View Full Version : This excuse of a headmistress should be sacked immediately

22nd November 2013, 18:06
School wrote to parents telling them their eight-year-olds had to attend workshop on Islam - or be branded RACIST on their permanent record


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2511841/School-wrote-parents-telling-year-olds-attend-workshop-Islam--branded-RACIST-permanent-record.html#ixzz2lOYIVilo

22nd November 2013, 19:30
I'd have to agree that a sacking is required.
Whatever she was thinking of when she wrote that letter we'll likely never really know, but in my mind in exposes a lot about the person.
Shocking and threating words.

22nd November 2013, 20:23
I don't see anything wrong with children attending a workshop like this. The most important line is "They will not be undertaking any religious practices".

However, I don't see the need for the threatening paragraph, which is totally inappropriate.

And apology is required, but sacking would be a complete over-reaction.

22nd November 2013, 20:54
However, I don't see the need for the threatening paragraph, which is totally inappropriate.

Bullying, threatening, sinisterly trying to force kids to attend this absolute nonsense. Islam is a religion so how can the kids be labelled racist ?

This woman is a disgraceful waste of taxpayers money, totally unfit to run a school and should be fired :mad:

22nd November 2013, 23:36
What a sad country the UK has become :NoNo:

23rd November 2013, 00:06
Bullying, threatening, sinisterly trying to force kids to attend this absolute nonsense. Islam is a religion so how can the kids be labelled racist ?

That paragraph is totally inappropriate and badly worded.

But the idea of kids attending a workshop to learn about different religions is fine! Religion has played a huge art in world history and is a valid part of the curriculum. But, religion should not be practiced in schools and religious dogma should not be taught as fact.

23rd November 2013, 00:16
1. Islam is a religion NOT a race.
2. The kids should have a choice as to whether they go or not.

Arthur Little
23rd November 2013, 01:06
:laughitupsmilie: ... first off - disregarding the thread context - it strikes me as humorous that the Head Teacher at Littleton happens to be a Mrs Lynn Small! :icon_lol: ... "small by title - and small~minded" would seem an apt reference to both her name AND - notably, more alarmingly :omg: - her teaching methods.

Secondly, :iagree: a person with radical :idea:s like hers is unsuited to being in overall charge of children at such an impressionable age, until she's made aware, in no uncertain terms, of the error of her ways. :cwm23:

Thankfully, she's had the "good grace" to apologise.

27th November 2013, 00:02
If my kids were young there is no way they would be going to anything to do with that dammed religion:cwm23: