View Full Version : What to do for Christmas?

23rd September 2013, 20:11
Evening all...

I am just thinking of what i should do for Christmas? - I know this is a bit random, but i am just after a little advise...

I was going to fly to the Philippines for Christmas and new year and my sister was going to meet me over in the best place on earth, though she has now said she is going to go to Spain instead with her boyfriend :(

I have not been back since splitting up with my ex and i will be fine travelling around by myself, but it's just what can i do on Christmas day by myself?? or is this just Sad?

I won't really have any family in the UK apart from my grandfather (91) and if i go to see my mother it will be in Goa, which is basically the same price as going to the Philippines and I find Goa boring as i used to go to Goa 3 times a year...

Will i have something to do on Christmas day? Or shall i just persuade my sister to stay home and have Christmas in the UK?


PS I was planning on going to 100 Islands and santa ana... I have also been invited to a Christmas to a friend, though she has not booked her flight yet and i don't think she will make it as many flights are full from South East Asia already (flying from Thailand)

23rd September 2013, 21:17
Christmas is always spent with family and love one's..:heartshape1::heartshape1:
Dont be sad if you dont have special someone to celebrate it with, 3more months to go you never know who you will bump the next day probably mr right or mr left lol
good luck dear and cheer up:smile:

24th September 2013, 17:09
I understand it is a family time, but if i stay here it will be boring... I am only 31 lang and i like to have fun - last time i was in Phuket and i had a good time...

Anyway, i guess i will see what happens..

PS I am male, it's my ex in the picture - I guess i will have to change that

24th September 2013, 19:12
I understand it is a family time, but if i stay here it will be boring... I am only 31 lang and i like to have fun - last time i was in Phuket and i had a good time...

Anyway, i guess i will see what happens..

PS I am male, it's my ex in the picture - I guess i will have to change that

I'm in the same boat as you. I'm off to Fertuventura for Christmas ..only one week booked with the option to extend it both with tour operator and my employer for upto 3 weeks.

Giving the chicks a wide berth for a decade or so.

This holiday is me Me me jobbie...windsurfing, running and plenty of sleep.

24th September 2013, 19:50
Working 12 hour shifts Christmas day and boxing day. Normally (well the one Christmas I've had off in 8 years) would be spent at my granddads with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins, My godson and what other various family members pop in during the day.
However because of work it's normally a plate of food bought around to be when I get in from work around 7pm!

I Do however have 12 days off before my first day back Christmas day

24th September 2013, 20:34
Slip - having 12 days off before makes up for it... I used to work Christmas as it's a nice easy day to work normally....

gWaPito - I think i may have to go...i miss the philippines and i am sure if i can find a nice beach and a nice bar... anyone know one in a quiet area - I am sure i will be happy..

I do want to go, but it's just Christmas day i am concerned about

24th September 2013, 21:29
gWaPito - I think i may have to go...i miss the philippines and i am sure if i can find a nice beach and a nice bar... anyone know one in a quiet area - I am sure i will be happy..

I do want to go, but it's just Christmas day i am concerned about

Only you know what to do for the best, Chino:smile: We all know Christmas is a time for family and like me, you are not going to get near them on that day...so the choice as I see it is, be miserable here or be miserable in the sun ...I'd take the chance in the sun, everytime:smile:

24th September 2013, 21:34