View Full Version : So, crime DOES pay: Two men fight deportation to war-torn Congo.

15th December 2013, 09:34
i've beaten dedworth with this one, you have to :icon_lol: thou..

A violent foreign criminal has been allowed to remain in Britain – while a failed asylum seeker from the same country has been sent back home in an ‘utterly perverse’ human rights judgment that appears to show that crime does pay.

read more here .. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2523920/So-crime-DOES-pay-Two-men-fight-deportation-war-torn-Congo-One-thug-assaulted-policeman-The-innocent-asylum-seeker-Guess-gets-stay-UK.html

15th December 2013, 10:10
A senior judge overturned the Home Office’s attempts to boot him out because of the risk that he would suffer torture or ill-treatment, contrary to human rights laws, in the ‘severe’ prisons of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Think you will find that the Blame lies with the previous government, regarding human rights issues so wrong again Joe :icon_lol:

15th December 2013, 10:50
Thanks Joe & the Hate Mail for bringing this to our attention :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2013, 11:47
Think you will find that the Blame lies with the previous government,reguarding human rights issues so wrong again Joe:icon_lol:

les tell me one country in the EU that's not signed up to the Court of criminal rights :biggrin:

i await your answer les :wink:

15th December 2013, 11:52
Irrelevant statement Joe, it wasn't the tories who signed us up :biggrin:

15th December 2013, 13:26
Labour's 1998 Human Rights Act has been a good earner for Mrs Blair

15th December 2013, 14:36
Irrelevant statement Joe, it wasn't the tories who signed us up :biggrin:

oh yes it was les, Edward Heath took us into the EEC back in 1973, later on supported by thatcher - see my pic of her below, the EEC overtime turned into the EU monster we have now :biggrin:

oh and don't forget at least labour gave the public a chance to vote in a referendum to stay or leave the ECC, which the public voted to do :doh

15th December 2013, 14:37
Labour's 1998 Human Rights Act has been a good earner for Mrs Blair

probably an even bigger earner for Cameron's brother :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2013, 16:02
It turned into the monster it is under labours watch :doh