View Full Version : Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers pitch up in hospital car park

22nd October 2013, 08:59
"French" filth this time :cwm23:

Travellers driving French cars take over Welsh HOSPITAL car park. They say they're on holiday but are they fleeing French crackdown?

Staff car park at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport blocked by caravans
French travellers with 14 mobile homes say they'll move on 'shortly'
Hundreds of NHS hospital staff were turned away from work this morning
Hospital chiefs taking legal advice over how they might eject travellers
Hospital visitor says: 'Someone could suffer because a doctor is late'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2470088/French-travellers-set-camp-Royal-Gwent-Hospital-car-park.html#ixzz2iR4Dvq6G
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22nd October 2013, 09:41
Use water cannon like the French do. :mad:

They should have been turned back at the border. Oh, we can't do that anymore, can we. :NoNo: