View Full Version : Tory revolt over controversial bid to axe 20,000 Army jobs & replace full-time troops with reservist

17th November 2013, 15:47
the Tories putting British soldiers at greater risk because of cut backs :mad:

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond is this week facing a revolt among his own MPs over controversial plans to replace full-time troops with Army reservists.


17th November 2013, 21:10
I hope these ludicrous cuts get stopped

17th November 2013, 21:21
Tories = cuts and privatisation.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th November 2013, 21:31
Tories = cuts and privatisation.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Labour = trough feeding self servers opening immigration flood gates :biggrin:

17th November 2013, 21:39
Romanians and Bulgarians Ded 2014. Enough said.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th November 2013, 18:24
Perhaps they feel with all the nationalities over here there is no one else left to fight.:cwm25:

18th November 2013, 18:37
Failure to appreciate what the military achieves other then a fighting force. The military is an education, it gives some people the discipline they need in life to change from a boy to a man, then pushes them out the other end with a qualification that makes them useful to society.

Perhaps without that education, some people would just end up on the benefits pile...

18th November 2013, 18:46
Failure to appreciate what the military achieves other then a fighting force. The military is an education, it gives some people the discipline they need in life to change from a boy to a man, then pushes them out the other end with a qualification that makes them useful to society.

Perhaps without that education, some people would just end up on the benefits pile...

Very true

I suppose I didn't have the most conventional start in life, although a lot of people have it much worse. I was a foundling, left in a carrier bag outside a London hospital as a newborn baby. My adopted parents did their best, but life was tough where I grew up, in Bermondsey in south London, and money was always tight.


I heard him on the radio a couple of weeks ago - he'd just been to HMP / YOI Reading

18th November 2013, 19:00
Dianne Abott :UpYurs: Sums Labour up for me:censored:

18th November 2013, 19:02
the Tories putting British soldiers at greater risk because of cut backs :mad:

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond is this week facing a revolt among his own MPs over controversial plans to replace full-time troops with Army reservists.


I totally disagree with the Tories on this,funny when labour talk .......s the labour fans on here keep quiet:Erm:

18th November 2013, 21:41
I totally disagree with the Tories on this,funny when labour talk .......s the labour fans on here keep quiet:Erm:

Labour hypocrisy Les :icon_lol:

19th November 2013, 11:55
Dianne Abott :UpYurs: Sums Labour up for me:censored:

and the Tories are summed up with thatcher the milk snatcher, the greed of the yuppies :mad:

i wonder how many will celebrate abotts death, will there be 1000's like there was when thatcher died :wink:

19th November 2013, 11:57
Labour hypocrisy Les :icon_lol:

dedworth what about all the Tory sleaze posts i made in one day, why isn't Osborne paying the bedroom tax ? one law for the rich and one for everyone else :cwm25:

19th November 2013, 12:45
dedworth what about all the Tory sleaze posts i made in one day, why isn't Osborne paying the bedroom tax ? one law for the rich and one for everyone else :cwm25:

I don't think the "hated" bedroom tax applies to Osborne - does he live in social housing ?

The Labour hypocrites couldn't be bothered to turn up to debate and vote on this tax - just shows how much they "hate" it :laugher:

19th November 2013, 14:32
does he pay rent for number 11?, does he own it ? we know he gets £10k a month renting his own place out :NoNo: and lives rent free at number 11, talk about being a hypocrite :mad:

19th November 2013, 14:40
does he pay rent for number 11?, does he own it ? we know he gets £10k a month renting his own place out :NoNo: and lives rent free at number 11, talk about being a hypocrite :mad:

Bob Crow earns £100k pa and lives in social housing, Two Shags whilst Deputy PM had his mansion in Hull and had 2 Govt pads Dorneywood Country House in Bucks and a flat in Admiralty Arch, Comrade John Cruddas owns 3 properties, Shaun Woodward owns 6 and I won't mention Tony Blairs numerous places. Can we include them on the Hypocrite list ?

19th November 2013, 19:34
Can we include them on the Hypocrite list ?

yes you can :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2013, 21:31
Tory MPs risk damaging Army reserves, warns Philip Hammond


19th November 2013, 21:55
Hmm unrest on the tory benches.:wink: