View Full Version : my Indefinite leave to remain, pls help and advise me...

15th December 2013, 19:24
i am cryher, 42 yrs old, i applied my ILR 10 mos ago and i got letter from home office to send more supporting docs. except my husband income support. now after 2 weeks i receive a letter again asking for my p60 or any income support from my husband or me. i dont know why my husband dont want send. we had a bit probs in our relationship i went to london to find a job plus the fact that we had an arguments. so i didnt stay with him for few months. and i dont know why he worried about giving his income support letter to the home office. is there any problem if he send it? coz even if were married since 2010 i didnt get any money from government. i work some time but i dont pay tax coz its not regular work just on call. is there any problem about that coz he didnt put me as his dependant coz he said i wasnt home lately.. really im confused. i dont have p60 coz i dont work full time or pay any tax. what should i do?

15th December 2013, 20:56
It's not possible to give meaningful advice based solely on the information divluged.

If UKBA have requested your P60 the you should send it. If you have no P60 at all then you should provide a detailed explanation of your employer(s) and the reasons why your employer did not issue one.
If your employer refuses you can ask them for a 'statement of earnings' on company headed paper. UKBA will accept this

Likewise, your Husband/sponsor should forward the details that UKBA have requested in connection with Income Support.

Given that you are being considered under so-called 'old rules' it would be quite rare to be refused based on financial reasons alone.

It's a long time waiting for ILR that's for sure

Sorry I can't be of any better help

15th December 2013, 21:11
do you have wages slips ? i take it you don't as you say you don't pay tax ?, did you tell the HO your working ?

are you living with your husband ?

15th December 2013, 21:16
Depends what job you do?

15th December 2013, 22:29
hi thanks. i tell to home office while i dont live with my husband bcoz we had a fight that i work but on call or if theres an available sometimes. few months i dont stay with him. and i have his income support letter. and im not sure if i can send this or will he get any problem if we sent that document to the HO? coz my husband said i dont have name on his benefits the reason i dont live with him few months ago?

15th December 2013, 22:32
hi is there any question about my husband income support? coz he said why should he send his income support letter to HO i dont have name on it. is there any problem about that?

16th December 2013, 12:15
Under 'old-rules' for ILR the really important issue is genuine relationship and continuing co-habitation.

Financial issues do not normally have such major impacts.
Were you able to show evidence that financially there is a disposable income of £112.55 per week after total housing costs?

16th December 2013, 13:41
thanks, id like to know if theres any changes of his income support after we get married? or still the same?i checked his income support benefits its written there no dependant deduction. so he get 115.38 weekly. do u think this enough evidence that i need to end to the home office? coz they only need amount of earnings or benefit that u and ur husband are receiving. since i dont work i cant show any earnings or income. Do u think this is enough evidence to send.. anyway ill write down what the HO need me to send,

I would therefore be greatful if you could forward the latest P60 or benefit letters isued to u and to ur husband informing you of the amount of earnings or benefits that u and ur husband are receiving.

16th December 2013, 13:42
send i mean

16th December 2013, 13:50
and the problem i they need the latest one i only have dated last january and april 2013, there one here dated last september 2013 and its just a letter saying that theres any changes about his benefit :(

16th December 2013, 13:56
do i need to get a solitor who is expert with this matter? ive been stress for almost a year. thank u very much for more help god bles u all

16th December 2013, 16:40
You need to supply UKBA with ALL the documents they requested. Period
If you are unable to to that then you need to provide detailed explanations as to the reasons why.

UKBA are wanting to verify income.

In your original ILR application were you able to show an income of £112.55 per week after the total housing costs?

16th December 2013, 16:42
do i need to get a solitor who is expert with this matter? ive been stress for almost a year. thank u very much for more help god bles u all

I can't really see what a solicitor will be able to do for you at this moment. You just need to supply the documents and or explanations requested by UKBA.

If you cannot satisfy UKBA and your application falls for refusal then yes, you'll need a solicitor/advisor to help you with any appeal.

17th December 2013, 01:14
my husband have letter from job center dated april 29,2013 he will receive the amount of 97.70 weekly but not sure after the housing cost. we cant find the latest of his income support and i dont think this old income support lettr will be enough as evidence. really im confused coz my husband is away and i cant ask his latest income support income.. im really stressed with this. plus im having problem with him he dont cooperate and it seems he doesnt want to give me his earning or benefits letter to show to UKBA. this is the last document that i need to send. But i hardly get it from him coz he said y would he give it i wasnt with him few months ago coz of the fight we had..

17th December 2013, 01:19
and he said its his benefit i dont have name there i dont really understand that..