View Full Version : £145k pa Champagne Socialist Bob Crow defends living in a Council House

26th November 2013, 11:56
Why should I move out of my council house, asks £145,000 union boss: Bob Crow says he has 'no moral duty to leave despite generous salary'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2513521/Bob-Crow-says-moral-duty-leave-council-house-despite-generous-salary.html#ixzz2lkQxfUbv

Well done Bob for keeping "Asylum Seekers" and feckless single mothers out of this nice property - do what I do not what I say :icon_lol:

26th November 2013, 11:59
Fair play to him.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th November 2013, 12:40
actually dedworth your income has no effect on your application for applying for a council house, he would probably be at the back of a long queue thou, he must have got the house before he became a champagne socialist. and hardly a champagne socialist living in a council house, when he could buy a mansion :biggrin:

the Tories were talking about forcing people out of council houses who earned £100k a year.

also why is it 'tax payer ' subsidised ? is he claiming housing benefit :doh
what's the tax payer got to do with this ????

26th November 2013, 13:00
Joe - he'll only be paying £75 per week or so for this subsidised below market rent** gaff leaving him plenty of £'s left over from his £145k pa to buy his Champagne with :Wine: :biggrin:

** taxpayers money will be in this subsidy somewhere

26th November 2013, 13:16
Joe - he'll only be paying £75 per week or so for this subsidised below market rent** gaff leaving him plenty of £'s left over from his £145k pa to buy his Champagne with :Wine: :biggrin:

** taxpayers money will be in this subsidy somewhere

rubbish, tell me where dedworth, the taxpayer has nothing to do with it, how old is the house ?
if he is paying £75 then who ever he is renting it from is still making a profit or they wouldn't be in business still.

below market rent you mean less than what the ripping off private landlords want to charge you :Erm:, the same high rents that the gov has to pay for in housing benefits, your picking on the wrong people here dedworth, you should be having a go at the fatcat buy to rent landlords :doh

i pay more than £75 a week, but the housing association (non profit) can afford to pay everyones wage, put a new roof on the house, new central heating and boiler, new kitchen, bathroom, etc.. how come dedworth :doh

26th November 2013, 13:20
and i doubt he pays £75 a week, if he does if must be a very small house or flat

26th November 2013, 13:29
Comrade Bob's drum ;-


Housing Association subsidies :-

In the United Kingdom, housing associations are private, non-profit making organisations that provide low-cost "social housing" for people in need of a home. Any trading surplus is used to maintain existing housing and to help finance new homes. Although independent they are regulated by the state and commonly receive public funding. They are now the United Kingdom's major providers of new housing for rent, while many also run shared ownership schemes to help those who cannot afford to buy a home outright.


I made up the £75 per week but whatever he's paying it will be massively below it's private sector rental value

26th November 2013, 13:48
commonly receive public funding. for what? no info dedworth.

:laugher: you made the £75wk up :NoNo:

well it must have more than one bedroom, i don't know if he has kids or is married?, and it looks like a new house, so i doubt it was built by the local council as we know hardly any council houses have been built since thatcher.

dedworth if he has :censored: of money he should free up the house, let someone who isn't a champagne socialist live there, but then again if he did buy a mansion you would be calling him for that :biggrin: he can't win with you :icon_lol:

26th November 2013, 14:03
for what? no info dedworth.

:laugher: you made the £75wk up :NoNo:

well it must have more than one bedroom, i don't know if he has kids or is married?, and it looks like a new house, so i doubt it was built by the local council as we know hardly any councils houses have been built since thatcher.

dedworth if he has :censored: of money he should free up the house, let someone who isn't a champagne socialist live there, but then again if he did buy a mansion you would be calling him for that :biggrin: he can't win with you :icon_lol:

Here you go Joe taxpayer funding :-


I think in the Mail article Comrade Bob states his family live there - I don't begrudge him that he needs others to guzzle the Moet & Chandon with :biggrin:

26th November 2013, 14:11
nothing to do with the housing association near me dedworth, not as far as i can tell,

also the tories were\are shutting it down :laugher:

Future of the agency

Housing minister Grant Shapps announced early on that the TSA would be abolished as part of the cull of quangos by the coalition government after the 2010 general election. In June 2010, he said that the HCA would be retained but become "smaller, more strategic - with the HCA's functions being delivered under local leadership."[10]

In September 2010, the HCA was also included on a list of organisations being considered for closure.[11] However, Shapps announced in October that the TSA would be merged into the HCA.[12] In November, he confirmed that the HCA would be retained, but reformed to cut running costs.[13]


26th November 2013, 14:15
nothing to do with the housing association near me dedworth, not as far as i can tell,

also the tories were\are shutting it down :laugher:

How far are you from Specsavers Joe ? This outfit dish out the cash to Housing Associations - your one might be a bit secretive about where it gets it's wedge from

During the 2011-2015 spending review period, we have a £6.8bn capital spending budget for housing and housing-related programmes, broken down as: ...........................................


26th November 2013, 15:25
:Erm: all i see it says about building 150,000 homes, you know and i know virtually 0 council houses have been built since thatcher, if they are talking about housing associations building them, then they might be subsidised by the taxpayer, but as you know 0 council houses have been built so anyone in social housing whatever it cost to build 20+yrs ago has been easily paid back in rent, the house I'm in is 50yrs old, don't tell me that the council haven't got their money back in rent yet :doh and so how can it be subsidised :Erm:

26th November 2013, 15:41
:Erm: all i see it says about building 150,000 homes, you know and i know virtually 0 council houses have been built since thatcher, if they are talking about housing associations building them, then they might be subsidised by the taxpayer, but as you know 0 council houses have been built so anyone in social housing whatever it cost to build 20+yrs ago has been easily paid back in rent, the house I'm in is 50yrs old, don't tell me that the council haven't got their money back in rent yet :doh and so how can it be subsidised :Erm:

Forget all the :doh & :Erm: Joe

your post # 3 asked what the taxpayer had to do with it ?

We've now established that Housing Associations do get a chunk of funding from the taxpayer. Local Authorities (ie Councils) raise their money from Council Tax Payers and also get public money from Central Govt - does that answer your question ? :biggrin:

Those councils who like you assume have got the cost back in rent should be doing the decent thing and putting that surplus money into building new council stock. Why haven't Labour Councils built any new houses ?

If Comrade Bob's house needs a new boiler or windows he doesn't have to dip into his own pocket like I do

26th November 2013, 15:56
why haven't the Tory councils built one house then ?

We've now established that Housing Associations do get a chunk of funding from the taxpayer. Local Authorities (ie Councils) raise their money from Council Tax Payers and also get public money from Central Govt - does that answer your question ?

where does it say this ? how much in total? i cant see the figures :Erm:
councils give 0 to the housing associations thru the poll tax, infact its the other way around with the Tory 'right to buy', its the Housing associations that have to give the council money from the sale :doh

26th November 2013, 15:59
If Comrade Bob's house needs a new boiler or windows he doesn't have to dip into his own pocket like I do

yes but you don't have to pay rent which goes up every year by 5-7%

26th November 2013, 16:06
yes but you don't have to pay rent which goes up every year by 5-7%

erm I don't think boilers, windows etc are immune from inflation :icon_lol:

26th November 2013, 16:09
why haven't the Tory councils built one house then ?

where does it say this ? how much in total? i cant see the figures :Erm:
councils give 0 to the housing associations thru the poll tax, infact its the other way around with the Tory 'right to buy', its the Housing associations that have to give the council money from the sale :doh

I dealt with the taxpayers subsidy Joe, too busy to deal with all your supplementary questions :biggrin:

I hope Bob thinks about the other saps whilst he pours the Bollinger down his neck

26th November 2013, 16:13
Essentially he can afford his own house and is depriving someone of a council house, someone who has nothing to do with political decisions.
Not acceptable.

26th November 2013, 16:48
isn't he a taxpayer dedworth :biggrin: a higher rate taxpayer :wink:

Arthur Little
26th November 2013, 16:56
Comrade Bob's drum ;-


Hmm ... :icon_rolleyes: ... "the Crows' Nest", eh? :yeahthat:

27th November 2013, 02:28
rubbish, tell me where dedworth, the taxpayer has nothing to do with it, how old is the house ?
if he is paying £75 then who ever he is renting it from is still making a profit or they wouldn't be in business still.
you mean less than what the ripping off private landlords want to charge you :Erm:, the same high rents that the gov has to pay for in housing benefits, your picking on the wrong people here dedworth, you should be having a go at the fatcat buy to rent landlords :doh

i pay more than £75 a week, but the housing association (non profit) can afford to pay everyones wage, put a new roof on the house, new central heating and boiler, new kitchen, bathroom, etc.. how come dedworth :doh

In my previous life I once shelled out 7k for rads and boiler..11k for a new kitchen and 3-4k for a bathroom refit. Perhaps I should put in for one of these housing association jobbies:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2013, 02:32
yes but you don't have to pay rent which goes up every year by 5-7%

Yes but, if you become unemployed..you are not going to get the house taken...we'll be fronting the cost of that:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2013, 08:21
It reminds me of Lotto winners who vow to keep their job/council house-if you have done good then perhaps you can give up your council house?
Are they not for the less well off?

27th November 2013, 08:59
Why should I move out of my council house, asks £145,000 union boss: Bob Crow says he has 'no moral duty to leave despite generous salary'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2513521/Bob-Crow-says-moral-duty-leave-council-house-despite-generous-salary.html#ixzz2lkQxfUbv

Well done Bob for keeping "Asylum Seekers" and feckless single mothers out of this nice property - do what I do not what I say :icon_lol:

I thought the Tories sold most of this countries housing stock in the eighties :icon_lol:

Its a good job Bob managed to keep hold of this one :icon_lol:

I suppose if you had your way Dedworth he should vacate it for some needy family from Eastern Europe :Wave:

27th November 2013, 10:18
"It's not the fact that I had it so bad that pisses me off. It is the fact that others had it so good." A Jack Nicholson line from "As Good As It Gets." :biggrin: