View Full Version : Woman nightclub reveller pictured defecating in city centre street

16th October 2013, 10:16
A new low for binge drink Britain: Woman nightclub reveller pictured defecating in city centre street

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2461512/Swansea-woman-pictured-defecating-street.html#ixzz2hsIdAaY3

Filthy slapper - I hope they can trace her from the CCTV and put her behind bars

16th October 2013, 10:20
where is the video for this I can,t find it

16th October 2013, 10:38
where is the video for this I can,t find it

Ah, I didn't read it properly it's on a mobile not CCTV but perhaps they've got her stumbling along before or after

16th October 2013, 11:33
It has to be said there are some classy birds out there :NoNo:
Came into Hampstead Station a few Saturdays ago and there was a slapper with her dress up, knickers down having a :piss2: at the end of the platform. :NoNo:

16th October 2013, 11:34
Did you give her a blast on the horn Marco ? :biggrin:

16th October 2013, 12:11
Did you give her a blast on the horn Marco ? :biggrin:

Absolutely Ded and drew everyones attention to her. Gave her some abuse as well on behalf of the cleaners who have to clean up after these pigs. Needless to say she never got on my train :cwm23:

16th October 2013, 13:36
Its disgusting and seems to be the norm now without any sign of embarrassment from the culprits.

But, its worth pointing out that councils like mine have been closing public conveniences all over the borough so in a way encouraging this type of behaviour.

16th October 2013, 13:44
where is the video for this I can,t find it

I got vids of similar acts Brian..I can forward them on :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th October 2013, 14:45
I got vids of similar acts Brian..I can forward them on :xxgrinning--00xx3:
nah ya alright mark lol well ive had a bird drop her kegs and have a piss whilst leaning against ma taxi before but never seen one do that disgusting thing .oh that was in broad daylight ,I could,nt believe what I was seeing in my wing mirror ,it was bad enough but her boyfriend was sitting in the back of cab looking very embarrassed lol

16th October 2013, 14:56
when you gotta go you gotta go, a disgusting act ,but what is it called if a man does it,:Erm: men have been peeing on the street for years when drunk

16th October 2013, 15:15
when you gotta go you gotta go, a disgusting act ,but what is it called if a man does it,:Erm: men have been peeing on the street for years when drunk

It wasn't peeing :yikes:

16th October 2013, 15:18
talk about peeing I got up in the middle of the night many moons ago and pissed on ma brother when he was alseep on the single bed in ma room I was sleep walking hahahaha he was,nt amused

16th October 2013, 15:31
It wasn't peeing :yikes:

true but better than poohing your pants:laugher:

what i do find a disgrace is the drunken state these girls get into, young men too, though it looks worse when its girls,
if up to me i would bar anyone from the streets after 12 midnight and anyone found in such a drunken state punished for being a public nuisance and disgrace , name shamed and posted on notice boards and newspaper

16th October 2013, 16:57
true but better than poohing your pants:laugher:

what i do find a disgrace is the drunken state these girls get into, young men too, though it looks worse when its girls,
if up to me i would bar anyone from the streets after 12 midnight and anyone found in such a drunken state punished for being a public nuiscense and disgrace , name shamed and posted on notice boards and newspaper

Our local council are seriously considering the use of 'Drunk Tanks' operated by private companies.
They give you bill the next morning...............

The folks they interviewed said it wouldn't make any difference to them..........:cwm24:

Arthur Little
16th October 2013, 17:51
It has to be said there are some classy birds out there :NoNo:
Came into Hampstead Station a few Saturdays ago and there was a slapper with her dress up, knickers down having a :piss2: at the end of the platform. :NoNo:

Did you give her a blast on the horn Marco ? :biggrin:

Possibly the :NEW1: had rendered her so :piss2:ed - not to mention "horny" - she then farted >:action-smiley-081: < so loudly that some of her rather less~inebriated cronies felt the urge to slap 'er :butthead: instead ... in their attempts to sober her up and bring her to her senses. :anerikke:

16th October 2013, 17:53
The trouble is when you have to go you have to go,I remember in my footballing days we were playing a very important match and I had got pre match runs lol
Before the game started I ran down the railway embankment with a handful of dockleaves-out of sight or so I thought!
Next minute the harrogate to Leeds train slowly crawls past:yikes:
after a hurried exit i returned to the pitch:icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
16th October 2013, 18:32
Would things improve if we put the clock back to the fifties and pubs closed 10 30pm last drinks 10pm and open lunch time 12 noon till 2pm?:Erm:

16th October 2013, 19:07
Would things improve if we put the clock back to the fifties and pubs closed 10 30pm last drinks 10pm and open lunch time 12 noon till 2pm?:Erm:

That didn`t stop in the 50s. went on to the 80s. Worked well with everyone getting their cannoodling over early then a good nights sleep for work :biggrin:

Actually neighbouring boroughs may have had different closing times so it was possible to get a last drink around 10.50pm

16th October 2013, 20:54
with a handful of dockleaves-

I've not seen any dock leaves for years - I remember as a kid rubbing them on nettle stings. I suspect they've all been nicked by our Eastern European immigrants, they probably go down well with BBQ swan

16th October 2013, 21:00

16th October 2013, 21:58
Would things improve if we put the clock back to the fifties and pubs closed 10 30pm last drinks 10pm and open lunch time 12 noon till 2pm?:Erm:

but think of all the revenue generated by all these late night drinkers.

16th October 2013, 22:47
but think of all the revenue generated by all these late night drinkers.

Don't think its that much as lots of pubs have closed since then, anyway there was always afters available when all the lightweights were sent home :smile:

Michael Parnham
17th October 2013, 08:49
but think of all the revenue generated by all these late night drinkers.

It's not generated in my direction! :NoNo: