View Full Version : Nick Clegg: the rich should pay to fund my tax cuts

17th November 2013, 22:59
rightly so :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Nick Clegg says he wants the “super wealthy” to pay an extra £1 billion in tax to fund a cut in income tax for lower-paid workers.


17th November 2013, 23:33

18th November 2013, 03:01
Great idea these fat cats hardly pay any tax anyway its all sorted out by their accountants

The mugs like us on PAYE dont have those kind of privileges

18th November 2013, 03:33
rightly so :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Nick Clegg says he wants the “super wealthy” to pay an extra £1 billion in tax to fund a cut in income tax for lower-paid workers.


You lot crack me up :NoNo:.........Thank goodness most who take on low paid work get on with it quietly...if they want a better income they change jobs, end of.

It seems the ones who did make the effort improving their lot, you want to take some of their hard earned from them :NoNo:

18th November 2013, 08:57
You lot crack me up :NoNo:.........Thank goodness most who take on low paid work get on with it quietly...if they want a better income they change jobs, end of.

It seems the ones who did make the effort improving their lot, you want to take some of their hard earned from them:NoNo:

did you get a 10% tax cut last year GwaPito ?? the bullingdon boy's best mates did, then hypocrite cameron said those with broadest shoulders should bear burden :icon_lol:

18th November 2013, 09:43
I had a letter from the revenue the other day. It said I had underpaid tax of £240. How the :censored: did that happen? They give me the tax code and my tax comes from my salary before I get it. While Google and Amazon owe millions.:cwm23:

18th November 2013, 09:58
Clegg's electorate would be happier if he concentrated on sorting out the Roma problem

18th November 2013, 10:03
How can he sort the Roma problem out when the tories are letting them in. And a tory MP Dorries habouring them? :NoNo:

18th November 2013, 11:49
Get out of the EU and force some of the bone-idle pot-smoking gits in this country to get off their Rs and start contributing something to society other than more kids.

People don't get rich by being lazy.

...But hey...let's drag everyone down to the same level, as with comprehensive education. :NoNo:

18th November 2013, 11:51
dedworth, cameron doesn't want to stop them its all a con, he wants to stay in the EU, he'll be dumped when labour win in 18 months time

18th November 2013, 11:54
...But hey...let's drag everyone down to the same level, as with comprehensive education. :NoNo:

for this stuck up Tory :censored: it might be a good idea for her poor kids :cwm24:


18th November 2013, 11:57
I couldn't care less which political party people belong to.

It's their actions (or inactions) that I judge them by.

18th November 2013, 11:57
Get out of the EU and force some of the bone-idle pot-smoking gits in this country to get off their Rs and start contributing something to society other than more kids.

People don't get rich by being lazy.

...But hey...let's drag everyone down to the same level, as with comprehensive education. :NoNo:

:laugher: Cheers Graham :icon_lol: That's my first belly laugh of the day....It's so true :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th November 2013, 12:03
did you get a 10% tax cut last year GwaPito ?? the bullingdon boy's best mates did, then hypocrite cameron said those with broadest shoulders should bear burden :icon_lol:

I'm not really on about that Joe although you got a point :xxgrinning--00xx3:.....It's the general moaning and whining about low paid work

18th November 2013, 12:14
for this stuck up Tory :censored: it might be a good idea for her poor kids :cwm24:


Thanks Joe :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3: Very amusing..With Holly to boot, lovely

19th November 2013, 02:32
for this stuck up Tory :censored: it might be a good idea for her poor kids :cwm24:


The type of person some fools on here are happy to vote for !

What a revolting creature this is

19th November 2013, 02:38
Oh really gwapito you think its so easy these days to find well paid work :Erm:

Start supporting people at the bottom of the ladder for once instead of sucking up to those Tory Toffs

19th November 2013, 02:57
Oh really gwapito you think its so easy these days to find well paid work :Erm:

Start supporting people at the bottom of the ladder for once instead of sucking up to those Tory Toffs

I don't remember saying it was easy :NoNo: I do remember how hard it was to get out that rut. ....nothing that comes easy in life is always worthwhile.
As for supporting folks at the bottom of the ladder, I can assure you the taxman is making sure I do my bit for the underprivileged :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I suck up to no one. ...maybe they are all a bunch of toffs. ..With its share of homos and suchlike. ..It doesn't mean I should dislike their politics. ..you should have a read at Ded's most recent thread directed at Joe and his minion. ...you'll find it interesting.

19th November 2013, 03:08
I don't remember saying it was easy :NoNo: I do remember how hard it was to get out that rut. ....nothing that comes easy in life is always worthwhile.
As for supporting folks at the bottom of the ladder, I can assure you the taxman is making sure I do my bit for the underprivileged :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I suck up to no one. ...maybe they are all a bunch of toffs. ..With its share of homos and suchlike. ..It doesn't mean I should dislike their politics. ..you should have a read at Ded's most recent thread directed at Joe and his minion. ...you'll find it interesting.

Dedworth lost most of his credibility when he backed up the Daily Mails disgusting attack on Milibands dead father

A despicable piece of reporting even for the Daily Mail

19th November 2013, 04:03
Dedworth lost most of his credibility....
I don't remember him ever having any :icon_lol: Is it safe to come out yet? :xxparty-smiley-004:

19th November 2013, 10:24
Just for the record...I'm neither a Tory nor a Labour supporter. :ReadIt:

(Though every party has its good and bad members).

19th November 2013, 10:49
30% of tax is paid by the richest 1%


19th November 2013, 14:17
30% of tax is paid by the richest 1%


we have always been clear that those with the broadest shoulders should carry the greatest burden


they should because

Richest 10% of UK households own 40% of wealth, ONS says


19th November 2013, 14:38
Dedworth lost most of his credibility when he backed up the Daily Mails disgusting attack on Milibands dead father

A despicable piece of reporting even for the Daily Mail

Much like Labour's disgusting antics supporting the filth who put the boot into Margaret Thacher's passing


19th November 2013, 14:45
we have always been clear that those with the broadest shoulders should carry the greatest burden


they should because

Richest 10% of UK households own 40% of wealth, ONS says


I find this socialistic take of yours, Joe absolutely nauseating....If you don't mind me saying so :NoNo:

19th November 2013, 15:29
She did have nice boobs though. :smile:

19th November 2013, 15:35
She did have nice boobs though. :smile:
Glenda or Holly's :biggrin:...........I must admit, I'd prefer having my ears kept warm by Holly's :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2013, 15:37
It was the 'Women In Love' movie. Saw it when I was 16.

First ones I'd seen outside of the National Geographic magazine. :cwm24:

19th November 2013, 20:30
I find this socialistic take of yours, Joe absolutely nauseating....If you don't mind me saying so :NoNo:

I don't mind brother gWapito, if you don't mind me saying, its nauseating that you're union bashing when your a member of a union, who got you good pay and conditions where you work :cwm25:

19th November 2013, 21:30
I don't mind brother gWapito, if you don't mind me saying, its nauseating that you're union bashing when your a member of a union, who got you good pay and conditions where you work :cwm25:

:icon_lol: Im gonna come up there and give you a good seeing to :Sex: :laugher:

I'm not bashing my union where I work...I never have

19th November 2013, 21:39
:icon_lol: Im gonna come up there and give you a good seeing to :Sex: :laugher:

well at least you can :icon_lol: about it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th November 2013, 00:42
Much like Labour's disgusting antics supporting the filth who put the boot into Margaret Thacher's passing


I think your missing the point my dear boy

Glenda Jacksons comments were true and based on facts

The Daily Mails attack on Milibands father was nothing more than hogwash

20th November 2013, 00:44
I find this socialistic take of yours, Joe absolutely nauseating....If you don't mind me saying so :NoNo:

I never could work out how a working man could support the Tories :NoNo:

20th November 2013, 03:39
I never could work out how a working man could support the Tories :NoNo:

A lot of working men of my age got fed up with unions, in my youth I worked on one of the most volatile union sites there was, the building of the Barbican in London. During 2 years there I don't think I ever had a full week of work due to strikes.
Also I worked through the times of Wilson, Callaghan and Foot :NoNo: and then became self employed and thought I moved up a class, I didn`t, and still consider myself a working man.
I have now come to realise that a lot of my views of politicians were wrong and think most of them are useless, money grabbing parasites with just a few exceptions. None of the main parties will get my vote.
My views on unions have changed as well, they are needed more than ever but should be regulated fairly. Didn't rate Vic Feathers, Len Murray and Scargill but I think Bob Crow looks after his members. My view is that most of the working class have been trampled on over the last 2 decades and I am not sure what the future holds.

20th November 2013, 09:23
One thing is for sure you wont have unions if the tories stay in power. And when the people on here who are earning a comfotable wage lose their jobs we will see how they fare up trying to get another one.

21st November 2013, 01:25
A lot of working men of my age got fed up with unions, in my youth I worked on one of the most volatile union sites there was, the building of the Barbican in London. During 2 years there I don't think I ever had a full week of work due to strikes.
Also I worked through the times of Wilson, Callaghan and Foot :NoNo: and then became self employed and thought I moved up a class, I didn`t, and still consider myself a working man.
I have now come to realise that a lot of my views of politicians were wrong and think most of them are useless, money grabbing parasites with just a few exceptions. None of the main parties will get my vote.
My views on unions have changed as well, they are needed more than ever but should be regulated fairly. Didn't rate Vic Feathers, Len Murray and Scargill but I think Bob Crow looks after his members. My view is that most of the working class have been trampled on over the last 2 decades and I am not sure what the future holds.

The ordinary man in the street needs a union now thats for sure

We all know that the unions got too big for their boots in the seventies and it seemed like everyone was on
strike back in those dark days
The right wing gutter press likes to make out that the unions are just about bringing the country to its knees
Unions are about making sure normal workers get a fair deal in the workplace and protects workers terms and conditions

Zero hours contracts and the minimum wage seems to be the norm for many workers these days :NoNo:

21st November 2013, 01:29
I agree on the zero hours contracts. That is just USING people. :NoNo:

21st November 2013, 03:22
I think your missing the point my dear boy

Glenda Jacksons comments were true and based on facts

The Daily Mails attack on Milibands father was nothing more than hogwash
The Daily Mail has refused to apologise for its article, although its sister paper the Mail on Sunday did say sorry after two of its journalists went to a service for the Labour leader's uncle at which they pressed the family for reaction to the original Daily Mail article.


If it was ''hogwash'' they would of been sued, dear boy

As for Jackson's comments...it was meant to of been a tribute to Margaret Thatcher....How would you like someone putting the boot into your mum and dad over their coffin....there's a time and a place for everything...I'm afraid the dried out bitter old spinster got it wrong

21st November 2013, 03:31
I never could work out how a working man could support the Tories :NoNo:

Safe reliable and trustworthy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st November 2013, 10:19
People are handwringing over gossip about some bloke who died years ago, while much more IMPORTANT and current malpractices are neglected...like kids being beaten to death, muslim extremists living off benefits, and helpless old folk left to starve and soil their beds in hospitals.

Priorities. :NoNo:

21st November 2013, 10:26
People are handwringing over gossip about some bloke who died years ago, while much more IMPORTANT and current malpractices are neglected...like kids being beaten to death, muslim extremists living off benefits, and helpless old folk left to starve and soil their beds in hospitals.

Priorities. :NoNo:

Absolutely Graham xx

21st November 2013, 11:51
Priorities. :NoNo:

and how does 1 nurse who is looking after 13 patients prioritise her work :NoNo:

21st November 2013, 21:52
and how does 1 nurse who is looking after 13 patients prioritise her work :NoNo:

Yes of course Joe. I don't blame the nursing profession as a whole. In many cases they are being put in an intolerable position...as you've noted. (My sister is a nurse/health visitor).

21st November 2013, 22:14
my misses told me the other day she felt sorry for the 2 nurses on her ward who were looking after 30 patients :NoNo:

22nd November 2013, 02:28
The Daily Mail has refused to apologise for its article, although its sister paper the Mail on Sunday did say sorry after two of its journalists went to a service for the Labour leader's uncle at which they pressed the family for reaction to the original Daily Mail article.


If it was ''hogwash'' they would of been sued, dear boy

As for Jackson's comments...it was meant to of been a tribute to Margaret Thatcher....How would you like someone putting the boot into your mum and dad over their coffin....there's a time and a place for everything...I'm afraid the dried out bitter old spinster got it wrong

Thatcher blighted many communities in this country with her policies
The poll tax another great Thatcher idea :laugher:

Milibands father served in the Royal Navy and never inflicted misery on many thousands of people in this country

22nd November 2013, 02:35
Safe reliable and trustworthy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Omg even x pm John Major was putting the boot into the Tories present front bench
X Etonians and x privileged Private school boys

Hardly a true reflection of our present society :Hellooo:

22nd November 2013, 02:59
Thatcher blighted many communities in this country with her policies
The poll tax another great Thatcher idea :laugher:

Milibands father served in the Royal Navy and never inflicted misery on many thousands of people in this country

It was that great an idea, it's still going on to this day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Miliband's father was a conscript :xxgrinning--00xx3: Margaret may have inflicted misery on an unfortunate few but, for the majority, it wasn't.

22nd November 2013, 03:03
Omg even x pm John Major was putting the boot into the Tories present front bench
X Etonians and x privileged Private school boys

Hardly a true refection of our present society :Hellooo:

You can say the same for Labour

22nd November 2013, 12:00
Miliband's father was a conscript :xxgrinning--00xx3: Margaret may have inflicted misery on an unfortunate few but, for the majority, it wasn't.

Millibands dad did more for this country than Thatcher, he risked his life , while thatcher sent others to risk their life :NoNo:

22nd November 2013, 14:09
I thought she drove a Tank . :Erm:

22nd November 2013, 14:25
I thought she drove a Tank . :Erm:


yes in West Germany, 40yrs years after WW2 was over :biggrin:

22nd November 2013, 15:48

yes in West Germany, 40yrs years after WW2 was over :biggrin:

10 years after she abolished school milk :biggrin:

22nd November 2013, 15:56
5 years after I bought my Morris 1100. :smile:

22nd November 2013, 18:25
5 years after I bought my Morris 1100. :smile:
What ever happened to those transverse engines. ..Old chap had Austin 1800 van dam Plas..went like a rocket...All leather and wood ..nice and wide too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd November 2013, 19:12
What ever happened to those transverse engines. ..Old chap had Austin 1800 van dam Plas..went like a rocket...All leather and wood ..nice and wide too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Every other manufacturer copied the idea...that BMC designer Alec Issigonis had pioneered in the Mini. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Austin 1800 (affectionately known as the 'land crab')...yes, my friend's dad had one. Great cars, and really, giant Minis, as was the Morris 1100, although not quite as big. They had Hydrolastic suspension though, whereas the original Mini used rubber cones, except for a couple of years in the late 60s. :smile:

I was a big BMC fan, probably because my dad would buy nothing else. He HATED Fords, and wasn't amused when I turned traitor in later years with all my Cortinas and Capris. :icon_lol:

22nd November 2013, 22:28
10 years after she abolished school milk :biggrin:

just 4yrs before her own party stabbed her in the back :biggrin:

22nd November 2013, 23:46
just 4yrs before her own party stabbed her in the back :biggrin:

And it's been downhill ever since. .that dullard , Major got his comeuppance. What was that puppet show on a Sunday night sending up the party leaders. .hilarious :icon_lol: They had Major worked out. .All grey :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2013, 01:04
Spitting Image. :)



23rd November 2013, 01:16
Slimy traitorous toad Bliar at work with his European buddies, in 2005...after Farage gives him a lecture.



23rd November 2013, 01:22
It was that great an idea, it's still going on to this day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Miliband's father was a conscript :xxgrinning--00xx3: Margaret may have inflicted misery on an unfortunate few but, for the majority, it wasn't.

The poll tax is not still going today
Allow me refresh your memory The Tories ditched the poll tax after the poll tax riots