View Full Version : Who's Ed Kidding

12th October 2013, 18:21
Ed Miliband clearly regrets having followed up his promise to intervene in the energy markets by suggesting he would not hesitate to meddle in other private sector areas — such as the water industry.
He belatedly realised voters are wary of such doctrinaire socialism which sees free markets as inherently bad, and as fair game for government intervention.

Worried he has given the impression that any Miliband government would wreck economic prosperity, he rushed to tell the Financial Times his comments about having the energy and banking industry in his sights were not a prelude to wider intervention. Who’s he kidding?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2455563/Great-Theresa-May-Now-tougher-immigration.html#ixzz2hWrc8Itr

:laugher: Ran squealing to the FT when the penny dropped that his Marxist proposals don't go down very well with the British public

He'll be saying next that he was taken out of context.


12th October 2013, 18:26
Oh know I thought you had kicked the habit of the DAILY SNAIL Ded. It appears old habits die hard.:laugher: