View Full Version : Police UNMASK Muslim woman who turned up in court wearing a niqab

19th September 2013, 10:20
Police UNMASK Muslim woman who turned up in court wearing a niqab to face charges of stealing £21,000 to fund Florida holiday

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2424317/Muslim-woman-Shaheda-Lorgat-unmasked-court-stealing-college.html#ixzz2fKItsAj7

Good news however somewhat dampened by the fact that the clueless limpwristed Judge only sentenced her to 12 months

19th September 2013, 10:51
funny some people who knew her said she never covered her face and just wore a scarf :biggrin:

19th September 2013, 11:41
funny some people who knew her said she never covered her face and just wore a scarf :biggrin:

Police sources last night revealed a rising trend among Muslim women for wearing the full veil outside court to escape scrutiny.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2424317/Muslim-woman-Shaheda-Lorgat-unmasked-court-stealing-college.html#ixzz2fKlZuOxl

A shame there couldn't be a rising trend in shariah type punishments for these scum - flogging, hand amputation etc

19th September 2013, 12:33
All this religious rubbish should stop at the court entrance.

Laws are for the real world.