View Full Version : Feral, Feckless Scum Father

24th October 2013, 12:24
Father who wants five bedroom council house for nine (with one more on the way) children says he would 'go out robbing' if he didn't get his £32,000 a year benefits


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2474783/Father-Lee-Miller-says-robbing-didnt-32k-year-benefits.html#ixzz2idaubfQY

Chemical castration please :cwm23:

24th October 2013, 13:11
Yes, first castration, followed by military service. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Time we stopped paying the dregs of society to breed.

24th October 2013, 13:16
:icon_lol: nintendo Wii its only 7yrs old this week, hardly a ps4 :biggrin:

i pity them kids :NoNo:, as he's not working, why the :censored: doesn't he clean the mold up, spray it with mold killer it be gone for a month or so :doh

no they should be him go stealing, lock him up, no more kids

Arthur Little
24th October 2013, 14:54
Father who wants five bedroom council house for nine (with one more on the way) children says he would 'go out robbing' if he didn't get his £32,000 a year benefits

Father-of-nine Lee Miller claimed he would target 'rich' people in London

.................................................. :yeahthat: ... conjures up a modern day "robbin' hood(ie)" somehow ... :ReadIt:

Arthur Little
24th October 2013, 18:16
Yes, first castration, followed by *military service. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:nono-1-1:, Graham ... he wouldn't have "the balls" for *it!