exceed the government’s limit of 30 becquerels per liter, it said.

So we can all sleep safe again.....................:NoNo:

17th September 2013, 13:24
The government should have taken over the clean-up operation from day 1. TEPCO will continue to blunder, cover-up and make use of all the pensioner volunteer workers* and this place will still not be properly shut down for decades.

*Radiation poisoning takes years to show effect, elderly people are volunteering to clean up in place of younger people - society at its best.