View Full Version : Andy Burnham criticises BBC's 'cursory coverage' of anti-cuts protest

5th October 2013, 04:37
I've seen on the beeb this morning they have had over 1,000 complaints about lack of coverage of the protest on the beeb, the beeb film crew claim they were told by the police\g4s that they were not allowed to film the protest :cwm25:

LEIGH MP Andy Burnham has criticised the BBC’s ‘cursory coverage’ of an anti-cuts protest in a letter to the corporation.


5th October 2013, 12:58
Now if it had been a tiny protest by some so pro-British... :cwm25:

5th October 2013, 14:13
50,000 is the largest protest march that's been thru Manchester, most look like they are protesting about NHS cuts and closures :NoNo: