View Full Version : PAUL DACRE, Editor of the Mail, answers the paper's critics

12th October 2013, 22:29
So which is the REAL sin: to criticise the Marxist views of Red Ed's father or to help terrorists and put British lives at risk? PAUL DACRE, Editor of the Mail, answers the paper's critics

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2455256/PAUL-DACRE-Editor-Mail-answers-papers-critics.html#ixzz2hXsdY2gY

:appl: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th October 2013, 22:51
This makes me sick. :mad:

The comments on this page sum it up.


13th October 2013, 08:23
:icon_lol: dedworth I'll not waste a second reading that :censored:, if he had any guts he would have gone on news night and not sent his lackey who got ripped apart by Campbell :doh

i suppose he's also proud of the lies his paper has printed resulting in the mail losing many libel cases :icon_lol:

13th October 2013, 08:32
Your brainwashed Ded try not buying it for a week you might see the light.:laugher:

13th October 2013, 08:40
Your brainwashed Ded try not buying it for a week you might see the light.:laugher:

i think if dedworth came out of his dark room he'd develop into a better person :biggrin:

13th October 2013, 08:49

13th October 2013, 08:54
:icon_lol: dedworth I'll not waste a second reading that :censored:, if he had any guts he would have gone on news night and not sent his lackey who got ripped apart by Campbell :doh

i suppose he's also proud of the lies his paper has printed resulting in the mail losing many libel cases :icon_lol:

Why should he pander to Labours ally the BBC when they make a programme given over to Campbell a man mainly known for not telling the truth ?

13th October 2013, 09:01
Why should he pander to Labours ally the BBC when they make a programme given over to Campbell a man mainly known for not telling the truth ?

who are you talking about DACRE:Erm:

13th October 2013, 09:08
who are you talking about DACRE:Erm:

You said Dacre didn't have the guts to go on Newsnight - I'm saying why should Dacre react if the BBC snap their fingers. The bile about Dacre not being there was spat out by Campbell - the Mail sent a senior executive, what is Campbells role in the Labour Party or the Official Opposition ?- I thought he was still on the Blair payroll :Erm:

13th October 2013, 09:13
Dacre was not there he didnt have the guts to be interviewed. FACT. Anyway Ded have you ever met a Marxist/communist? Have you ever spoken to one? I doubt it.

13th October 2013, 09:57
Dacre was not there he didnt have the guts to be interviewed. FACT. Anyway Ded have you ever met a Marxist/communist? Have you ever spoken to one? I doubt it.

You're right Andy I was deaf, dumb and blind when I travelled in East Germany, Yugoslavia & Romania. Lets see some proof rather than your supposition that Dacre "didn't have the guts to be interviewed"

13th October 2013, 10:25
You said Dacre didn't have the guts to go on Newsnight - I'm saying why should Dacre react if the BBC snap their fingers. The bile about Dacre not being there was spat out by Campbell - the Mail sent a senior executive, what is Campbells role in the Labour Party or the Official Opposition ?- I thought he was still on the Blair payroll :Erm:

why send his lackey then :doh


where is Dacre :xxparty-smiley-004: :laugher:

13th October 2013, 10:34
You're right Andy I was deaf, dumb and blind when I travelled in East Germany, Yugoslavia & Romania. Lets see some proof rather than your supposition that Dacre "didn't have the guts to be interviewed"
Ok Ded you have been to those countries but have you sat down and had a proper discussion with people who support it?. I have and although I do not agree with everything they say they do have valid points. I look at both sides and make my mind up. If Dacre had any guts he would be interviewed end of. Maybe when he has thought of something constructive to say in his defence he might do.

13th October 2013, 13:03
Ok Ded you have been to those countries but have you sat down and had a proper discussion with people who support it?. I have and although I do not agree with everything they say they do have valid points. I look at both sides and make my mind up. If Dacre had any guts he would be interviewed end of. Maybe when he has thought of something constructive to say in his defence he might do.

I forgot to mention Czechoslovakia. Most of the people I spoke to in those countries at the time weren't all that happy living in a Peoples Democracy aka Marxist/Leninist Dictatorship.

I'm still a bit puzzled over Dacres lack of guts Andy - are you 100% confident that the BBC invited him to Newsnight - perhaps Jon Steafel and Campbell just turned up on spec. Maybe next time I'm at a loose end I'll pitch up and see if I can have my two-penneth in front of the cameras.

I think Dacres "constructive defence" is at #1 above

Has Blair given Campbell his P45 or is he just on a Zero Hours Contract with Millipede ?? :biggrin:

13th October 2013, 15:23
I forgot to mention Czechoslovakia. Most of the people I spoke to in those countries at the time weren't all that happy living in a Peoples Democracy aka Marxist/Leninist Dictatorship.

I'm still a bit puzzled over Dacres lack of guts Andy - are you 100% confident that the BBC invited him to Newsnight - perhaps Jon Steafel and Campbell just turned up on spec. Maybe next time I'm at a loose end I'll pitch up and see if I can have my two-penneth in front of the cameras.

I think Dacres "constructive defence" is at #1 above

Has Blair given Campbell his P45 or is he just on a Zero Hours Contract with Millipede ?? :biggrin:

and are you 100% confident he wasn't asked by some media company for his comment on his news story :icon_lol:

i bet he's been asked 100's of times, Campbell has challenged him, yet he goes into :xxparty-smiley-004: makes you wonder why :biggrin:

13th October 2013, 15:39
and are you 100% confident he wasn't asked by some media company for his comment on his news story :icon_lol:

i bet he's been asked 100's of times, Campbell has challenged him, yet he goes into :xxparty-smiley-004: makes you wonder why :biggrin:

I dunno Joe - stick to the point I'm talking about an invite from the BBC not "asked to comment by some media company"

And if you mean Campbells petition is his "challenge" I find it quite puerile he's like a brat in a toyshop stamping his feet screaming "I want, I want, I want"

13th October 2013, 16:48
I dunno Joe - stick to the point I'm talking about an invite from the BBC not "asked to comment by some media company"

And if you mean Campbells petition is his "challenge" I find it quite puerile he's like a brat in a toyshop stamping his feet screaming "I want, I want, I want"

:laugher: your :crazy:
find me one link where Dacre gave an interview on tv or radio after his 'news' story' :Erm:, i think he went in to :xxparty-smiley-004:

i'm sure ITV, BBC , channel 4 etc all asked him to comment :icon_lol:

13th October 2013, 16:58
:laugher: your :crazy:
find me one link where Dacre gave an interview on tv or radio after his 'news' story' :Erm:, i think he went in to :xxparty-smiley-004:

i'm sure ITV, BBC , channel 4 etc all asked him to comment :icon_lol:

Why have you digressed from your original assertation (post #3 above) that Dacre didn't have the guts to appear on Newsnight - what have some media companies, the ITV and Channel 4 got to do with that ?

He maintained a dignified silence over the matter until giving his full and frank response yesterday in the Mail and Guardian :smile:

13th October 2013, 17:07
:icon_lol: i suppose if you go into hiding :xxparty-smiley-004: that's a dignified silence to you :laugher:

sounds to me like its a cowardly retreat :icon_lol:

if as you say the BBC is biased why didn't he go on Channel 4 or ITV and give an interview ??? :doh

13th October 2013, 17:19
Channel 4 are also a card carrying corporate member of the Labour Party :biggrin:

13th October 2013, 17:23
dedworth you need to get back on your bike and get some fresh air btw your ears :Cuckoo::icon_lol:

13th October 2013, 17:27
dedworth you need to get back on your bike and get some fresh air btw your ears :Cuckoo::icon_lol:

I got back 20 minutes ago Joe and it feels like I never left :icon_lol:

By the way listened to a very interesting piece on my earphones about Police & Intelligence surveillance I'll post you the link when I find the relevant Snowden / Guardian thread or wherever it was we were on about it

13th October 2013, 17:47
it will be time soon to use a VPN !

Iraqi child deciphers British intelligence codes
