View Full Version : Theresa May must be glad she's not on performance-related pay

8th November 2013, 14:31

Though it's hard to make any great claim of consistency from this government, one thing it has been steadfast about is performance-related pay. Why should people who are not up to the job reap the benefits of those who excel? Why should the taxpayers shell out for failure ?

read more here .. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/08/theresa-may-performance-related-pay-immigration-policy

8th November 2013, 14:44
Typical biased Guardian reporting

In your opinion Joe how does her "performance" compare with her predecessors from the last Labour Govt ?

For example did the likes of Jacqui Sniff, Charles Clarke and John Reid ever manage to deport any islamic hate preachers/terrorists or were they too busy fiddling their expenses ? What clampdowns if any did they introduce on sham colleges and student visa abuse ?

None.............. I was right - but it was fine to keep the floodgates of uncontrolled immigration open allowing untold scum, criminals and other assorted filth in as they would all become future labour voters

8th November 2013, 17:36
Typical biased Guardian reporting

In your opinion Joe how does her "performance" compare with her predecessors from the last Labour Govt ?

For example did the likes of Jacqui Sniff, Charles Clarke and John Reid ever manage to deport any islamic hate preachers/terrorists or were they too busy fiddling their expenses ? What clampdowns if any did they introduce on sham colleges and student visa abuse ?

None.............. I was right - but it was fine to keep the floodgates of uncontrolled immigration open allowing untold scum, criminals and other assorted filth in as they would all become future labour voters

100% correct and another thing ban the Bloody Burka!

8th November 2013, 19:44
Only 1.5% of reports alleging illegal immigration result in a person being removed from the UK, MPs have said.


Personally I think her time is up. She's getting to many of the wrong headlines and things are not improving to any great extent. Time to give Mark Harper a go in the top job.

8th November 2013, 21:31
Typical biased Guardian reporting

and the daily mail is not biased :icon_lol: