View Full Version : Trip to the Phils. - Part 1

24th September 2007, 06:19
Hi everyone,

Arrived saely in Cebu at 10.00 pm. Saturday night.

Very good trip to Hong Kong despite it being with British Aiways. Only downside was I was sitting with a Belgian and an Austrian (Hear the one about the Englishman, Belgian and Austrian?) They kept trying to outdo each other - the Belgian speaking German and vise-versa. I just sat there watching movies - but at one point they remarked on 'How quiet the Englishman was' I therefore got up and said to the Austrian - in German - 'Excuse me sir I am going to the bog to puke' Then - as I passed the Belgian I said to him in French 'our German isn't up to much is it?'
Lovely to wind up Nerds like that! Really cheered me up! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

H.K. to Manila was the usual immaculate Cathay Pacific service.
Had to wait in Manila a few hours before catching one of Cebu Pacific's beautiful airbuses to Cebu.
What a pity CP's ground staff aren't as good as their in flight staff.
Spotty nerk at the check-in told me I had excess baggage. I didn't 'cos I checked in UK. He told me 120 pesos - went to pay and then found it was 136 pesos. That's bloody 2,350,000% inflation per annum by my reckoning.

Touched down in Cebu at 9.40 pm. and met Hanna!!!!! :D:xxgrinning--00xx3::)

We are staying in Cebu City for a few days - then going to Dumaguete on Friday and then - who knows?

Writing this from a cafe at Ayala Mall at the mo. Anyone around? My cellphone number is:
(Keith - am I disguising this enough?)

It starts with a 0 followed by a 9 - then put in 205. Have a rest then do a 9 and a 7. Make a cuppa, come back and try 5 and a zero then a nine and finish with a 2.

God bless you all,

Al ( AND HANNA!! YEAH!!!!!) :BouncyHappy::cwm12:

24th September 2007, 07:33
i've seen that number written in the toilets at Ninoy Aquino International Airport :yikes:
saying give the number a call and ask for ALICE for a good time :D

:NoNo: , i was going to call it next time i was there, but now i know its you, maybe i'll pass on it :bigcry:

have a great hol Alan :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th September 2007, 08:52
The wife would have made them weigh the luggage in front of her before removing testicles with a blunt object :rolleyes:

24th September 2007, 19:43
Keith - will you stop mentioning wife and testicles in same sentence! - brings back too many memories:doh:icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th September 2007, 19:44
See.....Even Mark can't stop dreaming about me! :D :yikes:

24th September 2007, 19:58
Keith - will you stop mentioning wife and testicles in same sentence! - brings back too many memories:doh:icon_lol::icon_lol:

Life changing experience, huh...???:omg::D:icon_lol:

24th September 2007, 21:29
Hi ya Dom,
It keeps people reading and guessing eh?
You have too good a memory too!
Dont worry, it isnt playing on my mind or anything - i am just having some fun! - honest:xxgrinning--00xx3: