View Full Version : inconsiderate drivers

10th November 2013, 20:30
well we have all been in the wrong lane or stalled the car but a little wave and a thankyou goes along way, how many times do you see cars just pushing in without a bye or leave , just makes me so mad, but hay ho,

10th November 2013, 20:38
You're going to love driving in the Philippines. lol :icon_lol:

10th November 2013, 20:57
I do my best not to let the bully boys push in, even if you do they don't acknowledge you :cwm23:

11th November 2013, 00:14
There's some pig ignorant scumbags on our roads

11th November 2013, 00:15
This is true....and far too many women drivers. :biggrin:

11th November 2013, 09:30
Don't forget the hordes of Eastern Europeans in untaxed, uninsured and unroadworthy vehicles that fail to attract any police attention

11th November 2013, 10:39
I'm an awful driver, my standards have deteriorated from my driving around the world, not least the Philippines and Middle East. I believe I read recently the UK has the highest standards of driving in the world and very rigid rules.
In many countries in the world pushing in and undertaking are not seen as an issue (in fact undertaking is legal in the USA). So when these drivers arrive in the UK they need to be properly 'converted/educated' to the UK's stringent rules.
I do find that the UK has so many social nuances, obsessions with queues and order and a seriously big problem with road rage. I've witnessed people in the UK getting absolutely irate over the silliest of things on the UK roads and have just never understood why someone would let such little things impact on their blood pressure and mental wellbeing.

11th November 2013, 13:57
I just drive like a bully here in the Phil. Probably thanks to my years of training as a scouse getaway driver. :biggrin:

11th November 2013, 14:29
1min 19sec Regan has just tasered the scumbag driver


11th November 2013, 14:42
I just drive like a bully here in the Phil. Probably thanks to my years of training as a scouse getaway driver. :biggrin:

Remember though Keith, as a poriner in the Phils, you will ALWAYS be in the wrong. :wink:

11th November 2013, 15:19
Remember though Keith, as a poriner in the Phils, you will ALWAYS be in the wrong. :wink:

However, depending on how much you are willing to pay, you will always be RIGHT :biggrin: