View Full Version : British citizenship

19th October 2013, 10:56
Right here we go, Ems has hers so do we apply for the passport straight away or wait till after Xmas, now if we can go to the Phil's for a holiday over Xmas am I right in thinking , we use Ems Phil's passport and when we land back here we just show the ILr card and all is well, Ems thinks now she is British the card is not valid anymore so whey will not let her into the country again

19th October 2013, 11:31
Right here we go, Ems has hers so do we apply for the passport straight away or wait till after Xmas, now if we can go to the Phil's for a holiday over Xmas am I right in thinking , we use Ems Phil's passport and when we land back here we just show the ILr card and all is well, Ems thinks now she is British the card is not valid anymore so whey will not let her into the country again

Does she have ILR or Citizenship already?

I am confused because you mentioned ILR and the subject is British Citizenship!

If she only have ILR she can travel using her Philippine passport. But if she has her Citizenship, there's a time limit for her to take the oath.
If she has already taken the oath, she can no longer use her Philippine passport, as the minute she takes the oath for the British Citizenship, they will contact the Philippine Embassy and forward her documents declaring she is now British Citizen therefore, they will update on their system that she no longer has right using her Philippine passport because she is no longer Filipino Citizen.

19th October 2013, 11:57
Right here we go, Ems has hers so do we apply for the passport straight away or wait till after Xmas, now if we can go to the Phil's for a holiday over Xmas am I right in thinking , we use Ems Phil's passport and when we land back here we just show the ILr card and all is well, Ems thinks now she is British the card is not valid anymore so whey will not let her into the country again
Jane applied for her British Passport the following day ( we'd already filled out the passport application form and got the signs from the third party as is required on first British passports)...Jane had to go for interview..Just like Emma will Steve...Her British passport arrived the following week

19th October 2013, 12:03
Does she have ILR or Citizenship already?

I am confused because you mentioned ILR and the subject is British Citizenship!

If she only have ILR she can travel using her Philippine passport. But if she has her Citizenship, there's a time limit for her to take the oath.
If she has already taken the oath, she can no longer use her Philippine passport, as the minute she takes the oath for the British Citizenship, they will contact the Philippine Embassy and forward her documents declaring she is now British Citizen therefore, they will update on their system that she no longer has right using her Philippine passport because she is no longer Filipino Citizen.

Not so Mystica :NoNo:..I know this from experience when wife got her's last a year ago last March 2012...If her Philippine Passport is still in date, she can still use it going there and coming back..not mix and match :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
19th October 2013, 12:25
I thought you would have applied for Em's passport already Steve! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2013, 12:34
.....the minute she takes the oath for the British Citizenship, they will contact the Philippine Embassy and forward her documents declaring she is now British Citizen therefore, they will update on their system that she no longer has right using her Philippine passport because she is no longer Filipino Citizen.

Not correct.

19th October 2013, 12:40
Right here we go, Ems has hers so do we apply for the passport straight away or wait till after Xmas, now if we can go to the Phil's for a holiday over Xmas am I right in thinking , we use Ems Phil's passport and when we land back here we just show the ILr card and all is well, Ems thinks now she is British the card is not valid anymore so whey will not let her into the country again

Steve, really comes down to timing.
If it's possible (without undue stress) to secure the British Passport all well and good.
Otherwise use the Philippine Passport, then when re-entering use the Phils passport together with ILR (even though technically no longer valid/applicable) and Naturalisation Certificate.
The Naturalisation Certificate is not a valid travel document but accepted for right of UK entry. Her Philippine Passport remains her authorised travel document.

To be strictly compliant with the rules better to secure a British Passport before departure and use on both legs.

19th October 2013, 12:41
Not so Mystica :NoNo:..I know this from experience when wife got her's last a year ago last March 2012...If her Philippine Passport is still in date, she can still use it going there and coming back..not mix and match :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well! I did not take risk on this because I was told by the Philippine Embassy there's a time frame for us to claim dual citizenship or drop the Filipino Citizenship. In which, they will deactivate the validity of your passport. Unless you make an effort to inform them you intend to use the Philippine passport therefore you should take the oath for dual citizenship.

19th October 2013, 12:45
Nowadays, everything is computerised, you wouldn't want to end up landing in the Philippines using Philippine passport when you already made a commitment and took the oath which is pretty much claiming the British Citizenship but still uses the Philippine passport. You may find yourself in trouble.

19th October 2013, 12:53
If she has already taken the oath, she can no longer use her Philippine passport, as the minute she takes the oath for the British Citizenship, they will contact the Philippine Embassy and forward her documents declaring she is now British Citizen therefore, they will update on their system that she no longer has right using her Philippine passport because she is no longer Filipino Citizen.

where is your source for this information :Erm:

19th October 2013, 13:00
The UK authorities DO NOT inform anyone about naturalisation. Period.

If you have information stating otherwise please share the link to that source.

The UK fully accepts immediate and automatic dual nationality. There's no reason to inform anyone.

Most folks understand the position of Philippines on Dual Nationality and the need and process for retention of Philippine Citizenship.

19th October 2013, 13:26
Nowadays, everything is computerised, you wouldn't want to end up landing in the Philippines using Philippine passport when you already made a commitment and took the oath which is pretty much claiming the British Citizenship but still uses the Philippine passport. You may find yourself in trouble.

Three sources for your review:-
- British Nationality Act 1981
- Philippines Republic Act No. 9225 (August 29, 2003)
- USA Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

Quite interesting reading.

19th October 2013, 14:17
The ceremony
Please read the enclosed guidance notes as soon as possible. These give important information about the ceremony and the words you need to say for the Oath / Affirmation and the Pledge.
Please note that once you become a British citizen you will lose any refugee status you may hold in the United Kingdom.


Plus I made my inquiries with the council and Philippine Embassy and they said, Filipinos wish to travel and use their existing Philippine passport has to inform their Embassy.

19th October 2013, 14:31
The UK authorities DO NOT inform anyone about naturalisation. Period.

If you have information stating otherwise please share the link to that source.

The UK fully accepts immediate and automatic dual nationality. There's no reason to inform anyone.

Most folks understand the position of Philippines on Dual Nationality and the need and process for retention of Philippine Citizenship.

On the other hand, I am now British and I have experienced this process. :tea_cup5:

19th October 2013, 15:16
On the other hand, I am now British and I have experienced this process. :tea_cup5:

So you're saying you've personally experienced the British Authorities informing the Philippine Authorities that you hold British Citizenship ??

19th October 2013, 15:29

i cant see anything here about the Home Office sending papers to your embassy informing them your now a British Citizen :cwm25:


Like you, I am South African and have also submitted a naturalisation application. However, I have not done the NQ or SA Embassy route as it takes so long (from the SA embassy side).

I was told by the consular service that it is my responsibility to inform them that I have obtained British Citizenship, they are not informed by UKBA in any way. So if you don't say anything, how will they know. They will only know when you renew your passport again as it is one of the questions. My husband has dual SA / British Citizenship (for a 4 of years now) and travels in and out of South Africa on his SA passport. He never did the 'permission' step with Home Affairs.

Whichever way you choose to do it (the cost wasn't justifiable to me as I won't go back to live), it is easy to resume SA citizenship again if you choose to return.



19th October 2013, 15:42
So you're saying you've perosnally experienced the British Authorities informing the Philippine Authorities that you hold British Citizenship ??

YES! because the day I took the oath, I made a direct inquiry to the council and was informed that they do forward the documents to the Philippine Embassy informing them that I am now British. I don't really know if it is true or not, so I called the Philippine Embassy and I was told its okay to travel for certain period, because they haven't receive all the documents from our council. So I travel with my Philippine passport. While I am waiting for my British passport I went to Saudi and they held me for 9 hours in Jeddah the immigration told me that I have travelled with an invalid passport! So I had to go back to UK and wait for my British passport. Husband called the Philippine Embassy and inquire why my passport has been deactivated? Having been told that it will take sometime to cancel it on their system. So I went back to UK and waited for my British passport.

19th October 2013, 15:49
On the other hand, I am now British and I have experienced this process. :tea_cup5:

Most of us here have Mystica :xxgrinning--00xx3:....I see where you are coming from :xxgrinning--00xx3: but, the fact is you are are no obligation to inform the Philippine Embassy

I've never heard of there being a time scale for the Filipino to become dual?..Like Terpe asked, please forward that authoritive info if you are able to :smile::xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2013, 15:55

i cant see anything here about the Home Office sending papers to your embassy informing them your now a British Citizen :cwm25:


Like you, I am South African and have also submitted a naturalisation application. However, I have not done the NQ or SA Embassy route as it takes so long (from the SA embassy side).

I was told by the consular service that it is my responsibility to inform them that I have obtained British Citizenship, they are not informed by UKBA in any way. So if you don't say anything, how will they know. They will only know when you renew your passport again as it is one of the questions. My husband has dual SA / British Citizenship (for a 4 of years now) and travels in and out of South Africa on his SA passport. He never did the 'permission' step with Home Affairs.

Whichever way you choose to do it (the cost wasn't justifiable to me as I won't go back to live), it is easy to resume SA citizenship again if you choose to return.



Exactly so.....
UKBA has no interest and no mandate. They place great emphasis on informing folks that it is their own responsibility to liaise with their own authorities.

Additionally, the Philippine law itself is not clear on this issue anyway.
Despite being formally requested to clarify the position this has not so far been resolved.
It's a very interesting topic......maybe deserves it's own discussion thread.

The Philippine law was originally developed solely with USA in mind.
(the pledge of USA clearly requires the applicant to:-

...entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty..

Most other countries do not require you to renounce your existing citizenship.
However, many Embassies do like to turn a nice earner where they can and may not want to precisely clarify on an individual basis..................it's a 'grey area'

But interesting...

PS: There's a recipricol question I suppose on whether the Philippine Oath Taking invalidates British Citizenship and the British Passport.....After all the wording of the Oath is very similar....

19th October 2013, 15:55
Something not ringing right here :NoNo:....Being stopped and turnt around at Jed coz of Pport deactivation..I should coco :Erm:

19th October 2013, 16:09
Most of us here have Mystica :xxgrinning--00xx3:....I see where you are coming from :xxgrinning--00xx3: but, the fact is you are are no obligation to inform the Philippine Embassy

I've never heard of there being a time scale for the Filipino to become dual?..Like Terpe asked, please forward that authoritive info if you are able to :smile::xxgrinning--00xx3:

There's no time scale if you want to be a dual citizen or not! but the original inquiry he made here is if his wife can travel using Philippine passport after taking the oath. In order to have dual Citizenship she also has to take an oath at the Philippine Embassy.



Sec 1. SHORT TITLE — This Act shall be known as the "Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003."

Sec 2. DECLARATION OF POLICY - It is hereby declared the policy of the State that all Philippine citizens who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship under the conditions of this Act.

Sec 3. RETENTION OF PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP - Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, natural-born citizens of the Philippines who have lost their Philippine citizenship by reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country are hereby deemed to have re-acquired Philippine citizenship upon taking the following oath of allegiance to the Republic:

"I _________________, solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines and obey the laws and legal orders promulgated by the duly constituted authorities of the Philippines, and I hereby declare that I recognize and accept the supreme authority of the Philippines and will maintain true faith and allegiance thereto; and that I impose this obligation upon myself voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion."

Natural-born citizens of the Philippines who, after the effectivity of this Act, become citizens of a foreign country shall retain their Philippine citizenship upon taking the aforesaid oath.

Sec 4. DERIVATIVE CITIZENSHIP - The unmarried child, whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted, below eighteen (18) years of age, of those who re-acquire Philippine citizenship upon effectivity of this Act shall be deemed citizens of the Philippines.

Sec 5. CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES - Those who retain or re-acquire Philippine citizenship under this Act shall enjoy full civil and political rights and be subject to all attendant liabilities and responsibilities under existing laws of the Philippines and the following conditions:

Those intending to exercise their right of suffrage must meet the requirements under Sec. 1, Article V of the Constitution, Republic Act No. 9189, otherwise known as "The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003" and other existing laws;
Those seeking elective public office in the Philippines shall meet the qualifications for holding such public office as required by the Constitution and existing laws and, at the time of the filing of the certificate of candidacy, make a personal and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship before any public officer authorized to administer an oath;
Those appointed to any public office shall subscribe and swear to an oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines and its duly constituted authorities prior to their assumption of office: provided, that they renounce their oath of allegiance to the country where they took that oath;
Those intending to practice their profession in the Philippines shall apply with the proper authority for a license or permit to engage in such practice; and
That right to vote or be elected or appointed to any public office in the Philippines cannot be exercised by, or extended to, those who:
(a) are candidates for or are occupying any public office in the country of which they are naturalized citizens; and/or

(b) are in active service as commissioned or non-commissioned officers in the armed forces of the country which they are naturalized citizens.

Sec 6. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE - If any Sec. or provision of this Act is held unconstitutional or invalid, any other Sec. or provision not affected thereby shall remain valid and effective.

Sec 7. REPEALING CLAUSE - All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Sec 8. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE - This Act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its publication in the Official Gazette or two (2) newspapers of general circulation.


19th October 2013, 16:18
Something not ringing right here :NoNo:....Being stopped and turnt around at Jed coz of Pport deactivation..I should coco :Erm:

why wasn't she stopped when she left the Airport in the UK :Erm:

19th October 2013, 16:25
if she has her Citizenship, there's a time limit for her to take the oath.
:Erm: My wife took the oath before being awarded British Citizenship..I know, I was there:smile:

19th October 2013, 16:32

Sec 1. SHORT TITLE — This Act shall be known as the "Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003."

Sec 2. DECLARATION OF POLICY - It is hereby declared the policy of the State that all Philippine citizens who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship under the conditions of this Act.

I just added the highlighted section

19th October 2013, 16:36
if his wife can travel using Philippine passport after taking the oath. In order to have dual Citizenship she also has to take an oath at the Philippine Embassy.

:Hellooo: Mystica :smile: No one is disputing one must swear on oath at a Philippine Embassy to regain FilipinoCitizenship :xxgrinning--00xx3:

What's in question here is whether one can legally travel back and forth to the Phils on a Filipino Passport after swearing an oath to the Crown :xxgrinning--00xx3:....You can :smile:

19th October 2013, 16:37
I just added the highlighted section
I'm going to have a lay down now :NEW5:

19th October 2013, 16:48
I just added the highlighted section

Sec 2. . .DECLARATION OF POLICY - It is hereby declared the policy of the State that all Philippine citizens who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship under the conditions of this Act.

Under the condition of this Act is referring to the section 3!

It's okay! if you think you are giving a good advice good luck!

My father is retired government staff and my Auntie works with immigration so if there are any laws that are not obvious for people which is the reason they are searching for answers here! Good luck!

19th October 2013, 16:50
why wasn't she stopped when she left the Airport in the UK :Erm:

Simply because I have a valid visa going to Saudi which is the Saudia's main concern! :furious3:

19th October 2013, 16:56
It's just an experience! But the feeling of being questioned for not having a right travel document especially in the Middle East is terrible! :nono-1-1:

19th October 2013, 16:58
There is no magical device/method that can remotely cancel/revoke/deactivate a passport

When a passport is inspected or even scanned it can only verify identity.
It does not indicate whether you are a bad person or a wanted person or travelling illegally either now or in your past.

Those kinds of details would need to be on a 'watch list' or 'alert list'.
These 'lists' may be national or international and would be relating to terrorist activity, deportation orders, current criminal investigations etc

That's about the only stuff immigration officials can see that relate to your passport. Identity authentication.

Maybe you didn't have the correct/valid visa?
If your passport was invalid how could Saudi authorities allow you then to travel back to UK on an invalid and deactivated passport?

How could you re-enter UK on a deactivated Philippine passport without any questioning ?

19th October 2013, 17:08
Sec 2. . .DECLARATION OF POLICY - It is hereby declared the policy of the State that all Philippine citizens who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship under the conditions of this Act.

Under the condition of this Act is referring to the section 3!

It's okay! if you think you are giving a good advice good luck!

My father is retired government staff and my Auntie works with immigration so if there are any law that are not obvious for people which is the reason they are searching for answers here! Good luck!

As written, the conditions of the act under section 3 related to those who
...have lost their Philippine citizenship by reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country....

The question is does the UK Oath cause the Philippine Citizen to lose their citizenship.

With some countries, like USA, it clearly does and there's no argument about that.
However does the wording of the UK oath cause loss of citizenship.

The Philippine Government has never offered clarity.

Actually, I think I'll have lay down too..... better still I'll go out for a sauna and swim.

BTW I'm also retired government staff ..... :olddude:

19th October 2013, 17:11
:laundry:...:78718:...Don't mind me..I'm all ears :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2013, 17:21
There is no magical device/method that can remotely cancel/revoke/deactivate a passport

When a passport is inspected or even scanned it can only verify identity.
It does not indicate whether you are a bad person or a wanted person or travelling illegally either now or in your past.

Those kinds of details would need to be on a 'watch list' or 'alert list'.
These 'lists' may be national or international and would be relating to terrorist activity, deportation orders, current criminal investigations etc

That's about the only stuff immigration officials can see that relate to your passport. Identity authentication.

Maybe you didn't have the correct/valid visa?
If your passport was invalid how could Saudi authorities allow you then to travel back to UK on an invalid and deactivated passport?

How could you re-enter UK on a deactivated Philippine passport without any questioning ?

Excuse me! I still have my ILR stamped on my passport proving I am resident of UK and has my Citizenship paper with me and they know I came from UK as my fort of destination, therefore I ended up travelling airport to airport! My passport was deactivated but still need an official cancelation from the Philippine Embassy which they made holes and stamped it with CANCELLED! http://i1324.photobucket.com/albums/u619/MysticaUK2009/image_zps465c6aa7.jpg

And FYI! it's my experience I am sharing not yours! I am safe now thanks God for that! I now used my British passport several times without any issues!

19th October 2013, 17:26
Right here we go, Ems has hers so do we apply for the passport straight away or wait till after Xmas, now if we can go to the Phil's for a holiday over Xmas am I right in thinking , we use Ems Phil's passport and when we land back here we just show the ILr card and all is well, Ems thinks now she is British the card is not valid anymore so whey will not let her into the country again

Hi Steve!!...Emma can still use her Philippine passport and BRP (biometric residence permit) upon entering the UK as long as it is still valid and not out of date.

19th October 2013, 17:34
When you said government staff, which organisation and department? My father is retired Chief Security of Ombudsman and one of my Auntie is with Department of Foreign Affairs. Sometimes when people says they work with the government they could be easily working as Baranggay or traffic department which is not related to immigration issues! :Blacklistnonono:

19th October 2013, 17:36
There's no time scale if you want to be a dual citizen or not! but the original inquiry he made here is if his wife can travel using Philippine passport after taking the oath. In order to have dual Citizenship she also has to take an oath at the Philippine Embassy.



Sec 1. SHORT TITLE — This Act shall be known as the "Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003."

Sec 2. DECLARATION OF POLICY - It is hereby declared the policy of the State that all Philippine citizens who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship under the conditions of this Act.

Sec 3. RETENTION OF PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP - Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, natural-born citizens of the Philippines who have lost their Philippine citizenship by reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country are hereby deemed to have re-acquired Philippine citizenship upon taking the following oath of allegiance to the Republic:

"I _________________, solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines and obey the laws and legal orders promulgated by the duly constituted authorities of the Philippines, and I hereby declare that I recognize and accept the supreme authority of the Philippines and will maintain true faith and allegiance thereto; and that I impose this obligation upon myself voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion."

Natural-born citizens of the Philippines who, after the effectivity of this Act, become citizens of a foreign country shall retain their Philippine citizenship upon taking the aforesaid oath.

Sec 4. DERIVATIVE CITIZENSHIP - The unmarried child, whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted, below eighteen (18) years of age, of those who re-acquire Philippine citizenship upon effectivity of this Act shall be deemed citizens of the Philippines.

Sec 5. CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES - Those who retain or re-acquire Philippine citizenship under this Act shall enjoy full civil and political rights and be subject to all attendant liabilities and responsibilities under existing laws of the Philippines and the following conditions:

Those intending to exercise their right of suffrage must meet the requirements under Sec. 1, Article V of the Constitution, Republic Act No. 9189, otherwise known as "The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003" and other existing laws;
Those seeking elective public office in the Philippines shall meet the qualifications for holding such public office as required by the Constitution and existing laws and, at the time of the filing of the certificate of candidacy, make a personal and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship before any public officer authorized to administer an oath;
Those appointed to any public office shall subscribe and swear to an oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines and its duly constituted authorities prior to their assumption of office: provided, that they renounce their oath of allegiance to the country where they took that oath;
Those intending to practice their profession in the Philippines shall apply with the proper authority for a license or permit to engage in such practice; and
That right to vote or be elected or appointed to any public office in the Philippines cannot be exercised by, or extended to, those who:
(a) are candidates for or are occupying any public office in the country of which they are naturalized citizens; and/or

(b) are in active service as commissioned or non-commissioned officers in the armed forces of the country which they are naturalized citizens.

Sec 6. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE - If any Sec. or provision of this Act is held unconstitutional or invalid, any other Sec. or provision not affected thereby shall remain valid and effective.

Sec 7. REPEALING CLAUSE - All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Sec 8. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE - This Act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its publication in the Official Gazette or two (2) newspapers of general circulation.



there is also NO time scale for a british citizen to have a british passport!!
if i dont want to apply for a british passport straight away after my oath, nobody can force me!!

19th October 2013, 17:36
:balaicoule::caddy: This womens work isn't easy you know :NoNo:

Btw..I forgot these !!!!!!! They seem to be the flavour of this thread

19th October 2013, 17:44
What I want to know is....who's doing all the :caddy::balaicoule::ironing::78718::78718: If I were the husband I would be asking that same questions :blahblah::blahblah: :xxparty-smiley-004:

19th October 2013, 18:28
when you said government staff, which organisation and department? My father is retired chief security of ombudsman and one of my auntie is with department of foreign affairs. Sometimes when people says they work with the government they could be easily working as baranggay or traffic department which is not related to immigration issues! :blacklistnonono:


19th October 2013, 18:44

Well then! you may know the rules in UK but the issue here is the Philippine passport, Philippine Embassy and their rules! End the story! :Cuckoo:

19th October 2013, 18:50
So....., mada anata wa Igirisu no seifu shokuin to ..... hataraku to dōjini, kako 20-nenkan Nihon ni sunde iru to shuchō suru?

19th October 2013, 18:55
So....., mada anata wa Igirisu no seifu shokuin to ..... hataraku to dōjini, kako 20-nenkan Nihon ni sunde iru to shuchō suru?
:Erm: My Google translate struggled with that one :cwm25:

19th October 2013, 18:59
Of course it would! because google can only translate Japanese writing! :doh

19th October 2013, 19:01
Subete no watashi no kami no sakuhin ga gōhōdearunode, watashi mo, anata wa UKBA kara sagyō ..... iru osoreru koto wa nanimonai!

19th October 2013, 19:03
Subete no watashi no kami no sakuhin ga gōhōdearunode, watashi mo, anata wa UKBA kara sagyō ..... iru osoreru koto wa nanimonai!

Please use only English in the forum....

19th October 2013, 19:04
Of course it would! because google can only translate Japanese writing! :doh

oOps:Erm: Their was me thinking that the Filipino lingo on google was based on Tag but, according to Mystica, it's Japanese :NoNo:..I'm learning something everyday here :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Anyway...I got household chores to complete..no fairies in my house to do it

19th October 2013, 19:06
Well then! you may know the rules in UK but the issue here is the Philippine passport, Philippine Embassy and their rules! End the story! :Cuckoo:

It is.
You have posted some misleading and inaccurate advice but I have no further wish to continue an endless stream of posts.

19th October 2013, 19:11
Please use only English in the forum....

Anata wa sore o rikai suru koto ga dekiru hazu!Tetsudō gijutsu-sha to ..... 20-nen no tame ni anata ga Yokohama ni motodzuite iru to shuchō shi, mada UKBA to renkei shita?


19th October 2013, 19:12
It is.
You have posted some misleading and inaccurate advice but I have no further wish to continue an endless stream of posts.


19th October 2013, 19:13
I rest my case! I'm off for a walk! :Hellooo:


19th October 2013, 19:21
My cousin flew to america after his oath to the queen using his philippine passport and never he encountered any problem whatsoever.

19th October 2013, 19:23
I rest my case! I'm off for a walk! :Hellooo:


:Bugger:the walk..how about the housework:Erm:

19th October 2013, 19:25
thanks all for responding and thanks for the fun too :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

19th October 2013, 19:28
I rest my case! I'm off for a walk! :Hellooo:


I would very kindly request and advise you NOT to get into any personal reaction with me. Keep to the rules. Create useful threads and feel free to comment on the subject of postings but do be careful to refrain from making any such personal statements/comments about me any other member.

You have no 'case' and no reason to behave in such a petulant manner.
Did you never hear of folks who leave a career in one country to start a new one in another.
I do not expect you to continue with your puerile personal comments. Period.

19th October 2013, 19:42
Subete no watashi no kami no sakuhin ga gōhōdearunode, watashi mo, anata wa UKBA kara sagyō ..... iru osoreru koto wa nanimonai!

This is filipinouk forum not japanese....dont try to confuse the member here nor try to impress that u can speak japanese...we are not interested. Period! Most of british member here are all credible with the information they provide.

19th October 2013, 19:45
I would very kindly request and advise you NOT to get into any personal reaction with me. Keep to the rules. Create useful threads and feel free to comment on the subject of postings but do be careful to refrain from making any such personal statements/comments about me any other member.

You have no 'case' and no reason to behave in such a petulant manner.
Did you never hear of folks who leave a career in one country to start a new one in another.
I do not expect you to continue with your puerile personal comments. Period.



Anata wa tawagoto o kuso! :crazy:


I AM TOTALLY OUT OF THIS FORUM!!! :Blacklistnonono:

I AM BANNING MYSELF!!! :airline::devil-smiley-029::xxmixed-smiley-017::xxangry-smiley-038::CompBuster:

19th October 2013, 20:02
..Anata wa tawagoto o kuso!

I asked you kindly not to continue in that way.
I don't believe anyone here would accept such disgusting insulting nonsense that you have cast at me,
despite using Japanese language
In case you read this, and for the record, please be informed that I most certainly did not keep giving you bad reputation.

Any bad reputation you may have (rightly or otherwise), either here or elsewhere on internet forums, is solely down to your own reactions, the way you treat friends and your use of low-level insulting language.

19th October 2013, 20:05
You are not being bullied Mystica. You just can't take the fact that other people here are not supporting what you said based on their knowledge. With your attitude, I'm sure even other forums won't be accepting you. You've left the other forum (or were banned? I don't know) where most of the members there were banned from here. That says a lot about it. If they didn't like you there, (the people that this forum didn't like), what would be the reason this forum would like you either? Change your attitude and members here might give you another chance.

19th October 2013, 20:07
I have to quickly say hello to all you guys on this forum as I just joined this second. I just 'found' you,...and I am so so glad I read this thread !!!! If I can be excused I will skip the intro and get right to the point of this topic.
Firstly , I am in desperate need of this info about my wife travelling on her Filipino passport,..you see, she just got her UK citizenship 4 days ago, taking the oathe and receiving her certificate. Problem is , we have already booked our annual holiday to Cebu for a 3 month break , and we travel in the next 3 weeks ! My wife doesn't have time to apply for a UK passport, and as I read on another forum (from Mystica ) I was informed by her about her experiences. Now I dont want to dismiss her views,...but if what has been said on here is true,...well I'll be skipping around our living room if she doesn't need to travel all the way to London to the Phils embassy to re-take her oath AND ask them if she can use her old passport to travel out for our holidays ??!!..
I had visions of us being stopped at the UK airport and refused travel once they had scanned her Filipino passport !!!. Hopefully the customs and immigration in Cebu will not challenge her either.
Please folks,....dont givew upon this thread,..it is so interesting to me at this stage,...

Jonny (new member)

19th October 2013, 20:18
You are not being bullied Mystica. You just can't take the fact that other people here are not supporting what you said based on their knowledge. With your attitude, I'm sure even other forums won't be accepting you. You've left the other forum (or were banned? I don't know) where most of the members there were banned from here. That says a lot about it. If they didn't like you there, (the people that this forum didn't like), what would be the reason this forum would like you either? Change your attitude and members here might give you another chance.

Absolutely, Rayna :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Please accept a well deserved rep :biggrin::icon_sorry::xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2013, 20:23
looks like i missed the :xxparty-smiley-050::waver:

you've posted some info but not backed it up with any links

where is a link showing the council send information to the phils embassy :Erm:

where is a link showing you have to take the oath at the phils embassy within a time period :Erm:

19th October 2013, 20:25
I have to quickly say hello to all you guys on this forum as I just joined this second. I just 'found' you,...and I am so so glad I read this thread !!!! If I can be excused I will skip the intro and get right to the point of this topic.
Firstly , I am in desperate need of this info about my wife travelling on her Filipino passport,..you see, she just got her UK citizenship 4 days ago, taking the oathe and receiving her certificate. Problem is , we have already booked our annual holiday to Cebu for a 3 month break , and we travel in the next 3 weeks ! My wife doesn't have time to apply for a UK passport, and as I read on another forum (from Mystica ) I was informed by her about her experiences. Now I dont want to dismiss her views,...but if what has been said on here is true,...well I'll be skipping around our living room if she doesn't need to travel all the way to London to the Phils embassy to re-take her oath AND ask them if she can use her old passport to travel out for our holidays ??!!..
I had visions of us being stopped at the UK airport and refused travel once they had scanned her Filipino passport !!!. Hopefully the customs and immigration in Cebu will not challenge her either.
Please folks,....dont givew upon this thread,..it is so interesting to me at this stage,...

Jonny (new member)

This post highlights the heartache what can be caused by giving out misleading information :NoNo:

Put simply Johnny...Terpe is correct :xxgrinning--00xx3:...Please continue skipping around your living room :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

For your excellent good timing, I've rewarded you with your first rep :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2013, 21:02
Anata wa sore o rikai suru koto ga dekiru hazu!Tetsudō gijutsu-sha to ..... 20-nen no tame ni anata ga Yokohama ni motodzuite iru to shuchō shi, mada UKBA to renkei shita?


Dont speak japanese here coz all of the member here is english! Anata namaiki dayooo... :hubbahubba::thumbsdown:

19th October 2013, 21:02
:Erm: My Google translate struggled with that one :cwm25:

Its b'coz nihongo contradicts english grammar :Rasp:

19th October 2013, 21:06
Its b'coz nihongo contradicts english grammar :Rasp:

I'm learning much today:xxgrinning--00xx3:

robbie bobby
19th October 2013, 21:39
Every now and again there seems to be someone like this popping up. This post has really made my day and made me laugh to no end.
@Terpe you seem to have a lot of patience and well done to you. Rep point on its way.

@Mystica.You are the weakest link......Goodbye :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::doh:doh:laugher::laugher:

19th October 2013, 22:14
Must admit - it was quite interesting - I will be certain to avoid ALL doubt and not book any travel with Rina during that month we do her naturalization and application for UK Passport :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
19th October 2013, 22:16
:Bugger:the walk..how about the housework:Erm:

Well said Mark a :xxgrinning--00xx3 :rep on the way!

20th October 2013, 01:43
I must confess when I saw that name on a thread the other day I did think here we go :crazy: fruit loop has arrived.
18 years married to a Brit :icon_lol::icon_lol: Lucky Fella :wink:

20th October 2013, 14:47
Hey! I tried to say it in Japanese so he won't be exposed to the other members that I am criticising him as he's an idiot! but apparently it's just a claim he's been in Japan that long when he isn't!

20th October 2013, 15:32
Hey! I tried to say it in Japanese so he won't be exposed to the other members that I am criticising him as he's an idiot! but apparently it's just a claim he's been in Japan that long when he isn't!


20th October 2013, 15:50

sorry i should have put quote -thats what she said on other website

Michael Parnham
20th October 2013, 16:19
sorry i should have put quote -thats what she said on other website

Thank's, we understand now! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th October 2013, 18:10
sorry i should have put quote -thats what she said on other website

what makes her think people would expose their true identity in a public forum :NoNo:

20th October 2013, 18:46
Hey! I tried to say it in Japanese so he won't be exposed to the other members that I am criticising him as he's an idiot! but apparently it's just a claim he's been in Japan that long when he isn't!

Just a thought Irishman :smile::xxgrinning--00xx3:...You may think it a good idea to delete that post and some how arrange it that it obviously came from Mystica..........these posts remain here for years

Very disappointing she said such a thing.. :NoNo:

Thank you for taking the trouble to translate :xxgrinning--00xx3: My Google trans still couldn't fathom it out even when I put in Japanese :NoNo:

BTW..I've sent you a rep for your troubles :-)

20th October 2013, 19:01
what makes her think people would expose their true identity in a public forum :NoNo:

Well there is always that aspect. We should all take some precautions.
My user name is just that....a user name.....most folks here know my real name is Peter
rather than Terpe.
Some have met both me and my wife in person. I actually do exist.

All the rest of my profile is accurate and true.
Most of the regulars here know my story...............no problems for me to outine again though.

It's always going to be guessing game in reviewing someones forum profile against a few picked up hints.

I was lucky to have had a job which was also my hobby and passion. Railways...trains.

I spent over 30 years in various positions travelling the world supporting and consulting Railway companies in specialised areas of railway engineering.
During that period I got based in Japan. Much easier, quicker and cheaper to be based there to support our interests in China and Asia.

It was really by chance that during my time in Japan I happened to get introduced to the lady who became my wife. She was also at that time living in Japan and running her business in jazz themed restaurant.
That was our life for many years until we decided to come to England to take care of my parents who were suffering various health problems.
We came to England 8th November 2002 and have been here since. (unfortunately)
Even back then we experienced a tough time with immigration.
Neither of us had a job although we did have savings and we did have rented accommodation set up.

I though it would be easy for me to find a job.....but was soon proved wrong on that one.
Seemed even then I was either just too old or too picky. I really wanted an 'ethical' job.
Some time in January 2003 I managed to secure a 6 month contract with the Inland Revenue. After that intial contract I was offered full time employment with various roles involved with Employer Tax regimes and later with other interesting aspects. Eventually the then named Border and Immigration Agency was merged with HMRC to become UKBA.

Simple story and nothing special.
Except that by some strange quirk of fate two people from different sides of the planet meet up by chance in yet another country and end up spending their lives together.

Like a few others here, our plan is to relocate to Philippines very very soon and enjoy a wonderful life together in our autumn and sunset years....

Can't wait for that.

20th October 2013, 20:33
It's a small world Terpe,... I'm one of the real life 'railway children',..seriously ! I lived out in the hills at a railway junction way back in 1960-67,..only means of transport was the trains,...going to school, going into town and visits from the doctor ! The television crew came to us and made a documentary about my family in 1965 !
My father wrote a small book about his memories of his life working on the railway, all the proceeds were given to the local charity that were trying to restore the line around where he spent all his working days. It was written very formally from all his diaries he used to keep. Some good old-fashioned photo's of some old steam and diesel engines.I will send you a PM with a link for it if you wish ?


20th October 2013, 20:53
....Some good old-fashioned photo's of some old steam and diesel engines.I will send you a PM with a link for it if you wish ?


That would be most welcome and very kind. Sadly Jonny, just now you not able to access PM
I'll contact you with my e-mail address. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

We used to have a railway line and station in our village way back when. Like you it was the pretty much the only way to get to the nearest towns.
The station has gone and most of the line taken up. It's now a cycle track and nature walk..very nice too. Some of the track remains and form part of a local Steam Railway system.

I'll be in touch with you via e-mail.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th October 2013, 20:56
It's a small world Terpe,... I'm one of the real life 'railway children',..seriously ! I lived out in the hills at a railway junction way back in 1960-67,..only means of transport was the trains,...going to school, going into town and visits from the doctor ! The television crew came to us and made a documentary about my family in 1965 !
My father wrote a small book about his memories of his life working on the railway, all the proceeds were given to the local charity that were trying to restore the line around where he spent all his working days. It was written very formally from all his diaries he used to keep. Some good old-fashioned photo's of some old steam and diesel engines.I will send you a PM with a link for it if you wish ?


Just a thought Jonny

You could start a blog here on this forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:....Go to the 'forum' page and look at the menu...I'm sure many of us would be interested in what you say and looking at your old pics :smile:....It saves taking the threads off topic :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th October 2013, 20:57
Just a thought Irishman:smile::xxgrinning--00xx3:...You may think it a good idea to delete that post and some how arrange it that it obviously camr frm Mystica..........these posts remain here for years

Very disappointing she said such a thing..:NoNo:

Thank you for taking the trouble to translate:xxgrinning--00xx3: My Google trans still couldn't fathom it out even when I put in Japanese:NoNo:

BTW..I've sent you a rep for your troubles :-)
i didnt translate -she wrote it in english ,
one of my relative spent some time in japan and is also studying japanese but i guess there are different types just like in phils.

21st October 2013, 13:54
Well there is always that aspect. We should all take some precautions.
My user name is just that....a user name.....most folks here know my real name is Peter
rather than Terpe.
Some have met both me and my wife in person. I actually do exist.

All the rest of my profile is accurate and true.
Most of the regulars here know my story...............no problems for me to outine again though.

It's always going to be guessing game in reviewing someones forum profile against a few picked up hints.

I was lucky to have had a job which was also my hobby and passion. Railways...trains.

I spent over 30 years in various positions travelling the world supporting and consulting Railway companies in specialised areas of railway engineering.
During that period I got based in Japan. Much easier, quicker and cheaper to be based there to support our interests in China and Asia.

It was really by chance that during my time in Japan I happened to get introduced to the lady who became my wife. She was also at that time living in Japan and running her business in jazz themed restaurant.
That was our life for many years until we decided to come to England to take care of my parents who were suffering various health problems.
We came to England 8th November 2002 and have been here since. (unfortunately)
Even back then we experienced a tough time with immigration.
Neither of us had a job although we did have savings and we did have rented accommodation set up.

I though it would be easy for me to find a job.....but was soon proved wrong on that one.
Seemed even then I was either just too old or too picky. I really wanted an 'ethical' job.
Some time in January 2003 I managed to secure a 6 month contract with the Inland Revenue. After that intial contract I was offered full time employment with various roles involved with Employer Tax regimes and later with other interesting aspects. Eventually the then named Border and Immigration Agency was merged with HMRC to become UKBA.

Simple story and nothing special.
Except that by some strange quirk of fate two people from different sides of the planet meet up by chance in yet another country and end up spending their lives together.

Like a few others here, our plan is to relocate to Philippines very very soon and enjoy a wonderful life together in our autumn and sunset years....

Can't wait for that.

Thanks for sharing that info about you...but like i have said i would never expect someone to give too much info about themselves online or never would judge anybody if they dont want to be identified as well...as for others privacy matter and so it does to me. Although i dont share any info about me here some member if not most knows me personally :biggrin:

21st October 2013, 14:03
It's just an experience! But the feeling of being questioned for not having a right travel document especially in the Middle East is terrible! :nono-1-1:

Can you clarify. Are you of Filipino origin, and looking? Traveling to Saudi on a brand new, shiney, no stamps, British Passport?

If so then they may have suspected other things such as it being invalid 'because you're obviously not British'. They are a law unto themselves out there.

21st October 2013, 14:27
Can you clarify. Are you of Filipino origin, and looking? Traveling to Saudi on a brand new, shiney, no stamps, British Passport?

If so then they may have suspected other things such as it being invalid 'because you're obviously not British'. They are a law unto themselves out there.

No Trefor. She was travelling on a Philippines passport.
Apparently she was still waiting for her British Passport at that time.
Just prior to travelling she had become a naturalised British Citizen and she said that the UKBA (or other authority) had immediately shared that information to Philippine Embassy and that immediately following that the Philippine Embassy had somehow revoked/cancelled her Philippine passport without her knowledge leading to the Saudi immigration refusing entry as her passport was invalid.

The objective of the many questions was to establish the root cause as it seemed unlikely that such information would be shared and shared so quickly.

Many folks have become naturalised British Citizens but continued to travel on their Philippine passports without any issue.
The key factor being, is there a sharing of information about becoming a British Citizen from UK authorities to other foreign Embassies/authorities. Or is it incumbent solely on the individual to declare such changes as otherwise it remains unknown.

It appears from the practical experience of many that there is no automatic secret sharing of such information.
But according to Mystica there is indeed a sharing of such information as it subsequently happened in her experience as outlined here in this thread.

21st October 2013, 14:50
It appears from the practical experience of many that there is no automatic secret sharing of such information.
But according to Mystica there is indeed a sharing of such information as it subsequently happened in her experience as outlined here in this thread.

For those living within the M25 this is roughly translated to mean she was talking bo:censored:cks :biggrin:

21st October 2013, 15:34
For those living within the M25 this is roughly translated to mean she was talking bo:censored:cks :biggrin:

Well I'd have to agree Marco........and certainly anecdotal evidence as well as other regulatory requirements support that. But I always like to understand the facts so I already asked the Home Office.......be interesting to see if they want to divulge anything.

21st October 2013, 21:07
No Trefor. She was travelling on a Philippines passport.
Apparently she was still waiting for her British Passport at that time.
Just prior to travelling she had become a naturalised British Citizen and she said that the UKBA (or other authority) had immediately shared that information to Philippine Embassy and that immediately following that the Philippine Embassy had somehow revoked/cancelled her Philippine passport without her knowledge leading to the Saudi immigration refusing entry as her passport was invalid.

The objective of the many questions was to establish the root cause as it seemed unlikely that such information would be shared and shared so quickly.

Many folks have become naturalised British Citizens but continued to travel on their Philippine passports without any issue.
The key factor being, is there a sharing of information about becoming a British Citizen from UK authorities to other foreign Embassies/authorities. Or is it incumbent solely on the individual to declare such changes as otherwise it remains unknown.

It appears from the practical experience of many that there is no automatic secret sharing of such information.
But according to Mystica there is indeed a sharing of such information as it subsequently happened in her experience as outlined here in this thread.

and more importantly she was able to leave the UK on this cancelled passport :doh

21st October 2013, 21:22
and more importantly she was able to leave the UK on this cancelled passport :doh

......and re-enter UK :Erm:

21st October 2013, 21:27
......and re-enter UK :Erm:

double :doh:doh :icon_lol: