View Full Version : Applying for naturalization

27th September 2007, 17:59
I search the forum and I cant' find anything with exact query as I have. I know that naturalization is after 5 years and ILR is also five years. ILR holder needs to apply for naturalization after 1 year of having ILR, then it means in practice naturalization is 6 years? We got our ILR already, so I need to wait 1 year before I can apply for naturalization? About my wife, she also got her ILR after less than 2 years, then she can apply for naturalization after 5 years, since her iLR will be over three years by then. Is this correct?

27th September 2007, 19:11
I search the forum and I cant' find anything with exact query as I have. I know that naturalization is after 5 years and ILR is also five years. ILR holder needs to apply for naturalization after 1 year of having ILR, then it means in practice naturalization is 6 years? We got our ILR already, so I need to wait 1 year before I can apply for naturalization? About my wife, she also got her ILR after less than 2 years, then she can apply for naturalization after 5 years, since her iLR will be over three years by then. Is this correct?
Hi nparvus, try to read this guidance for application of naturalisation. It might help you. http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/6353/11406/guidean1.pdf (http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/6353/11406/guidean1.pdf)

28th September 2007, 10:38
yes 1 year after having ILR, you can apply for Naturalization, but you could be waiting more than 6 months for them to process it :NoNo:

28th September 2007, 12:09
6 months?? Wow!! Superb. Our tax is really working for us. Hehehe..

28th September 2007, 12:12
6 months?? Wow!! Superb. Our tax is really working for us. Hehehe..

How do you work that one out...???:Erm:

:cwm23:With the amount of tax I get ripped off it should be done yesterday........:doh

28th September 2007, 15:37
I wonder who's a_se was sitting on that application.

28th September 2007, 16:23
i think tony blair has got the job these days, prob need a big :butthead: to keep all them apps together in this windy weather :D

some differences if your applying thru marriage or other...

Below is the UK Home Office criteria for Naturalization.

Citizenship and Naturalization
Once a person has had indefinite leave to remain for a year they may apply for naturalization as a UK citizen.

Once a candidate has been physically resident in the UK for a year as a permanent UK resident, they may apply to become a naturalized British citizen. Unfortunately, naturalization applications are likely to take one to one and half years to be processed. Those who seek naturalization other than by marriage to an UK Citizen must meet the requirements outlined below:

General Requirements for UK Citizenship and Naturalization:

They must be aged 18 or over and are not of unsound mind.

They must be of good character.

They should have a sufficient knowledge of the English language (or Welsh or Scottish Gaelic). There are exemptions to this a aaarequirement, for example if one is old or mentally handicapped.

They should intend to live in the UK or in Crown Service abroad (working directly for an UK Government organisation), or be employed by an international organisation of which the UK is a member, or be employed by a company or association established in the United Kingdom.

In addition the UK citizenship candidate should have fulfilled the five year requirement as detailed below. The five year period is measured from the five years the date the application reaches the home office.

The candidate must have been in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 5 year period;

and In the 5 year period the candidate must not have been outside the United Kingdom for more than 450 days; and In the last 12 months of the five year period the candidate must not have been outside the UK for more than 90 days;

and In the last 12 months of the five year period the candidate's stay in the United Kingdom must have been not subject to any time limit under the immigration laws;

and The candidate must not have been in the United Kingdom in breach of the immigration laws at any time in the 5-year period.

British Nationality by Marriage:

The requirements are very similar to those mentioned above. The main differences are that there is a shorter residence requirement of three years. As above the relevant residence requirement, being three years in this case is the period ending with the date the application is received by the Home Office. The residence requirements in more detail are as follows:

The candidate must have been in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 3 year period;

and On the date that the candidate's application is received in the Home Office, their stay in the United Kingdom must be not subject to any time limit under the immigration laws;

and In the 3 year period the candidate must not have been outside the United Kingdom for more than 270 days;

and In the last 12 months of the five year period the candidate must not have been outside the UK for more than 90 days;

and The candidate must not have been in the United Kingdom in breach of the immigration laws at any time in the 3-year period.


when i've got the money. i'll be applying for my wife.. :icon_lol:
good luck nparvus1202

28th September 2007, 16:47
So 5 years + 1 year ILR + 1 1/2 years processing time means 7 1/2 years to be naturalized. Sweet. And nowhere you will read 7 1/2 years. If only they could move their :erotic4:s a bit faster..