View Full Version : Dole Mother could get £60,000 a year benefits slashed

25th October 2013, 20:44
Fingers crossed

Dole Mother could get £60,000 a year benefits slashed after being paid thousands to appear boasting on TV show 'On Benefits and Proud'

Heather Frost, 37, received £2,000 to appear on Channel 5 programme
Tewkesbury Borough Council say it is their 'duty' to investigate comments
Also admitted paying for stolen goods behind the door during a clip
She lives with her 11 children and has never worked in her life
Caused outrage after council offered to build her a £500,000 eco-home


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2476594/On-Benefits-Proud-mother-Heather-Frost-60k-year-benefits-slashed.html#ixzz2ilTG4CX8

25th October 2013, 21:09
being from a family of 13 children it does make my blood boil, my dad worked and was we on benefits well yes, free school meals, milk tokens, free school uniform the once, what else, cant remember, and yes all we had was a three bedroom house,

25th October 2013, 22:32
Steve, your father was obviously a proud man, one who led by example and paid his own way :xxgrinning--00xx3: A man who led by example and didn't sit there thinking the world owed him something, wish there were more like that around today :smile:

26th October 2013, 01:46
Watched this programme and it does annoy you :cwm23:
Her old man never took part and yet there was a car and motorcycle outside the front of the house and motorcycles in the garden. Great life :NoNo:

26th October 2013, 01:48
Programme also featured 2 fat slappers from Camden with their kids. One said she needs a job that pays more than 30k a year before she'd come off benefits.:NoNo:

26th October 2013, 07:42
the problem who or what made them this way,

26th October 2013, 07:43
Steve, your father was obviously a proud man, one who led by example and paid his own way :xxgrinning--00xx3: A man who led by example and didn't sit there thinking the world owed him something, wish there were more like that around today :smile:

Indeed it is why i am like i am, :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
27th October 2013, 00:13
Slightly :icon_offtopic: ... but, you'd have thought that the 37-year-old mother of eleven kids - on benefits of £60k p.a. - could've had the gap :icon_lol: in her upper front teeth attended to for the television interview.

:anerikke: ... purely an observation! (NOT to be taken too seriously!)

31st October 2013, 20:41
All the boys are called Daniel, that way she can call them all for dinner or bedtime at once ... But how does she call them individually then? That's easy, She uses their surnames......