View Full Version : here she is at last

27th October 2013, 23:02
ok guys---i'm sure you all think my lady is just me wishful thinking--well---for all you doubting thomasii--here she is


27th October 2013, 23:03
:hubbahubba::cwm24::biggrin: like me:yikes::biggrin:

27th October 2013, 23:20
She has nice hair and great muscle tone. Don't fall out with her. :biggrin:

27th October 2013, 23:31
She has nice hair and great muscle tone. Don't fall out with her. :biggrin:

and a great cook---what more could a mere mortal ask for

Arthur Little
28th October 2013, 01:40
ok guys---i'm sure you all think my lady is just me wishful thinking--well---for all you doubting thomasii--here she is


:hubbahubba: ... sexy pose ... :yeahthat: !

and a great cook---what more could a mere mortal ask for

:Jump: ... that's GREAT! And, who knows ... :anerikke: ... between the pair of you, you might even be producing some "wee macs" sooner than you imagine! :biggrin:

28th October 2013, 02:40
Bet she was pleased with that shot :Erm:

28th October 2013, 02:43
:hubbahubba::cwm24::biggrin: like me :yikes::biggrin:

I'm begining to wonder about you Moy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 02:45
Bet she was pleased with that shot :Erm:
A pleasing pic it is :xxgrinning--00xx3:..I know my wife wouldn't of been best pleased me posting it

BTW...If you can get more..do feel free to post them :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 09:52
Don't get too excited Mark.

It's actually bigmarco wearing a wig. :biggrin:

28th October 2013, 10:57
I'm begining to wonder about you Moy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

wonder :cwm24::action-smiley-081::biggrin: as much as you can :icon_lol: my friend..will pay it soon :Rasp:

28th October 2013, 10:57
Don't get too excited Mark.

It's actually bigmarco wearing a wig. :biggrin:

28th October 2013, 11:33
I don't only do the wig Graham :biggrin:

28th October 2013, 12:41

28th October 2013, 13:07

No that's definitely not me in a wig.
Very nice indeed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 13:16
Very nice bigmac :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 13:24

28th October 2013, 13:26
she really is a delightful lady--she looks after me so well. for the life of me i cant see what she saw in me though.

28th October 2013, 13:42
Don't get too excited Mark.

It's actually bigmarco wearing a wig. :biggrin:

I'm grabbing what I can, where I can.......Excitment is currently few and far between at the momment :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Whether it be bigmarco or not :icon_lol:..........or even Moy :Rasp:

28th October 2013, 13:43
she really is a delightful lady--she looks after me so well. for the life of me i cant see what she saw in me though.

think i had heard :biggrin: those too before :wink: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 13:44
She looks the business :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 13:45
think i had heard :biggrin: those too before :wink: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes..I think I said something like that :Erm:

All I see now is the dust in her departure

28th October 2013, 13:45
I'm grabbing what I can, where I can.......Excitement is currently few and far between at the moment :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Whether it be bigmarco or not :icon_lol:..........or even Moy :Rasp:

think i know her :yikes: :biggrin: cant rem from where though...just send my regards bigmarco :wink:

28th October 2013, 13:47
Yes..I think I said something like that :Erm:

All I see now is the dust in her departure
erm actually your just one:laugher::icon_lol: of them gwapito :biggrin::action-smiley-081: :xxaction-smiley-047:icon_lol:

28th October 2013, 13:47
she is really a delightful lady--she looks after me so well. for the life of me i cant see what she saw in me though.

You've done yourself proud bigmac :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 13:48
She looks the business :xxgrinning--00xx3:
and will have our :cwm24: :action-smiley-081: own :cwm24: business :xxaction-smiley-047: :Rasp: :icon_lol: soon my friend :grosyeux::Rasp:

28th October 2013, 13:50
erm actually your just one:laugher: :icon_lol: of them gwapito :biggrin: :action-smiley-081: :xxaction-smiley-047:icon_lol:

For me, the easy part was getting the Visas etc....What I couldn't get the hang of was keeping hold of them when they got the Visas.

Steady on Moy:xxaction-smiley-047:action-smiley-081::omg:

28th October 2013, 14:08
For me, the easy part was getting the Visas etc....What I couldn't get the hang of was keeping hold of them when they got the Visas.

for many years of investigation:cwm24: i had made:cwm25: is
The reason most couples get divorced is not because they get bored with each other. It's because when you're dating, you pretend to be someone you're not.
And there's only so long you can hold that off.

and Mrs Moy secret is always think this

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.:)

28th October 2013, 14:16
for many years of investigation:cwm24: i had made:cwm25: is
The reason most couples get divorced is not because they get bored with each other. It's because when you're dating, you pretend to be someone you're not.
And there's only so long you can hold that off.

and Mrs Moy secret is always think this

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.:)

I've heard that last line before....it may of been in a dream:Erm:

My cards have always been on the table Moy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Remember, I was in a 27 year relationship with my first wife.....I was just a mug punter for the other 2...simple as that Moy...it doesn't require much working out, believe me.....I'm over it :biggrin: :xxgrinning--00xx3:...onwards and upwards

This is bigmac's thread to post pics of his beloved...best not disturb him Moy

Oh Moy...do feel free to give a rep every now and then ... or even just once would be nice ... seeing how I've given you a hatful ... Just a thought

28th October 2013, 14:21
I've heard that last line before....it may of been in a dream:Erm:

My cards have always been on the table Moy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Remember, I was in a 27 year relationship with my first wife.....I was just a mug punter for the other 2...simple as that Moy...it doesn't require much working out, believe me.....I'm over it :biggrin: :xxgrinning--00xx3:...onwards and upwards

This is bigmac's thread to post pics of his beloved...best not disturb him Moy

Oh Moy...do feel free to give a rep every now and then...or even just once would be nice...seeing how I've given you a hatful..Just a thought

Well said :xxgrinning--00xx3: Nice to get it returned or even given when someone goes out of their way to help :biggrin:

28th October 2013, 14:22
I've heard that last line before....it may of been in a dream :Erm:

My cards have always been on the table Moy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Remember, I was in a 27 year relationship with my first wife.....I was just a mug punter for the other 2...simple as that Moy...it doesn't require much working out, believe me.....I'm over it :biggrin: :xxgrinning--00xx3:...onwards and upwards

This is bigmac's thread to post pics of his beloved ... best not disturb him Moy

Oh Moy ... do feel free to give a rep every now and then ... or even just once would be nice ... seeing how I've given you a hatful ... Just a thought

i am givin you reps but cant at the moment as i need to spread it before i could give to you again DONT BE a piggy :biggrin: :icon_lol:

28th October 2013, 14:25
I'm grabbing what I can, where I can.......Excitement is currently few and far between at the moment :xxgrinning--00xx3:

go for it gwapito---fill yer boots. works wonders :biggrin:

28th October 2013, 15:02
go for it gwapito---fill yer boots. works wonders :biggrin:

I'm working on it bigmac :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 15:06
and a great cook---what more could a mere mortal ask for

If she can cook as well..you got the whole package :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:....what I found in my limited experience is that normally, if they're lookers, they can't cook :NoNo:

BTW..It's just my opinion, no offence intended to anyone :NoNo:

Arthur Little
28th October 2013, 15:52
she really is a delightful lady--she looks after me so well. for the life of me i cant see what she saw in me though.

:biggrin: ... shares in McDonalds? :joke:!

28th October 2013, 16:37
If she can cook as well..you got the whole package ....what I found in my limited experience is that normally, if they're lookers, they can't cook

ill teach you a lesson :Cuckoo: :icon_lol: one day for that my friend gwapito's :biggrin::olddude:

28th October 2013, 17:09
If she can cook as well..you got the whole package :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:....what I found in my limited experience is that normally, if they're lookers, they can't cook :NoNo:

BTW..It's just my opinion, no offence intended to anyone :NoNo:

...With a few notable exceptions. :cwm24: :heartshape1: :biggrin:


28th October 2013, 20:54
ill teach you a lesson :Cuckoo: :icon_lol: one day for that my friend gwapito's :biggrin::olddude:

In cooking :Erm:

28th October 2013, 22:13
In cooking :Erm:

its our own business :biggrin::yikes: :action-smiley-081::icon_lol: leave it to us :cwm24::olddude::laugher:

28th October 2013, 22:27
...With a few notable exceptions. :cwm24: :heartshape1: :biggrin:


and this one too,:hubbahubba::hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

28th October 2013, 22:28
ok did it twice, but as they say twice as nice:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2013, 22:41
ill teach you a lesson :Cuckoo: :icon_lol: one day for that my friend gwapito's :biggrin::olddude:

:laugher: I thought that would get you going :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
28th October 2013, 22:42
Well said :xxgrinning--00xx3: Nice to get it returned or even given when someone goes out of their way to help :biggrin:

:iagree: ... or ... :anerikke: ... even just says something nice. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
28th October 2013, 22:51
:iagree: ... or ... :anerikke: ... even just says something nice. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

.............................................. :yeahthat: ... and (obviously) of course, by the same token, it's only common courtesy :smile: for the recipient to THANK the donor!

28th October 2013, 22:53
i am givin you reps but cant at the moment as i need to spread it before i could give to you again DONT BE a piggy :biggrin: :icon_lol:

Hahaha you make me laugh :laugher:I'm only playing with you Moy

28th October 2013, 23:16
Lovely pic

29th October 2013, 00:43
.............................................. :yeahthat: ... and (obviously) of course, by the same token, it's only common courtesy :smile: for the recipient to THANK the donor!

As the saying goes........ manners maketh the man :smile:

29th October 2013, 17:03
Hahaha you make me laugh :laugher:I'm only playing with you Moy
what you think am doin my friend..:action-smiley-081::biggrin: go with the flow as they say...:xxaction-smiley-047:cwm24::icon_lol:

29th October 2013, 17:05
:laugher: I thought that would get you going :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

oh yes you truly know how to tickle :action-smiley-081::laugher:me:Rasp::icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

29th October 2013, 17:49
oh yes you truly know how to tickle :action-smiley-081::laugher:me:Rasp::icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:
