View Full Version : Hello from Bedfordshire

26th October 2013, 23:07
Hi all, I'm Mike, I'm new here, and honestly didn't think I would have the need to join such a group (or was even aware one existed), until a couple of days ago. I know of a few Filipinos in my home town, many of them working as carers. Without exception they all seem to be really nice people. I'm separated, with children for around three years now, and somewhat disillusioned with UK women (sorry to those that are on this forum, but its just my experiences).

Basically, I've joined Filipino Cupid a couple of weeks ago, chatted to several girls, but one has stood out from the crowd, and I don't really know why, but she has had a big effect on me already. I think her smile has got me hooked. I know it will be difficult, but I'm really hoping this may go somewhere. I really think she is genuine, and so hope that she is, but am always wary of the sites scammers as well.

I would love to get to know some of you people, both those in a similar situation to me, and those that have done it and are in a happy fulfilled relationship. It's a very new concept for me and one I would never have considered entertaining a few months ago, but boy how a smile can change all that!


26th October 2013, 23:42
Hi all, I'm Mike, I'm new here, and honestly didn't think I would have the need to join such a group (or was even aware one existed), until a couple of days ago. I know of a few Filipinos in my home town, many of them working as carers. Without exception they all seem to be really nice people. I'm separated, with children for around three years now, and somewhat disillusioned with UK women (sorry to those that are on this forum, but its just my experiences).

Basically, I've joined Filipino Cupid a couple of weeks ago, chatted to several girls, but one has stood out from the crowd, and I don't really know why, but she has had a big effect on me already. I think her smile has got me hooked. I know it will be difficult, but I'm really hoping this may go somewhere. I really think she is genuine, and so hope that she is, but am always wary of the sites scammers as well.

I would love to get to know some of you people, both those in a similar situation to me, and those that have done it and are in a happy fulfilled relationship. It's a very new concept for me and one I would never have considered entertaining a few months ago, but boy how a smile can change all that!


Hiya Mike, first of all may I say a warm and friendly welcome to our forum, there are a lot of people on here who have started that wonderful journey you may or may not embark on so I will throw my input into this...

Mike first of all yes there are scammers about and you normally find those that ask for money immediately or within a few weeks or months of getting to know them, just be careful and keep your wits about you, if she is genuine then she would never ask for this not before you have actually met her anyway.

I have been down this road as many others have who can testify to finding a right gem but on hindsight a few others and I mean just the minority who have had a bad experience.

I don't say this to put you off as most filipino woman are absolutely beautiful both inside and out but like I say just take one step at a time and if it feels good then you could take it further.

BTW I met my beautiful lady nearly 2 years ago on a dating site, met her in person 6 months later got married 2 months after that and now she is in the UK with me and our little boy so yes things can work out.

Good Luck Buddy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th October 2013, 00:06
Welcome Mike and good luck on your mission :xxgrinning--00xx3: - as Mark said there are plenty here who've gone down that route, I can't offer any input as Mrs D's a nurse and had already been working in the UK a couple of years when we met

27th October 2013, 05:07
Welcome Mike and good luck on your mission :xxgrinning--00xx3: - as Mark said there are plenty here who've gone down that route, I can't offer any input as Mrs D's a nurse and had already been working in the UK a couple of years when we met

For the obvious reasons, I believe this is the best route to take. :smile::xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th October 2013, 06:55
Hiya Mike, first of all may I say a warm and friendly welcome to our forum, there are a lot of people on here who have started that wonderful journey you may or may not embark on so I will throw my input into this...

Mike first of all yes there are scammers about and you normally find those that ask for money immediately or within a few weeks or months of getting to know them, just be careful and keep your wits about you, if she is genuine then she would never ask for this not before you have actually met her anyway.

I have been down this road as many others have who can testify to finding a right gem but on hindsight a few others and I mean just the minority who have had a bad experience.

I don't say this to put you off as most filipino woman are absolutely beautiful both inside and out but like I say just take one step at a time and if it feels good then you could take it further.

BTW I met my beautiful lady nearly 2 years ago on a dating site, met her in person 6 months later got married 2 months after that and now she is in the UK with me and our little boy so yes things can work out.

Good Luck Buddy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I may have already fallen for the money trap, and I have sent a token amount, only £20, but I want to show her that I am serious myself. She is young, and still in some sort of education/college. She asked for help with tuition fees. I know the alarm bells should be ringing, but to be honest every doubt I have had she has countered with ease, and all on camera. She is either a very professional scammer or very genuine, I guess only time will tell. And we have spoken on cam daily for well over a week. She has also shown me off to her neighbours and friends, which I hope is a positive thing.

As I say she is young, I know there are wide age gaps in the relationships, but are there any guides as to what is considered OK, I'm guessing its more anything goes in the Philippines, but more frowned upon in the UK? Also how successful have peoples relationships been when there is a big age gap?


27th October 2013, 08:07
Hi there Mike , welcome too, there is lots of advice on here which you can take, but the best advice is what your head will be telling you,
If you are happy sending a little money now and again , well send it , but sometime too just say no, , its your life just take your time do not rush in ,

Michael Parnham
27th October 2013, 09:55
A very warm welcome Mike, good luck with your quest! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th October 2013, 10:50
Hello Mike, welcome aboard Filipino UK :welcomex:

It's very early days yet....but we all wish you the best for your future.

You'll get lots of differing comments....all valid as representing the actual real life experience of those sharing. All useful to put in your 'toolbox'

Firstly, do understand this, if any lady you connect with is an experienced or so-called 'professional' scammer, it's almost a certainty that she'll never reveal her true self or true intentions regardless of any questioning you'll put to her.

Yes, you do need to be very aware when sending money. Two reasons imo.....one is that of protecting any increasing vulnerability on your part, and another is that of avoiding any insult or embarrassment to her or her family. Yes, that can also happen.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with sending small amounts of money that help support the cost of communication between the two of you.
This is especially true if the lady has limited funds.

There's no shortage of wonderful, sincere Filipinas who will willingly accept a relationship with an equally honest and sincere foreigner.

Sadly, there's just as many foreigners scamming and exploiting Filipinas for financial, sexual or other reasons. All under the pretence of looking for a wife.

Good luck
Lots of friendly folks here happy to share and support. Hope you'll stick around

27th October 2013, 11:04
I have seen a couple of profiles of Philippine women who have said they were scammed previously, I must admit I had thought the scamming was a one way thing. Obviously I'm aware of the sexual exploitation, but didn't know it went on with dating as well, what could a Western man gain from conning an Asian woman? Surely not financial?

27th October 2013, 11:45
I have seen a couple of profiles of Philippine women who have said they were scammed previously, I must admit I had thought the scamming was a one way thing. Obviously I'm aware of the sexual exploitation, but didn't know it went on with dating as well, what could a Western man gain from conning an Asian woman? Surely not financial?
a SLAVE for anything he wants ,

27th October 2013, 13:21
a SLAVE for anything he wants ,

= financial too :cwm23:

Mike, we have many stories from Filipinas who have been scammed out of money. For them quite significant sums too.

If a scammer can take P5k from 100 people it's worth their efforts.
A lot of scammers will use the lure of overseas jobs and visa's etc

Lot's of sad stories listed in the forum.

27th October 2013, 15:26
I'd be very, very careful Mike and my advice would be if there's another money request drop her - plenty of good girls not wanting £'s out there

27th October 2013, 15:30
Hi Mike and welcome to the forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Familiar story I too was separated with 2 children and disillusioned with what was on offer in the UK. Then along she came and changed my life.
It's early days for you yet but I wish you well and wouldn't be bothered about small sums of money. Read some of the threads on here about people who've been scammed and you're get a feel of what to look out for.
The Philippines is a long way away but if you pick the right time it's not that expensive to go. I'm off myself next month and the tickets were less than £500 return. Hopefully it wont be that long before you maybe fancy taking a trip.
Hang around and keep us updated :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th October 2013, 18:42
As I say she is young, I know there are wide age gaps in the relationships, but are there any guides as to what is considered OK, I'm guessing its more anything goes in the Philippines, but more frowned upon in the UK? Also how successful have peoples relationships been when there is a big age gap?


Hi Mike regarding age gap its not a big thing with filipinos as my wife told me she prefers a guy who is older and more mature rather than someone in her own age group who she said is more likely to be immature and mess around.

Not saying that I agree with an 18 year old with a 80 year old but there is because I have seen them in Manila but everyone to their own...:icon_lol::olddude:

BTW my wife is 24 and I am 43 so there you go, all the best mate..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 06:50
Hi Mike regarding age gap its not a big thing with filipinos as my wife told me she prefers a guy who is older and more mature rather than someone in her own age group who she said is more likely to be immature and mess around.

Not saying that I agree with an 18 year old with a 80 year old but there is because I have seen them in Manila but everyone to their own...:icon_lol::olddude:

BTW my wife is 24 and I am 43 so there you go, all the best mate..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks for that, the girl in question has tried to reassure me that the age gap is no problem at all and i know it wouldn't be in Philly, but I can imagine the comments I would get back in the UK from work colleagues etc. And even my own family (she is younger than a couple of my step children). But if it feels so right, how can it be wrong?

Arthur Little
28th October 2013, 20:53
:anerikke: ... need I say more, Mike?

:welcomex: to our friendly site ... and goodluck with your quest! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th October 2013, 07:06
Thank you all, I like it here already!

If there happens to be anyone on here local to me (Bedford area) I wouldn't mind meeting up for a drink or something so I can bend their ears for advice. That is those partnered to Filipinos or who are familiar with the country.

29th October 2013, 08:42
I may have already fallen for the money trap, and I have sent a token amount, only £20, but I want to show her that I am serious myself. She is young, and still in some sort of education/college. She asked for help with tuition fees. I know the alarm bells should be ringing, but to be honest every doubt I have had she has countered with ease, and all on camera. She is either a very professional scammer or very genuine, I guess only time will tell. And we have spoken on cam daily for well over a week. She has also shown me off to her neighbours and friends, which I hope is a positive thing.

As I say she is young, I know there are wide age gaps in the relationships, but are there any guides as to what is considered OK, I'm guessing its more anything goes in the Philippines, but more frowned upon in the UK? Also how successful have peoples relationships been when there is a big age gap?

Mikemike I am not being funny when I say this but a philippina asking for money in the first week would bring up a red flag in my mind right away, just be very careful as they can be very smart with the scams. If she is on facebook ask her for her password because if she has anything to hide she won,t give it to you. you can see someones life story on facebook trust me lol.I went down the same route like you and I got lucky too like many on here but others ran into a nightmare, welcome to the forum

31st October 2013, 05:59
Thank you all, I like it here already!

If there happens to be anyone on here local to me (Bedford area) I wouldn't mind meeting up for a drink or something so I can bend their ears for advice. That is those partnered to Filipinos or who are familiar with the country.

Welcome to the forum, Mike. :Hellooo: I'm in the next county to you which isn't far from Bedford, I have Filipino family and have been to the Philippines numerous times but I doubt that you will want to meet me as I am one of those "UK women" that you are disillusioned with :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Best of luck, I do hope that you find what you are looking for :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st October 2013, 19:36
Welcome to the forum, Mike. :Hellooo: I'm in the next county to you which isn't far from Bedford, I have Filipino family and have been to the Philippines numerous times but I doubt that you will want to meet me as I am one of those "UK women" that you are disillusioned with :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Best of luck, I do hope that you find what you are looking for:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ah nothing personal Rosie. I'm sure there are plenty of lovely home grown ladies, I'm just struggling to find any of them ;)

I'm kind of confused, are you married to a Filipino guy? Daft, but I never thought of a Philippine - UK relationship being that way around.

I'm trying to think which county you mean, but i'm guessing further North?

31st October 2013, 23:19
Ah nothing personal Rosie. I'm sure there are plenty of lovely home grown ladies, I'm just struggling to find any of them ;)

I'm kind of confused, are you married to a Filipino guy? Daft, but I never thought of a Philippine - UK relationship being that way around.

I'm trying to think which county you mean, but i'm guessing further North?

Hehehe ...... I'm just teasing you Mikester, each to their own! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

My brother used to live and work in Malaysia and Philippines before he was taken seriously ill and was urgently repatriated back to UK, where he now lives in a nursing home. (I have a thread called 'Desperately Seeking Help for My Brother' in the Legal section of this forum). He has 4 Filipino sons, the youngest is here in UK with my brother's long term partner and my other 3 nephews are living with his ex wife in Philippines.

I live in Cambridgeshire and often drive past Bedford on my way shopping in Milton Keynes. My first visit to Philippines was in 1998/9 and I last visited in 2010. One of my most vivid memories of the Philippines is the noise in Manila and Makati .......... beep, beep, beep, beeeeeep ! :drivingx::drivingx: :drivingx: the guys will know what I am talking about! :doh

1st November 2013, 11:46
Hi Mike - i'm broadly in the same situation as you - I'm on filipino cupid as well.

I'd just be careful sending cash - even relatively small amounts. It just doesn't start the relationship on a good footing. I'm sure the woman is genuine but there are millions of filipinas who wouldn't dream of asking for anything , even if they are desperate.

1st November 2013, 17:13
Hi Mike - i'm broadly in the same situation as you - I'm on filipino cupid as well.

I'd just be careful sending cash - even relatively small amounts. It just doesn't start the relationship on a good footing. I'm sure the woman is genuine but there are millions of filipinas who wouldn't dream of asking for anything , even if they are desperate.
where you from I was born in dunoon

2nd November 2013, 11:39
Hi Mike - i'm broadly in the same situation as you - I'm on filipino cupid as well.

I'd just be careful sending cash - even relatively small amounts. It just doesn't start the relationship on a good footing. I'm sure the woman is genuine but there are millions of filipinas who wouldn't dream of asking for anything , even if they are desperate.

To be honest it was probably more me offering than her asking, although she had obviously told of her situation etc, maybe hinted, but not directly asked. I have since sent a further amount, enough to cover her Cyber Cafe fees for a month, the trouble is I am finding the Western Union fees together with Bank charges (I used a credit Card) are nearly as much as the amounts i'm sending. any advice on cheaper options?

2nd November 2013, 11:43
Hehehe ...... I'm just teasing you Mikester, each to their own! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

My brother used to live and work in Malaysia and Philippines before he was taken seriously ill and was urgently repatriated back to UK, where he now lives in a nursing home. (I have thread called Desperately Seeking Help for My Brother in the Legal section of this forum). He has 4 Filipino sons, the youngest is here in UK with my brother's long term partner and my other 3 nephews are living with his ex wife in Philippines.

I live in Cambridgeshire and often drive past Bedford on my way shopping in Milton Keynes. My first visit to Philippines was in 1998/9 and I last visited in 2010. One of my most vivid memories of the Philippines is the noise in Manila and Makati .......... beep, beep, beep, beeeeeep ! :drivingx::drivingx: :drivingx: the guys will know what I am talking about! :doh

Ah that sounds complicated, I think I will go for a lie down once I have sorted that one out lol. Driving past Bedford is probably a good option, but if you ever take the plunge and brave stopping enroute, give me a shout. :Hellooo:

2nd November 2013, 12:08
To be honest it was probably more me offering than her asking, although she had obviously told of her situation etc, maybe hinted, but not directly asked. I have since sent a further amount, enough to cover her Cyber Cafe fees for a month, the trouble is I am finding the Western Union fees together with Bank charges (I used a credit Card) are nearly as much as the amounts i'm sending. any advice on cheaper options?
mike as a back up if you look at my extension thread there is a girl 27 no kids never been married and has a job so I know she,s not a scammer looking for a nice man lol

15th November 2013, 11:49
Sorry I've been awol for a week. Which thread was that? lol.

mike as a back up if you look at my extension thread there is a girl 27 no kids never been married and has a job so I know she,s not a scammer looking for a nice man lol

15th November 2013, 13:43
Sorry I've been awol for a week. Which thread was that? lol.

extension thread not sure how to direct you