View Full Version : Britain a debased & morally corrupt country - Royal Marine jailed for life

6th December 2013, 21:33
A Royal Marine who murdered a badly wounded Taliban insurgent must serve at least 10 years in prison for a cold blooded killing that tarnished the reputation of the Armed Forces, a judge has said.


Shameful - what kind of message does this send out to our armed forces. Not only are they expected to fight with one hand tied behind their backs but the threat of being hung out to dry looms over them.

I hope the brave Sgt wins the appeal


6th December 2013, 21:40
i wonder if it was the other way round what would have happened, shot,then hung drawn and quartered, then dragged through the town with the people shouting and dancing behind the body, and nothing would have happened to the person or people doing it , just my thoughts

6th December 2013, 21:55
These things happen in WAR, and have done so since the beginning of time...just that the British delight in self-flagellation these days, and airing their dirty washing for the whole world to see and puzzle over. :NoNo:

I wonder how many millions in compensation the ENEMY's family have been paid, and how it compares to that paid to our own boys and girls.:cwm25:

6th December 2013, 22:03
Yes we .... on our own these days, We have covered this story before and I'm with the Marine every inch of the way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2013, 22:19
A Disgrace, and before the do gooders pipe in about human rights:repuke::kissass:

6th December 2013, 23:39
We had all this lawyer crap in the Balkans...........If a guy has a grenade in his hand you must not shoot him!!!!! But if he throws it you can shoot him FFS. :yikes:

7th December 2013, 00:22

Shameful - what kind of message does this send out to our armed forces. Not only are they expected to fight with one hand tied behind their backs but the threat of being hung out to dry looms over them.

I hope the brave Sgt wins the appeal


from your link dedworth ..

Jeff Blackett, Judge Advocate General, said Blackman’s behaviour during the murder, inadvertently captured on helmet camera, had been “chilling”.

He said: “The tone and calmness of your voice as you commented after you shot him were matter of fact and in that respect they were chilling.”

He continued: “Your actions have put at risk the lives of other British service personnel. You have provided ammunition to the terrorists whose propaganda portrays the British presence in Afghanistan as part of a war on Islam in which civilians are arbitrarily killed.

“That ammunition will no doubt be used in their programme of radicalisation. That could seriously undermine the reputation of British forces and ultimately the mission in Afghanistan.

“Committing this sort of act could well provoke the enemy to act more brutally towards British troops in retribution or reprisal.

7th December 2013, 01:46
The terrorists don't need any more ammunition.

They are lunatics following a lunatic religion.

Personally I'd be happy to take the women and kids out and then nuke the whole damn useless Poppy-growing country.

No outsiders, well-meaning or otherwise have ever benefitted from stepping into that :censored:hole.

7th December 2013, 02:12
The terrorists don't need any more ammunition.

They are lunatics following a lunatic religion.

Personally I'd be happy to take the women and kids out and then nuke the whole damn useless Poppy-growing country.

No outsiders, well-meaning or otherwise have ever benefitted from stepping into that :censored:hole.

:iagree: and then I'd charge Joes hero Judge Blackett with Treason

7th December 2013, 02:43
I think if all this carries on then it may be an option one day, carpet bomb the lot - sounds harsh and maybe it is but if its the only way to rid the world of the Islamic extremists.

Followers of Islam never seem happy with what they have got, they want to change everything including us, we don't do that!

If someone doesn't believe in god, go to church etc then so be it - nothing is forced on you, but with Islam you have to obey or you will be punished.

So maybe if it comes to a head then the only solution is for the peace loving nations to live their lives as they wish then you have to eradicate to a great extent people who wish to change your way of life.

This is not new it happened centuries ago and maybe it will come round again - two different opinions of which one can't be pacified :NoNo:

7th December 2013, 05:13
The terrorists don't need any more ammunition.

They are lunatics following a lunatic religion.

Personally I'd be happy to take the women and kids out and then nuke the whole damn useless Poppy-growing country.

No outsiders, well-meaning or otherwise have ever benefitted from stepping into that :censored:hole.


7th December 2013, 05:15
I think if all this carries on then it may be an option one day, carpet bomb the lot - sounds harsh and maybe it is but if its the only way to rid the world of the Islamic extremists.

Followers of Islam never seem happy with what they have got,they want to change everything including us, we don't do that!

If someone doesn't believe in god, go to church etc then so be it - nothing is forced on you, but with Islam you have to obey or you will be punished.

So maybe if it comes to a head then the only solution is for the peace loving nations to live their lives as they wish then you have to eradicate to a great extent people who wish to change your way of life.

This is not new it happened centuries ago and maybe it will come round again - two different opinions of which one can't be pacified :NoNo:

I would go one step further and ban everyone that worships islam from coming to the u.k, its like a cancer and is spreading it must be stopped.

7th December 2013, 05:17
if anyone on here is on facebook please join the campaign to free the marine 30,000 have already and its only one day old :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th December 2013, 08:12
:iagree: and then I'd charge Joes hero Judge Blackett with Treason

dedworth, he was found guilty by 7 officers, even his own commanding officers said '“His momentary and fatal lapse of judgement' :doh

7th December 2013, 09:17
dedworth, he was found guilty by 7 officers, even his own commanding officers said '“His momentary and fatal lapse of judgement' :doh

The taliban do not recognise the geneva convention and we are not fighting on a level playing field here. The taliban hide amongst civvies blow up innocent people and would not treat a u.k soldier if caught, so why should our boys play equal. If this was a normal war and each side abide by the rules of war then yes this guy would deserve what he got. you should not have to fight a war with one arm tied behind your back. The guy with the camera should have switched it off while they blew his sorry brains out so I blame him to a degree.

7th December 2013, 10:26
Well it seems Joe nearly all the forum members disagree with you on this one, Tiger is 100% right and at the end of the day it probably was a mercy killing as he was already badly wounded.
Remember if it was the other way round our lads would certainly have been finished off and their heads paraded through the streets - lets not forget what happened to Lee Rigby for all to see.

These fanatics are Barbarians and as far as I'm concerned the gloves are off.

7th December 2013, 11:11
Now if a country has capital punishment, it's perfectly ok to 'murder' quite dispassionately someone who is at the time basically helpless.

If I'm drunk and deliberately run someone down in my car (prove otherwise), I may go to prison for what...3 years ?

What a silly world we live in. :NoNo:

Of course an injured prisoner should not be killed in that way, but the publicity given to this incident is what is so stupid....and recording it. http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/Doh.gif

7th December 2013, 11:59
Of course an injured prisoner should not be killed in that way, but the publicity given to this incident is what is so stupid....and recording it. http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/Doh.gif

The case is unprecedented in modern times, with no other serviceman having been convicted of murder on a foreign battlefield since at least the Second World War.

well thankfully its a rare case, and hopefully it doesn't happen again

Michael Parnham
7th December 2013, 13:13
Well, I've said it before, If he had taken the enemy prisoner instead of killing him he would have probably have got a medal and he and his family would be having a better Christmas than what they will be getting! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th December 2013, 14:56
Very true.

He should definitely be jailed for a certain amount of time, for stupidity :crazy:
if nothing else...plus whoever was recording the goings-on. :NoNo:

8th December 2013, 11:00
What he did was wrong - there is no escaping this.

No-one though seems to be questioning a possible other side here. This is one of a group of men who have seen mates blown to bits, and know they are dealing with people who definitely have not signed the Geneva Convention. Compared to the chattering class in Islington, they could be described as a bit more mentally shocked, and harder headed.

Presumably those who discovered this footage were also military personnel. Presumably then, they know what it's like "out there" - or does the army also have pen pushing social worker cuddly leftie types, working of course in safe locations back home?

You'd have thought then a real army man would upon discovering this, have passed it to his immediate superior, Sgt Blackman would have been given the mother of all rollockings, then to protect him, his family and every other at risk serviceman, it would have been covered up. He might have been discharged with say a gagging order.

But no, they went public. No it isn't necessarily Sgt Blackman who has given the enemy this present of publicity - it's whoever has let it go public, and has dragged the army's name through the mud.
It is they who are the real disgrace.

8th December 2013, 11:19
i think what happened was a civilian found the video on a laptop\pc - might have been repairing it:Erm:, and called the police.

well les it doesn't matter what this forum thinks , he was found guilty by a jury of 7 officers, so your telling me they are wrong and your right :icon_lol:, i suppose you was in court each day ? they are officers and they sat thru the whole case, and they all found him guilty. the guy :censored: and no one is above the law , nor should they be :NoNo:

8th December 2013, 11:24
I picked up an officer (oh missis) last night from the Army foundation College and asked him what he thought.
He said what the guy did was wrong,I pointed out to him though if the guy who was not actually captured as a prisoner,but someone who an Apache tried to take out recovered from his injuries,then say 3 months later set up an IED which blew up 10 soldiers,was it a good idea to spare him?
The office said Hmm your right:xxgrinning--00xx3:
The purpose of our soldiers is to take the enemy out-end of.
If a whole bunch of people surrender as seen in Falklands,both world wars etc that is different,but we are dealing with a different class of enemy,even if a bunch did surrender how do we know one of them has not got explosives strapped to his waist? Thats what they do with their cursed fanatical evil beliefs.

8th December 2013, 11:35
les, les if's and buts :NoNo:
you've just said a officer told you what he did was wrong and you cant admit your wrong :wink:

if another country invaded the UK would you join a resistance group ?

8th December 2013, 12:02
If you read it correctly you will see he changed his mind Joe:smile:
I am not wrong YOU are in denial that nearly everyone of the forum doesn't take your point of view-sorry Joe ya lost this one.
All you do is quote facts and figures etc etc,The law states this blah blah blah.
Sometimes laws are not fit for purpose,jailing old lady for non-payment of council tax yet on same day releasing pedophile-your way of thinking would concur that that is correct-it's the law Joe but most of the public and i bet close to 100% on this forum would say that's .......s!
Let's alter the argument,say if some local nutter fell out with you and threatened to do away with your family,they hated you that much and all you stood for,so they attack you but you manage to all but wipe them out,one guy is left wounded and he swears he will be back to get his revenge-you have an option to 100% remove that threat-would you do it to protect you and your family or would you let him off,knowing he may return to get you all?
i know what i would do:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th December 2013, 12:07
if another country invaded the UK would you join a resistance group ?
I would beg to join the British Army:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th December 2013, 12:12
err sorry les, most if not everyone on here says he was wrong to kill him,

as for my point of view, what is my point of view ? if your talking about should he do time, how many have said he shouldn't ? you , dedworth and a few others, that's not everyone :icon_lol:

how many have signed the petition ? i bet nowhere near the number that signed the virgin train one :wink: I'm so wrong that 60m have signed it :icon_lol:

pls les no fantasy stories of if's and but's, tell me why the jury of 7 officers was wrong ? surely they know better than you or me :wink:

they could have found him not guilty ?

8th December 2013, 12:20
My god Joe you don't read posts very well do you,I just explained about many laws being .......s-they had to follow the rules but just for once they could have let this go.
You are are stickler for laws were you a traffic warden in an earlier life?
you have not answered the question i put to you in reguarding what you would do?
I presume you have no problem with the Apache trying to take him out?
At the end of the day Joe I care about our armed forces,their welfare comes before any Islamic nutters who don't reguard any laws.
Here have a read of this!

8th December 2013, 12:31
would you really les, you think you could really kill someone ? your not playing medal of honor or call of duty now :cwm25:

I'd do what 99% of other people would do, get the cops, he would get locked up and move away :xxgrinning--00xx3:

so you say you care and there are no rules in war, i would have thought that wouldn't be a good thing, why would anyone take prisoners then, you would just kill them, like you've said they can't try and kill you again. but there was over a 100,000 British prisoners of war in WW2, why didnt the Japs and germans kill them :cwm25:

8th December 2013, 12:46
Yes if it was my family or him i would take him out no problem 100%

8th December 2013, 12:48
At the end of the war it was over Germany surrendered!
The taliban have no honour and would not keep the piece so I would eradicate them all

8th December 2013, 12:55
Yes if it was my family or him i would take him out no problem 100%

i doubt you could les,

At the end of the war it was over Germany surrendered!
The taliban have no honour and would not keep the piece so I would eradicate them all

what about the SS and Japs, look how badly they treated British prisoners ? you would eradicate them too ?

8th December 2013, 12:58
I would have killed him. ...and yes, I could kill someone.

8th December 2013, 13:07
This sentence is a disgrace. they should hang their heads in shame.

8th December 2013, 13:10
theres more chance of you both voting labour than killing someone :biggrin:

8th December 2013, 13:11
I would have killed him. ...and yes, I could kill someone.

what would you do Graham if the Taliban who died was your son?, from what i can recall he was young

8th December 2013, 13:14
I will tell you what happens when you join the army. Fact. In the first 14 weeks the recruits are trained to kill. They dont tell you about the geneva convention.

8th December 2013, 13:54
Don't doubt me Joe if I had to kill or be killed I would certainly kill

8th December 2013, 14:03
i think what happened was a civilian found the video on a laptop\pc - might have been repairing it:Erm:, and called the police.

well les it doesn't matter what this forum thinks , he was found guilty by a jury of 7 officers, so your telling me they are wrong and your right :icon_lol:, i suppose you was in court each day ? they are officers and they sat thru the whole case, and they all found him guilty. the guy :censored: and no one is above the law , nor should they be :NoNo:
I would like to see you saying to the taliban no one is above the law when they are about to chop your head off joe get frikin real will ya brother why do you constantly defend the enemy in this forum .yes what he done was,nt the british way but how the taliban fight aint the frikin way either .these are the same people that put up a white flag pretending to surrender while pulling a pin on a hand grenade to kill you when he gets close enough .

8th December 2013, 14:05
The terrorists don't need any more ammunition.

They are lunatics following a lunatic religion.

Personally I'd be happy to take the women and kids out and then nuke the whole damn useless Poppy-growing country.

No outsiders, well-meaning or otherwise have ever benefitted from stepping into that :censored:hole.
:xxgrinning--00xx3:thats my opinion too they will never fit into the western way and we don,t want their way either .... em

8th December 2013, 14:10
well thankfully its a rare case, and hopefully it doesn't happen again

well I hope it does happen again only this time without the frickin camera on the more taliban dead the better for everyone.

8th December 2013, 14:16
what would you do Graham if the Taliban who died was your son?, from what i can recall he was young

Thanks for dragging my son into this. :NoNo:

He happens to be a decent and caring human being, not a dangerous brainwashed :censored: from the stone age. :mad:

8th December 2013, 14:19
Taliban, British or other, no one is above the law, sadly as this marine has found out

:icon_lol: i'm not defending the taliban :doh

one thing is for certain it will be used against British soldiers by the Taliban leaders showing the Taliban what they've been saying all along that British don't take prisoners or wounded they shoot them, so fight to the death, become a martyr , making them hate the British more than they already do, and you think you will ever get peace, how many more British soldiers will have to die ?

8th December 2013, 14:25
Well some of us were against the British getting involved in the first place, but of course that was decided by somebody in govt. at the time, who obviously knew better, and wasn't going to be in the line of fire.

8th December 2013, 14:30
well you can blame the USA /CIA, Pakistan and Saudi for supporting them and creating a monster that they cant get rid of now :mad:

8th December 2013, 15:12
one thing is for certain it will be used against British soldiers by the Taliban leaders showing the Taliban what they've been saying all along that British don't take prisoners or wounded they shoot them, so fight to the death, become a martyr , making them hate the British more than they already do, and you think you will ever get peace, how many more British soldiers will have to die ?
Joe where have you been the friggin Taliban have been doing this all along,this changes nothing.
They are barbaric,cruel and heartless.
When does the British army purposely blow up as many mosques and places of worship to kill as many civilians as possible?
We don't do that on purpose and your treading water now on this argument.
i will give you another example if when Ian Huntley was caught there was an option to execute him and they needed a volunteer to pull the switch i would have gladly done it,and before you tell me i wouldn't you would be wrong on that.
The evil .......s on this earth have no place here and I would not feel guilty i would feel it had to be done and my conscience would be clean that i had done the public a favour.

8th December 2013, 15:31
I talked to a very mentally ill US Marine a month ago staying here for rest and rehab.. (the guy is a nutcase) He described to me how he had to treat his friend that had his leg blown off from a roadside bomb etc etc.. Loads of other nasty war stories to boot..
Apparently he was among the US marines that executed 6 Iraqi insurgents in cold blood.. He got out in 18 months after the dust had settled..
He is in a mental mess here.. I wont be surprised if he lives more than a month or two..
Right or wrong has nothing to do with how affected soldiers behave these days after the fact in a "war on terrorism"..They are totally brainwashed in the US military academies and some act out their hatred in the way he described..Thats a fact.

8th December 2013, 16:37
Taliban, British or other, no one is above the law, sadly as this marine has found out

:icon_lol: i'm not defending the taliban :doh

one thing is for certain it will be used against British soldiers by the Taliban leaders showing the Taliban what they've been saying all along that British don't take prisoners or wounded they shoot them, so fight to the death, become a martyr , making them hate the British more than they already do, and you think you will ever get peace, how many more British soldiers will have to die ?

Well i think your 100% right Joe, the marine was found guilty and should serve the sentence. The killing of this Taliban man was wrong and will send out the wrong messages. I like to think the British Army fight and stand up for whats right, not just out on a killing spree.

8th December 2013, 17:00
Well i think your 100% right Joe, the marine was found guilty and should serve the sentence. The killing of this Taliban man was wrong and will send out the wrong messages. I like to think the British Army fight and stand up for whats right, not just out on a killing spree.

'Killing spree' ? :Erm:

8th December 2013, 17:25
The lunatics have taken over the Asylum, time to leave this thread :yikes:

8th December 2013, 21:48
The lunatics have taken over the Asylum,time to leave this thread :yikes:

I tend to agree Les.

I'm appalled by all this - treasonous attitudes, defending terrorist illegal combatants, naive attitude comparing the brave Marine with someone committing premeditated murder in the UK, muslim terrorist sympathisers, fellow travellers etc etc

I wonder if they and the traitorous judge would display the same attitude if one of their relatives was aboard the number 30 bus in Tavistock Square on 7/7/2005 ?

9th December 2013, 01:32
I tend to agree Les.

I'm appalled by all this - treasonous attitudes, defending terrorist illegal combatants, naive attitude comparing the brave Marine with someone committing premeditated murder in the UK, muslim terrorist sympathisers, fellow travellers etc etc

I wonder if they and the traitorous judge would display the same attitude if one of their relatives was aboard the number 30 bus in Tavistock Square on 7/7/2005 ?

spot on bro too many taliban supporters on this forum for my liking one is too many hang your head in shame

9th December 2013, 03:21
You would have thought that they would have kept incidents like this in house :cwm25:

9th December 2013, 07:07
spot on bro too many taliban supporters on this forum for my liking one is too many hang your head in shame

:icon_lol: who's a Taliban supporter :crazy:, the guy was a wounded prisoner :doh he was laughing before he killed him, then says he's just broke the Geneva convention, 15yrs experience sounds like he knows exactly what he's doing :cwm25:

lets see how many sign the petition, 200,000 signed one just about virgin trains franchise.

You would have thought that they would have kept incidents like this in house :cwm25:

i think a civilian found the video clip and went to the police so they couldn't cover it up

9th December 2013, 15:08
spot on bro too many taliban supporters on this forum for my liking one is too many hang your head in shame

So attacking a wounded prisoner is right? During WWII many UK soldiers held as prisoners of war by the japanese were subjected to similar treatment or tortured. I suppose in your eyes thats right as well then?

I am certainly not a Taliban supporter BUT i do know whats right as did the people that found him guilty.

9th December 2013, 15:22
So attacking a wounded prisoner is right? During WWII many UK soldiers held as prisoners of war by the japanese were subjected to similar treatment or tortured. I suppose in your eyes thats right as well then?

I am certainly not a Taliban supporter BUT i do know whats right as did the people that found him guilty.

The Japs weren't signatories to the Geneva Convention. Nor are the Taliban who are an inhuman rabble of illegal combatants, terrorists and extremists. In my book any means of eradicating them is more than justified

9th December 2013, 20:18
The Japs weren't signatories to the Geneva Convention. Nor are the Taliban who are an inhuman rabble of illegal combatants, terrorists and extremists. In my book any means of eradicating them is more than justified

Thanks for pointing that out! We ARE signatories to the Geneva convention and are NOT "an inhuman rabble of illegal combatants, terrorists and extremists" therefore should not behave like we are. Hence the VERY appropriate sentence.

Ako Si Jamie
9th December 2013, 21:09
Another pawn to the slaughter. Who would be a soldier eh?

He risked life and limb for his country and that's the thanks he gets. :NoNo:

9th December 2013, 21:14
Thanks for pointing that out! We ARE signatories to the Geneva convention and are NOT "an inhuman rabble of illegal combatants, terrorists and extremists" therefor should not behave like we are. Hence the VERY appropriate sentence.

Hence the fact that the gloves should come off, rules of engagement etc binned when dealing with filth like the Taliban

9th December 2013, 22:08
Hence the fact that the gloves should come off, rules of engagement etc binned when dealing with filth like the Taliban

In other words you would rather we were judged and act the same as the Taliban.."an inhuman rabble of illegal combatants, terrorists and extremists".

Well sorry i do not agree.

9th December 2013, 22:27
In other words you would rather we were judged and act the same as the Taliban.."an inhuman rabble of illegal combatants, terrorists and extremists".

Well sorry i do not agree.

I have to jump in here, yes what we will do is blow up as many civilians as possible, behead people in the streets, mutilate women and children for not learning the bible and murder anyone who doesn't believe in our religion!

Yes we're just like the Taliban (NOT)

9th December 2013, 22:38
In other words you would rather we were judged and act the same as the Taliban.."an inhuman rabble of illegal combatants, terrorists and extremists".

Well sorry i do not agree.

The way to deal with these savages is by using extreme violence, that is the only thing they understand. This isn't a rugger match where the chaps shake hands and have a beer together after the final whistle

9th December 2013, 22:50
The way to deal with these savages is by using extreme violence, that is the only thing they understand. This isn't a rugger match where the chaps shake hands and have a beer together after the final whistle

Not suggesting that at all....but i am saying that if one of them is wounded, has surrendered we should be showing them we don't stoop to their level but ensure they get treated as a prisoner should and tried properly for crimes they may have committed. Perhaps in thier past that's what they understood but its better they are shown better ways exist and the reputation for fairness of the British soldier remains intact.

9th December 2013, 23:16
Another pawn to the slaughter. Who would be a soldier eh?

He risked life and limb for his country and that's the thanks he gets. :NoNo:

he volunteered to join the Marines, no one forced him to, he got paid for doing his job and part of his of his job was to follow the Geneva convention which he failed to do.

he was laughing about it, i thought the Marines were professionals ?

9th December 2013, 23:17
Not suggesting that at all....but i am saying that if one of them is wounded, has surrendered we should be showing them we don't stoop to their level but ensure they get treated as a prisoner should and tried properly for crimes they may have committed. Perhaps in thier past that's what they understood but its better they are shown better ways exist and the reputation for fairness of the British soldier remains intact.

Can't you see where this country has got by 25 years of appeasing and pandering to them ? Savages decapitating off duty soldiers, terrorists mass murdering our citizens, groomers, drug dealers, insurance and benefit fraudsters, "honour" killers, preachers of hatred and violence etc etc The list is endless. What positives do they bring to our western, christian society and culture ? Answers on a postage stamp please

They don't understand the words fair, reasonable, justice and properly

9th December 2013, 23:24
To confirm that just listen what that ....... who killed Lee Rigby has said in court today :cwm23:

9th December 2013, 23:34
dedworth why haven't you posted a link about the story from today's edition from the news paper of the decade :cwm25:


right, lets look at this.. 100,000, where have they got this number from? someone clicking on facebook :doh, how many have actually signed the petition , here's one, there are a few, some with 0 signatures :doh

i think this is the main one..
http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/56810 - 34,000 have signed it, dedworth what's the readership of the mail , 2m+, what % is that, it tells you most people cant be bothered or they agree with the prison sentence :Erm:

a survey found that six out of ten people thought the commando’s prison sentence should be halved to five years.

One in three of the 900 people questioned by pollsters Survation felt he should serve no jail time at all

so the majority, 6 out of 10 people think he should serve 5yrs

and 1 out 3 thinks he should be set free, looks like you lot on here are in the minority, as 2/3rds think he should go to prison :doh

9th December 2013, 23:36
To confirm that just listen what that ....... who killed Lee Rigby has said in court today :cwm23:

and how many of these brainwashed people will now seek revenge for what the marine did :NoNo:

9th December 2013, 23:44
Not suggesting that at all....but i am saying that if one of them is wounded, has surrendered we should be showing them we don't stoop to their level but ensure they get treated as a prisoner should and tried properly for crimes they may have committed. Perhaps in thier past that's what they understood but its better they are shown better ways exist and the reputation for fairness of the British soldier remains intact.

Good post. I agree.

9th December 2013, 23:45
dedworth the mail has got some way to go beating this

looks like more care about getting to work than the marine or they agree with the sentence.

9th December 2013, 23:49
dedworth why haven't you posted a link about the story from today's edition from the news paper of the decade :cwm25:


right, lets look at this.. 100,000, where have they got this number from? someone clicking on facebook :doh, how many have actually signed the petition , here's one, there are a few, some with 0 signatures :doh

i think this is the main one..
http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/56810 - 34,000 have signed it, dedworth what's the readership of the mail , 2m+, what % is that, it tells you most people cant be bothered or they agree with the prison sentence :Erm:

so the majority, 6 out of 10 people think he should serve 5yrs

and 1 out 3 thinks he should be set free, looks like you lot on here are in the minority, as 2/3rds think he should go to prison :doh

:NEW5: Just stick to your Virgin Trains petition Joe - you're flogging a dead horse on this thread. Most of us "you lot" on here are patriotic and want the best for the country which doesn't involve the criminals, terrorists and extremists you seemingly empathise with.

If you want to do something useful I'd be lobbying for closure of that "Asylum Seeker" hotel up the road

10th December 2013, 00:01
:icon_lol: so everyone who thinks he was wrong to kill is not patriotic :laugher:
unlike most on here, i don't put this country down (except for politicians and a few judges) i'm not one of many on here who cant wait to leave here :biggrin:

i think you'll find i'm more patriotic than most, you know where i was on Sunday the 10th Nov at 11am, while many were still in their beds :action-smiley-081:


10th December 2013, 00:12
I would like to find the :censored: that released the footage.

10th December 2013, 00:19
I would like to find the :censored: that released the footage.

i think it was a civilian, possibly someone repairing one of the marines laptop or pc and they watched the video and contacted the police.

10th December 2013, 01:45
Not suggesting that at all....but i am saying that if one of them is wounded, has surrendered we should be showing them we don't stoop to their level but ensure they get treated as a prisoner should and tried properly for crimes they may have committed. Perhaps in their past that's what they understood but its better they are shown better ways exist and the reputation for fairness of the British soldier remains intact.

show me any taliban prison of war camps please, exactly - there are none and why, because they don,t take prisoners they kill anyone they find .but hey ho you want us to show respect and be humane .......S there will only be peace when they are all dead .

10th December 2013, 02:03

10th December 2013, 02:26
To confirm that just listen what that ....... who killed Lee Rigby has said in court today :cwm23:

This court case annoys me a lot :cwm23:

We are foolish to give these cretins any publicity at all (exactly what they want)

They should never have been allowed to plead not guilty on the grounds of overwhelming evidence against them

I dont want to read their brainwashed views in the papers for the next few weeks

10th December 2013, 09:42
This court case annoys me a lot :cwm23:

We are foolish to give these cretins any publicity at all (exactly what they want)

They should never have been allowed to plead not guilty on the grounds of overwhelming evidence against them

I dont want to read their brainwashed views in the papers for the next few weeks
I agree, he can say anything he wants,be a complete racist, damn our country and servicemen etc etc,it does not need reporting, we all know the evil crap he will spout out.
Just wish we could hang him and somehow prove to him he wont be a Martyr and their ain't 72 virgins waiting for him but an eternal hell :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th December 2013, 10:14
How Lawyers can defend cretins like these and sleep at night is beyond me. When they are found guilty and sentence is passed their lawyers should serve the same sentence IMO.

10th December 2013, 10:53
Yep....should have been given a bullet to the head by the cops, both of them....sent straight to the morgue and saved a lot of angst and public money. :mad:

When this crap comes on the news I turn off the sound or the TV.

10th December 2013, 11:31
Too right they should have got the bullit ya know why ? well they will be out in about 15 years and they will no doubt try again these ....ers will never change period :cwm23:

10th December 2013, 11:40
I wonder what the views of our forum Taliban sympathisers are on this gross waste of public money and free publicity to the extremists at the Old Bailey ?

10th December 2013, 11:47
How Lawyers can defend cretins like these and sleep at night is beyond me. When they are found guilty and sentence is passed their lawyers should serve the same sentence IMO.

Unfortunately they don't have any choice in the matter, they may not like it but they have to do it.

10th December 2013, 11:53
Unfortunately they don't have any choice in the matter, they may not like it but they have to do it.

they do have a choice they can refuse the case if they want ,but because the tax payer is footing the bill ,well its easy money for them because they are going to get found guilty anyway due to the evidence

10th December 2013, 11:56
they do have a choice they can refuse the case if they want ,but because the tax payer is footing the bill ,well its easy money for them because they are going to get found guilty anyway due to the evidence

Good point - the identity of these treasonous lawyers and the obscene amounts they are being paid should be given maximum publicity

10th December 2013, 11:59
In English law (and other countries which adopt the rule), the cab-rank rule is the obligation of a barrister to accept any work in a field in which he professes himself competent to practise, at a court at which he normally appears, and at his usual rates. The rule derives its name from the tradition by which a Hackney carriage driver at the head of a queue of taxicabs is supposed to take the first passenger requesting a ride.

Paragraph 602 of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales states:

A self-employed barrister must comply with the "Cab-rank rule" and accordingly except only as otherwise provided in paragraphs 603 604 605 and 606 he must in any field in which he professes to practise in relation to work appropriate to his experience and seniority and irrespective of whether his client is paying privately or is publicly funded:

(a) accept any brief to appear before a Court in which he professes to practise;

(b) accept any instructions;

(c) act for any person on whose behalf he is instructed;

and do so irrespective of (i) the party on whose behalf he is instructed (ii) the nature of the case and (iii) any belief or opinion which he may have formed as to the character reputation cause conduct guilt or innocence of that person.[1]

In the absence of such a rule, it might be difficult for an unpopular person to obtain legal representation, and barristers who act for such people might be criticised for doing so.

10th December 2013, 12:06
I still believe there will be an opt out clause in the rules being related being one of them so there must be an option in the rules for it to be un bias . here in the philippines with the on going pork barrel scam napoles lawyer dropped her client half way through the case lol I wonder why ? :biggrin:

10th December 2013, 12:12
I still believe there will be an opt out clause in the rules being related being one of them so there must be an option in the rules for it to be un bias . here in the philippines with the on going pork barrel scam napoles lawyer dropped her client half way through the case lol I wonder why ? :biggrin:

You're probably right - Graspers like Cherie Blair and Michael Mansfield seem to operate exclusively publicly funded for the worst kind of criminals and human rights chancers. Other lawyers rightly have a higher moral plane

10th December 2013, 12:14
It is only a cab rank in the sense of an obligation on the cab driver to take the punter. The punter is not obliged to get into the taxi at the front of the line. In other words, the client can choose which counsel to instruct, and counsel is not able to refuse the case if he/she is available, it is within his/her field of practice and an adequate fee is offered (legal aid is deemed adequate, although in practice it often isn't).

The cab rank principle is important, as it enables people with bad cases or who are unpopular with the public to obtain representation. Of course, as with a real taxi, there are more or less subtle ways of saying "South of the river, Guv? You're having a giraffe".

10th December 2013, 14:55
I wonder what the views of our forum Taliban sympathisers are on this gross waste of public money and free publicity to the extremists at the Old Bailey ?

I don't recollect reading anything from a Taliban sympathiser on the forum. The case at the old bailey should be the subject of a separate thread and not be used here to divert attention from the opinions of others about the soldiers guilt that are obviously valid and endorsed by the sentence he received.

10th December 2013, 15:35
Well a couple of you on here thinks the Marine got what he deserved,counting the against votes,the vast majority on this forum disagree,in normal war situation like the 2nd world war I would tend to agree it was wrong,but with the Taliban where they observe no Geneva convention and if fact are totally opposite in morals,(beheading,eating someones heart etc) then the rules are out of the window.I repeat again that the Taliban was already shot by the Helicopter (whose main aim was to destroy the enemy) the soldier finished him off.
Makes sense to me and since he had been shot by an Apache it was probably the most humane thing to do.

10th December 2013, 15:40
Well a couple of you on here thinks the Marine got what he deserved,counting the against votes,the vast majority on this forum disagree,in normal war situation like the 2nd world war I would tend to agree it was wrong,but with the Taliban where they observe no Geneva convention and if fact are totally opposite in morals,(beheading,eating someones heart etc) then the rules are out of the window.I repeat again that the Taliban was already shot by the Helicopter (whose main aim was to destroy the enemy) the soldier finished him off.
Makes sense to me and since he had been shot by an Apache it was probably the most humane thing to do.

Maybe the Apache pilot should be Court-Martialled for failing to effectively hose down the extremist illegal combatants :biggrin:

10th December 2013, 15:58
Maybe we should fire Flumps at the Enemy and and shoot them with Malteser's:icon_lol:

10th December 2013, 16:29
Maybe we should fire Flumps at the Enemy and and shoot them with Malteser's:icon_lol:

Even though they're illegal combatants it's just not cricket if we don't warn 'em first :biggrin:

10th December 2013, 17:20
I really don't understand some of the people on this forum. The marine executed a wounded man in cold blood. The British Army WAS on a moral plateau higher than the enemy, in this case The Taliban, which thanks to the stupidity of this one marine has now been eroded. Cold blooded murder of any sort is a crime and when found guilty in a court of law, should be punishable. Nobody, soldier or whatever should be considered above the law.

Article three of the Geneva convention rules that members of the armed forces who have laid down their arms or who cannot fight due to sickness, wounds or detention should be "treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria".

To this end, it is prohibited to pass sentences on prisoners or carry out executions without a constituted court judgement. Prisoners may not be harmed, degraded, humiliated or taken hostage.

Under the convention, the wounded and sick should be collected and cared for by an impartial humanitarian body, such as the Red Cross.

Anybody who thinks that is wrong, in my mind, is no better than the likes of the Nazis or Japanese who treated jews and our soldiers so badly during the second world war and must have a complete lack of compassion for fellow human beings.

10th December 2013, 17:25
That's you and me busted dedworth lol

10th December 2013, 17:35
That's you and me busted dedworth lol

I'll hand myself in Les rather than wait for Plod & the Red Caps to kick the door in

10th December 2013, 18:25
Under the convention, the wounded and sick should be collected and cared for by an impartial humanitarian body, such as the Red Cross.

Anybody who thinks that is wrong, in my mind, is no better than the likes of the Nazis or Japanese who treated jews and our soldiers so badly during the second world war and must have a complete lack of compassion for fellow human beings.
The Taliban do not recognize the Geneva convention so considering the Atrocities they commit even to young children, then it's gloves off and lets get rid of em all.
Joe does not like what ifs but I'm going to say it again.
We let the wounded Terrorist off,he recovers and masterminds a plot to blow up a plane/Planes carrying civilians in,how would you feel then?
Ok far fetched but just to prove a point.
It's not a Normal war with normal rules and joe and Lordna you keep quoting laws/rules etc,sometimes rules have to be looked at and individual cases dealt with compassionately.

10th December 2013, 18:37
Well summed up Les

Think how many innocent lives would have been saved in N Ireland and on the mainland from terrorist attacks had the Army been allowed to fight without one hand tied behind the back and the rules of engagement in the other.

A classic example of defeating terrorists never for them to rise again was Malaya 1950 - 60 where the army was allowed to get on with it and captured terrorists were often quickly executed following conviction.

The people of present day Malaysia will be grateful that apologists and hand wringers weren't in positions of power back then or they'd be under a communist dictatorship today

10th December 2013, 19:17
Quite right Dedworth.

We were living in Malaya from 1955-1958, and because we were 'off-base', my dad was permitted to take a GUN home with him with which to protect his family !

I also remember that for a while our school bus was equipped with wire mesh over the windows, plus an armed guard carried.

10th December 2013, 19:26
Thats my last statement on this subject-time to get xmasy Ho friggin Ho:biggrin:
I will not in anyway change my mind,he should not be jailed end of.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
10th December 2013, 20:03
So he brought the game into disrepute. Doesn't deserve jail though. Fine him a week's wages and give him a one battle suspension. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th December 2013, 20:23
A more fitting punishment is the one regularly meted out by leftist blame dodging public sector senior management to miscreants (example of typical offence letting NHS patients die whilst they chased targets ) - "words of advice" followed by redeployment to a higher paid post down the road.

Michael Parnham
10th December 2013, 21:21
I really don't understand some of the people on this forum. The marine executed a wounded man in cold blood. The British Army WAS on a moral plateau higher than the enemy, in this case The Taliban, which thanks to the stupidity of this one marine has now been eroded. Cold blooded murder of any sort is a crime and when found guilty in a court of law, should be punishable. Nobody, soldier or whatever should be considered above the law.

Article three of the Geneva convention rules that members of the armed forces who have laid down their arms or who cannot fight due to sickness, wounds or detention should be "treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria".

To this end, it is prohibited to pass sentences on prisoners or carry out executions without a constituted court judgement. Prisoners may not be harmed, degraded, humiliated or taken hostage.

Under the convention, the wounded and sick should be collected and cared for by an impartial humanitarian body, such as the Red Cross.

Anybody who thinks that is wrong, in my mind, is no better than the likes of the Nazis or Japanese who treated jews and our soldiers so badly during the second world war and must have a complete lack of compassion for fellow human beings.

Well said, rep on it's way!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th December 2013, 23:03
Well summed up Les

Think how many innocent lives would have been saved in N Ireland and on the mainland from terrorist attacks had the Army been allowed to fight without one hand tied behind the back and the rules of engagement in the other.

A classic example of defeating terrorists never for them to rise again was Malaya 1950 - 60 where the army was allowed to get on with it and captured terrorists were often quickly executed following conviction.

The people of present day Malaysia will be grateful that apologists and hand wringers weren't in positions of power back then or they'd be under a communist dictatorship today

I notice you say they were quickly executed FOLLOWING conviction which is a bit different to cold blooded murder WITHOUT conviction.

10th December 2013, 23:07
I notice you say they were quickly executed FOLLOWING conviction which is a bit different to cold blooded murder WITHOUT conviction.

Think you will find the Taliban fighter was the enemy:doh

10th December 2013, 23:08
A more fitting punishment is the one regularly meted out by leftist blame dodging public sector senior management to miscreants (example of typical offence letting NHS patients die whilst they chased targets ) - "words of advice" followed by redeployment to a higher paid post down the road.

I'm sure these are hush jobs :NoNo: To keep their months shut. Bigger heads might roll

10th December 2013, 23:08
The Taliban do not recognize the Geneva convention so considering the Atrocities they commit even to young children, then it's gloves off and lets get rid of em all.
Joe does not like what ifs but I'm going to say it again.
We let the wounded Terrorist off,he recovers and masterminds a plot to blow up a plane/Planes carrying civilians in,how would you feel then?
Ok far fetched but just to prove a point.
It's not a Normal war with normal rules and joe and Lordna you keep quoting laws/rules etc,sometimes rules have to be looked at and individual cases dealt with compassionately.

Just because an enemy doesn't recognise the Geneva convention it doesn't mean we have to stoop to their level. Nobody was letting a terrorist off, had he lived then no doubt he would have been tried and sentenced.

10th December 2013, 23:13
Think you will find the Taliban fighter was the enemy:doh

He may have been an enemy BUT importantly he was a captured and wounded enemy who posed no further threat to his murderer and had not been tried before being executed on the whim of the marine concerned rather than a court.

10th December 2013, 23:13
Nobody was letting a terrorist off, had he lived then no doubt he would have been tried and sentenced.
I'm sure our guys on the ground had time to arrest him,probably dodging fire while they arrest him:NoNo:
As for trying and sentencing we can't even trust half the Afghan police not to shoot our boys!
Your living in Airy fairy land,I bet if you were out there in fear of your life you would not be so keen to Damn the marine:smile:

10th December 2013, 23:15
So he brought the game into disrepute. Doesn't deserve jail though. Fine him a week's wages and give him a one battle suspension. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

This was the life of another human being and real people, NOT a playstation game!

10th December 2013, 23:18
Quite right Dedworth.

We were living in Malaya from 1955-1958, and because we were 'off-base', my dad was permitted to take a GUN home with him with which to protect his family !

I also remember that for a while our school bus was equipped with wire mesh over the windows, plus an armed guard carried.

Having a gun to protect your family is a lot different to executing a wounded person posing no further threat.

10th December 2013, 23:19
Yes the same group of people that mutilate their own,behead people,try to kill as many western civilians as possible-lovely bunch of guys.

10th December 2013, 23:21
Thats my last statement on this subject-time to get xmasy Ho friggin Ho:biggrin:
I will not in anyway change my mind,he should not be jailed end of.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Merry Xmas, i respect your opinion although obviously it differs from mine!

10th December 2013, 23:22
Yes the same group of people that mutilate their own,behead people,try to kill as many western civilians as possible-lovely bunch of guys.

Aha so it wasn't your last word!

10th December 2013, 23:23
Ok Lordna we leave this discussion there,merry xmas:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th December 2013, 23:23
Not when you make statments like you did no:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th December 2013, 23:26
OK i'm going to bed....probably my last word on the subject...Don't all cheer at once!

10th December 2013, 23:32
I'm happy to see this thread closed if Dedworth is,run it's course and is only aggravating now:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th December 2013, 00:10
I'm happy to see it closed Les I've run out of sickbags reading the Fifth Columnist comments here.

11th December 2013, 00:29
This was the life of another human being and real people, NOT a playstation game!

The taliban are not human FACT if they were they would not cut peoples heads off in front of spectators they are savages so quit your moral ....

11th December 2013, 00:47
If you had been straffed by and wounded by an apache chain gun you would want to be dead, 675 rounds of high explosive ammo in one min.:biggrin:

11th December 2013, 00:50
Oops...I suppose there's no point in me inviting any of you gents down to their local cafe for a halal mutton sarnie and a cuppa then ? :Erm:


11th December 2013, 01:24
Oops...I suppose there's no point in me inviting any of you gents down to their local cafe for a halal mutton sarnie and a cuppa then ? :Erm:


See!!! There`s our problem!!
We just wont integrate..Will we!!:icon_lol:

Happy christmas..
Thread closed.