View Full Version : thud thud thud

24th December 2013, 21:45
well its started again and i really do try to ignore it, but it grinds me down in the end, the pounding that comes through the wall, its not loud its just so much base and to top it the tw--ts shout above the music at each other too,
I do wear ear plugs but they do not block all the noise, maybe i just a miserable git with big ears

Michael Parnham
24th December 2013, 22:10
I sympathise with you Steve, your neighbours have no respect also have never been taught manners or had an education! :NoNo:

24th December 2013, 22:15
so true, Michael, the problem is when his other so called mates come round the music goes up, you are right though, its how they are brought up maybe the parents are just the same too, the trouble is i do love the peace and quiet too, so any noise sometimes can be a distraction

25th December 2013, 00:22
You're a better man than me mate.

I'd have had to go round and punch somebody by now, and thrown their speakers down the street. :NoNo:

25th December 2013, 01:09
Print this picture Steve and stick it through their letter box.


25th December 2013, 02:02
I remember coming in at 3am after a long shift, somehow my neighbours had acquired a electric guitar :yikes:
It woke me up immediatly and I banged on door and said if you carry on I will rip your ....... fuse box out :cwm23:
It worked I looked like a man Possessed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th December 2013, 10:26
i have spoken to him and it worked, but like i said its his so called mates, hay ho

25th December 2013, 10:38
I think you have mentioned noise from your neighbours on here before Steve. You should keep a record of when, days and times they are disturbing you and make a complaint to the environmental health dept . I assume these people are tenants in which case could be in breach of their tenancy agreement and could face being thrown out if noise persists. Trouble is you have to prove it and its a long process.

Might be worth phoning env health anyway as others may have already complained and your added input might just be enough to get rid of them.

25th December 2013, 14:06
Sorry to learn this....it's good you were able to mention to your neighbour though.

We all like to have some party fun from time to time......especially this time of year. But just as you say, there should be some limits and some respect to the neighbours...... the least they could have done was to let you know a party was going to to had.

You definitely need to be very wary of going round under impulse with anger......groups of drunks can act in extreme ways and it often doesn't turn out expectedly.......timing timing timing.
Only last week a friend of ours got punched to the ground with serious eye injury after a seemingly simple comment about not throwing rubbish and empty cans around the town centre. Been a huge impact on his self-confidence as well as being unable to work for while. Impacted his family too.........what a world we live in eh.

I have some ideas on how to handle similar situations but won't print them here.

Enjoy your Christmas hols best you can.........:holiday08:

25th December 2013, 15:39
Just give us their address Steve....:wink:

26th December 2013, 12:24
Just give us their address Steve....:wink:


Time for Slugger


26th December 2013, 14:16
Whenever I need some peace and quiet.... :biggrin:
