View Full Version : Bloaters, Cellulite & Bags of Bones

24th December 2013, 15:15
Ghastly beach photo's of so called "celebrities" :yikes:



24th December 2013, 15:39
Don't suppose any of us have bodies we're happy to parade on a beach.
Certainly not me.......but anyway I'm happy inside. :wink:

24th December 2013, 15:41
Eeeeeuk !!! :omg:

My god.....just realised...I'm almost an Adonis, and probably twice their age ! :icon_lol:

24th December 2013, 17:03
Oh blimey those pics are awful - but do we get fooled by seeing airbrushed perfection all the time?

24th December 2013, 18:53
Don't suppose any of us have bodies we're happy to parade on a beach.
Certainly not me.......but anyway I'm happy inside. :wink:

speak for yourself :xxgrinning--00xx3: My diet won't change over Christmas..cereal and Evian are the main staple in my house :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th December 2013, 20:03
I'm still the same build and weight as I was when 25.

In fact, I think I'm still wearing some of the same clothes. :icon_lol:

24th December 2013, 21:32
I'm still the same build and weight as I was when 25.

In fact, I think I'm still wearing some of the same clothes. :icon_lol:

Same here. I posted a pic here on another thread..me with my eldest son and first wife from 1986..apart from hair loss, I'm still the same.

Must be the genes Graham..my mum was the same

24th December 2013, 23:47
Nobody fat in our whole family, and all long-lived, except the left-handed males, of which I'm one.

None of them made it past 70. :cwm3:

Arthur Little
25th December 2013, 23:57
Nobody fat in our whole family, and all long-lived, except the left-handed males, of which I'm one.

None of them made it past 70. :cwm3:

Alas ... 76 (the age my dad was when he died) seems to've been the maximum lifespan amongst his male siblings. :bigcry:

26th December 2013, 01:11
We'd better get our skates on Arthur. :biggrin:

27th December 2013, 00:29
My grandad was 70, my dad 65 I'm 55 :yikes:
To be honest, I don't worry a jot, no one gets let off and always said don't want to be a dribbling old git pissing his pants :NoNo:

27th December 2013, 01:17
Well at least I'll have an excuse then. :olddude:

27th December 2013, 14:13
My grandad was 70,my dad 65 I'm 55 :yikes:
To be honest, I don't worry a jot, no one gets let off and always said don't want to be a dribbling old git pissing his pants :NoNo:

Sadly that's your most likely outcome. Hope the state has enough money to provide a regular nappy change...........:biggrin:

Arthur Little
27th December 2013, 15:04
Alas ... 76 (the age my dad was when he died) seems to've been the maximum lifespan amongst his male siblings. :bigcry:

Yet ... conversely ... :anerikke: ... my maternal grandfather lived to the ripe old age of 97 - dying in 1979 < note the figures in reverse > while his youngest daughter is still going strong - physically and mentally - in spite of being due to turn ninety~six come her next birthday in April!

27th December 2013, 16:17
Exactly Arthur....I could give numerous examples just like your aunt. . .mental instability isn't always a prerequisite of advanced years.