View Full Version : Two cemeteries full in London

27th September 2013, 06:43
Heard on the news this morning that two cemeteries in London are full. :Erm:. Over population?

27th September 2013, 09:02
On BBC news this morning they were talking about re burying remains deeper so others can be put on top!

I shall be cremated.


Michael Parnham
27th September 2013, 10:47
In Philippines if you don't pay the rent, they remove the remains and use space for a new body! :cwm25:

27th September 2013, 10:57
In Philippines if you don't pay the rent, they remove the remains and use space for a new body! :cwm25:

even after death you still have to pay :cwm24:

27th September 2013, 13:59
Now they're moaning that extra land is too expensive and complicated to buy.

Rubbish !

If we can afford to send billions abroad every year to be squandered by corrupt governments, then the least we can do is to honour our dead by buying a few fields to lay them to rest in. :mad:

27th September 2013, 14:44
A relative of mine was buried in a Church cemetery on the IOW, on 12 Sep 1940,
in 1965 the church asked permission to remove the headstone to make a garden area,
Someone said yes (I would not have)

within 5 years it was tarmac ked over as a car park, and the headstone "lost"


27th September 2013, 18:54
A relative of mine was buried in a Church cemetery on the IOW, on 12 Sep 1940,
in 1965 the church asked permission to remove the headstone to make a garden area,
Someone said yes (I would not have)

within 5 years it was tarmac ked over as a car park, and the headstone "lost"


What a terrible thing to have happened Mick.
It's a disgrace......didn't anyone inform you about the plans ?
I'd have been very upset and angry.

27th September 2013, 19:11
What a terrible thing to have happened Mick.
It's a disgrace......didn't anyone inform you about the plans ?
I'd have been very upset and angry.

Hi Peter, it was an uncle of mine who gave permission, it was his
grandmother, my G Grandmother, I only found out when I became into family history and went looking for the grave, they first told me the headstones were kept but when I and a church warden looked for then nothing there.

A local solicitors family did refuse permission and their 2 graves are still there.

Like most things too late once its done.

Michael Parnham
28th September 2013, 08:59
even after death you still have to pay :cwm24:

Joe, the relatives have to pay and if they fail the remains are to the dogs as they say!:anerikke: