View Full Version : Sick Farcebook

23rd October 2013, 12:13
Breasts are banned but beheadings are OK.

I hope they lose a load of advertisers :-

Facebook must now prove it is 'robust' in protecting children after removing beheading video, David Cameron warns

Facebook banned decapitation videos in May due to psychological damage
In U-turn it said users should be able to watch and condemn these videos
Hostage UK, which has Ken Bigley's brother as trustee, slams the move
PM: Decision is 'irresponsible' and Facebook should 'address problem'
Following pressure it's removed gory video of woman being beheaded

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2473003/Facebook-prove-protecting-children-says-David-Cameron.html#ixzz2iXhli3ox
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23rd October 2013, 12:35
There is a mass of disgusting stuff on facebook.

I don't know how they get away with it. Totally irresponsible. :mad:

Youngsters can easily be 'affected' by such videos and images.

23rd October 2013, 13:02
I have seen some of these things and believe me it was horrible and I wished I never seen them:doh
Facebook should be disgusted with themselves:cwm23:

23rd October 2013, 13:19
you can't get better protection than stopping your kids going on facebook altogether :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd October 2013, 13:26
Very true...but totally unrealistic I'm afraid. :NoNo:

23rd October 2013, 13:41
:Brick::Brick::Brick::Brick::Brick: Don't these :censored:ing idiots realise that by showing these atrocities that their playing into terrorists hands :Brick:
All these idiots want is publicity and that's what face ache is giving them, expect a lot more kidnappings in the near future :crazy:

23rd October 2013, 13:50
The only language these people understand is money. If the advertisers started cancelling their business then they would soon take note. Same goes for youtube :cwm23:

23rd October 2013, 13:51
philippinos seem to view a lot of this stuff a relative posted it on her wall ,and at first I thought it was going to be one of those stupid fake videos but hell it was no fake and I nearly threw up .I just could,nt grasp that this poor woman was murdered on film and posted online what a sick world we live in.Young kids must get traumatised seeing this and facebook should be ashamed for allowing it in the first place.

23rd October 2013, 14:11
Quite right, and if one parent tries to act responsibly by limiting what their kids can view, there will be a hundred other smartphones to look at in the school playground.

The responsibility lies firmly with the websites.

One of my Filipino relatives posted a (genuine) picture of the partially dismembered body of a newborn baby on her facebook timeline. :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
23rd October 2013, 16:55
Facebook should be banned, sooner rather than later!:thumbsdown:

23rd October 2013, 17:04
Facebook should be banned, sooner rather than later!:thumbsdown:

Oi! That's what I used to contact my family and friends. :cwm24:

23rd October 2013, 17:21
ive accidentally seen some terrible stuff--road accident victims--even a dead baby being eaten---why do people post this dreadful stuff--why does it end up on my page--?

23rd October 2013, 17:40
Facebook should be banned, sooner rather than later!:thumbsdown:

No not at all it's a great site for many other reasons-that's like saying lets ban music coz we found a record offensive
All they have to do is refuse to allow the awful images as mentioned :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd October 2013, 18:29
I agree Les. There must be a way to keep the majority of reasonable 'users' happy.

23rd October 2013, 18:52
I am happy with Facebook generally - it's free advertising for me, my mates were in touch arranging a night out on it last night, I can see pics instantly of friends around the world etc etc
All they have to do is restrict nasty stuff, it's a great medium.

23rd October 2013, 19:52
I enjoy using it too..for much the same reasons. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
23rd October 2013, 20:28
Oi! That's what I used to contact my family and friends. :cwm24:

Sorry Rayna, Maritess is the same as you, but I can see the dangers and problems that social websites cause to many people!

23rd October 2013, 21:42
like anything in this world, if its used properly its great,
The best thing i do if i am not interested i dont even bother looking, the language i cant stand from the younger people :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

23rd October 2013, 22:39
You can control what people see of yours, and also who's stuff is allowed to appear on your page. It's all in account and privacy settings. Same with the chat and messaging facility on there.

Also, IF you find my page, you'll simply see a picture of my handsome self, plus a 'cover picture'....nowt else ! I also have a very common name. :biggrin:

24th October 2013, 03:51
Unfortunately i think a majority of users don't even realise what is available to others on their page or that privacy settings exist. Just randomly clicking on friends of friends, i've found complete stranger's addresses, phone numbers, photos (that probably shouldn't be seen by strangers).

Also, i'm wondering how will companies feel that they are advertising on a website alongside such graphic images or videos?

24th October 2013, 03:57
It reminds me actually.. Star Movies cable channel over here cut out anything even slightly erotic and dub the mildest of swearwords, but allow graphic violence.