View Full Version : More filth in time for Christmas

12th December 2013, 17:10
Back in time for the Christmas rush: 'Aggressive' Roma gypsies return to Marble Arch to beg from wealthy tourists and shoppers

Travellers reportedly targeting wealthy tourists and shoppers for money
They were evicted in July - with some even give free flight home
But now they're back and council chiefs say there's very little they can do

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2521868/Roma-gypsies-return-Marble-Arch-aggressively-begging.html#ixzz2nHEzFsKd


On 3 December Mrs Campeanu Romanian Employment Minister said: ‘Taking into account the fact that Romanian citizens in the UK contribute greatly to the GDP and also that many of these people are young and well qualified, the UK should be grateful that these people have come to live there.


12th December 2013, 17:22
....in waste of space - they should not be here at all :cwm23:

12th December 2013, 18:06
The people running this country are truly PATHETIC ! :cwm23:

12th December 2013, 18:16
The people running this country are truly PATHETIC ! :cwm23:

As the Mail readers have commented do them under the Vagrancy Act, Theft of shopping trolleys, defecating in public etc etc. I thought under some sort of EU ruling the filth could be shipped out if they cannot prove they are seeking work

12th December 2013, 18:35
I've given up mate. :doh

What have I got left...20 years if I'm lucky ? :anerikke:

I've suggested to my son that he builds a career that will enable him to escape from the sad screwed-over :censored:hole that this country is being allowed to deteriorate into. Let's be honest, there's no turning back without us turning into Nazi-type monsters. :NoNo:

12th December 2013, 19:50
Let's be honest, there's no turning back without us turning into Nazi-type monsters. :NoNo:

Harrowing thought!

12th December 2013, 23:06
I've given up mate. :doh

What have I got left...20 years if I'm lucky ? :anerikke:

I've suggested to my son that he builds a career that will enable him to escape from the sad screwed-over :censored:hole that this country is being allowed to deteriorate into. Let's be honest, there's no turning back without us turning into Nazi-type monsters. :NoNo:

I think that many people, like you, have given up. This country has been allowed to deteriorate for so long that nothing can stop its dreary and interminable decline. Sadly,our children and grandchildren will pay the ultimate price. Fasten your seatbelts because we are all off to Hell in a handcart.

Michael Parnham
12th December 2013, 23:23
....in waste of space - they should not be here at all :cwm23:

True Les! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
12th December 2013, 23:38
Back in time for the Christmas rush: 'Aggressive' Roma gypsies return to Marble Arch to beg from wealthy tourists and shoppers

Travellers reportedly targeting wealthy tourists and shoppers for money
They were evicted in July - with some even give free flight home
But now they're back and council chiefs say there's very little they can do

Hmm ... :icon_rolleyes: ... reminds me of the chorus from the seasonal song by 'The Wombles' ... 'cept in this case it's:

"All year through
Because we're grovelling :icon_sorry: to th' EU,
They wish us a grovelling dreary Christmas!" :doh

13th December 2013, 02:38
I suppose we should admire their tenacity :wink:

13th December 2013, 10:42
Yes, Cockroaches have similar good points. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2013, 13:08
The people running this country are truly PATHETIC ! :cwm23:

In a nutshell.
It's pointless condemning the immigrants because we would all do the same in their position.
If you lived like them and the prime minister of another country said you can claim benefits for 6 months then you would be on your horse and cart. :cwm23: